[Resolved]  HDFC Bank — Harassment by the recovery department!

Harassment by the recovery department!
I am a saving salaried A/C holder in your bank under A/C No. [protected], Yesterday when I was an urgent need of money went to your bank, It was shocking that even though my account showed a good amount of balance the required amount still I was not able to withdraw due to unknown reason. When I tried to solve the same to your Bank Customer Care Executive, The reply I got was even horrifying that the total amount which i need to pay is 66000.I got to know about a credit card on my name which I was never aware of and all of sudden my all transactions has been barred.
It is been 5 years i am holding this account and i never recieved any credit card statement for the above said card, even though bank always had my updated mailing address. Even after repeatedly asking for the details of the transaction, there is no response from the bank.
I am highly dissappointed at this level of service. How can bank hold my money on any body’s instruction & without my knowledge.Now I am in great trouble as I am not able to transact nor able to withdraw any amount and I am great need of the cash lying in my salary account .

Please do the needful to solve the same as earliest, Otherwise I may have to take a legal action
Awaiting your affective reply.

Yours faithfully,
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


I am a saving salaried A/C holder in your bank under A/C No.[protected], Yesterday when I was an urgent need of money went to your bank ATM, It was shocking that even though my account showed a good amount of balance the required amount still I was not able to withdraw due to reason not known to me.
When I tried to solve the same to your Bank Customer Care Executive, The reply I got was even horrifying that my money was put hold by my previous company.
How can bank hold my money on any body’s instruction & without any knowledge.
Please do the needful to solve the same as earliest, Otherwise I may have to take a legal action
Awaiting your affective reply.

Yours faithfully,

Tarun Bhatia,
Respected sir,

I am receiving threatening calls from HDFC Bank, Hyderabad ( Ranigunj Branh ) from Ms. Sruthi.

Please find below the exact situation

As per Ms. Sruthi ( HDFC ) My brother-in-law ( Mr. Yugandhar ) has taken HDFC bank credit card and there is some outstanding amount from last 4 months.

Ms. Sruthi called Mr. Yugandhar father and threatening immediate payment but Mr. Yugandhar father don’t know the exact situation and moreover Mr. Yugandhar father and mother are heart patients. Mr. Yugundhar father given my number to Ms. Sruthi ( HDFC) for my contact and enquiry the exact situation

The twist is Mr. Yugandhar truant from last four months and we don’t know where is now. I am saying lies to Mr. Yugandhar parents he went to out of country because to save there lives and similarly we are searching for him.

I have received a call from Ms. Sruthi (HDFC) and I have taken all the payment information and told her I am the responsible person on behalf of Mr. Yugandhar and explained exact situation and requested don’t call to Mr. Yugandhar parents because there are heart patients and don’t want to hear any your threatening calls. She said OK and I requested 10 days time to pay some amount. She refused to give time and I requested to talk the manager, she said will call after hour time, but I have not received a call from Manager (HDFC) or Ms. Sruthi ( HDFC)

Again today they call to Mr. Yugandhar parents and threatening for payment. Mr. Yugandhar father called me and asked why they have called again.

I called to same number which Mr. Yugandhr father received and Ms. Sruthi ( HDFC ) lifted the phone and asked identity I said my name is Rajanikrishna she said this is courier office. I was surprised when she told this is courier office.

I was tried 10 times to same number[protected] but she was not lifted the phone and finally she lifted the phone and I asked why you are saying lies. She hanged the phone 3 minutes without answer and discounted

I have received call from Ms. Sruthi ( HDFC ) from another number[protected] and she threatening the payment and I asked to her why you called to Mr. Yugandhar parents even I told you not to call and I requested why you say this is courier office but there is no proper answer from her and I requested to connect to the manager ( HDFC) she said will call after 2 hours but now three hours over but there is no call from Ms. Sruthi or Manager

I have requested to Ms. Sruthi ( HDFC ) to send outstanding statement to my e-mail id but she refused to send the statement and disclose the card number. If she will not disclose the card number how I can pay the amount and how I believe this is exact HDFC recovery calls or not.

Mr. Yugandhar has swiped this card or not we don’t know and moreover he is a student he is not working any organization. How HDFC granted Rs.50,000/- limit card to him. HDFC has not enquired any thing to his parents before issuing the card. Now they are threatening for the payment. We don’t the exact situation whether he swiped the card or any other misused.

Now the situation is very worst condition Mr. Yugandhar mother is hospitalized after Ms. Sruthi (HDFC) threatening call for payment.

Could you please explain me how to resolve this situation?

Thanking you

Respected sir,

I am receiving threatening calls from HDFC Bank, Hyderabad ( Ranigunj Branh ) from Ms. Sruthi.

Please find below the exact situation

As per Ms. Sruthi ( HDFC ) My brother-in-law ( Mr. Yugandhar ) has taken HDFC bank credit card and there is some outstanding amount from last 4 months.

Ms. Sruthi called Mr. Yugandhar father and threatening immediate payment but Mr. Yugandhar father don’t know the exact situation and moreover Mr. Yugandhar father and mother are heart patients. Mr. Yugundhar father given my number to Ms. Sruthi ( HDFC) for my contact and enquiry the exact situation

The twist is Mr. Yugandhar truant from last four months and we don’t know where is now. I am saying lies to Mr. Yugandhar parents he went to out of country because to save there lives and similarly we are searching for him.

I have received a call from Ms. Sruthi (HDFC) and I have taken all the payment information and told her I am the responsible person on behalf of Mr. Yugandhar and explained exact situation and requested don’t call to Mr. Yugandhar parents because there are heart patients and don’t want to hear any your threatening calls. She said OK and I requested 10 days time to pay some amount. She refused to give time and I requested to talk the manager, she said will call after hour time, but I have not received a call from Manager (HDFC) or Ms. Sruthi ( HDFC)

Again today they call to Mr. Yugandhar parents and threatening for payment. Mr. Yugandhar father called me and asked why they have called again.

I called to same number which Mr. Yugandhr father received and Ms. Sruthi ( HDFC ) lifted the phone and asked identity I said my name is Rajanikrishna she said this is courier office. I was surprised when she told this is courier office.

I was tried 10 times to same number[protected] but she was not lifted the phone and finally she lifted the phone and I asked why you are saying lies. She hanged the phone 3 minutes without answer and discounted

I have received call from Ms. Sruthi ( HDFC ) from another number[protected] and she threatening the payment and I asked to her why you called to Mr. Yugandhar parents even I told you not to call and I requested why you say this is courier office but there is no proper answer from her and I requested to connect to the manager ( HDFC) she said will call after 2 hours but now three hours over but there is no call from Ms. Sruthi or Manager

I have requested to Ms. Sruthi ( HDFC ) to send outstanding statement to my e-mail id but she refused to send the statement and disclose the card number. If she will not disclose the card number how I can pay the amount and how I believe this is exact HDFC recovery calls or not.

Mr. Yugandhar has swiped this card or not we don’t know and moreover he is a student he is not working any organization. How HDFC granted Rs.50,000/- limit card to him. HDFC has not enquired any thing to his parents before issuing the card. Now they are threatening for the payment. We don’t the exact situation whether he swiped the card or any other misused.

Now the situation is very worst condition Mr. Yugandhar mother is hospitalized after Ms. Sruthi (HDFC) threatening call for payment.

Could you please explain me how to resolve this situation?

Thanking you

Please go to nearest police station, if possible record the conversaton and try to get the bank name from the person, he/she should say that I am calling from xyz bank.

If police do not entertain your complaint - (which they will not do - police are co-oprative these days) then you can go to RBI website, there is a provision to file a complaint against bank.

There are strict rulles now and bank can not use these methods.

But what is not clear form your post is - what do you mean by threatning call? is she abusing, using language or give dire consequenses -warning etc? If she is calling and requesting for repayment - there is nothing wrong in it. They have right to do so.

This is to inform you that your bank is harassing us, we have to pay the credit card bill for last for two months, some how we could not be able to arrange the money, but now we are getting a frequent call form your bank asking for the money they are threatening us.

I just had a word with Suman goel 42200486, she does not know how to talk, when I said that I will arrange the money give me some time than she said that she is giving our case to recovery department under the case of intention of not paying the money…

This is harassment, if this will cont... I will file a case against
your bank

Sumit Talwar
Dear Sir the private bank recovery agents doing very wrong please take some action.

HDFC Credit Card — Complete metal harrasment and Horrifying experience

I was serching for HDFC corporate mail id for regitering the complait agains HDFC crdit card. Since last two three months I am reciving calls from HDFC call centers that there is outstanding on my HDFC crditcard, whereas I do not have any credit card of HDFC, I have only HSBC crdit card and I almost all the time pay in advance or extra. I had told them repetadly that i do not have any card and if they have any records they should give me the details. Hoever no details were given and they stopped calling me for a weak. Today I recived call from my parents while I was in office a legal notice has been sent by HDFC in your name and they were really shoked and afraid. This is really shoking that a bank of such repute is harrasing innocent people .
I really dont know what to do where to go . Without doing anything just like that how somebody could send a legal notice.Pl help me out.
Home Loan
I am a existing home loan customer of CBP (Centurian Bank of Panjab) . After merging with HDFC now HDFC charging me 13% intrest and showing unjustified reason. My Loan Acc No. 90122578, I want to file a case against HDFC in RBI, could you please help me.

Contact no. [protected]
Me too, i have availed a Home loan from centurion bank of punjab. Recently i received a letter from HDFC bank stating it has acquired the CBoP and in a process they stated my interest rate has got increased from 12% to 13%, and since from aug 2008 this has come to effect there is an outstanding amount (1lakh 60 thousand rupees) either i have to pay that amount and maintain my interest rate as 12% or it will be increased to 13% from my part it seems, and my monthly EMI also has got increased from 25k to 27k. now when every bank is reducing the Home loan interest rates, i was in a puzzle that how can this bank makes a tricky and dirty business like this. can someone guide me how can i go ahead? I have not signed the ECS form they had sent. Every day i am getting number of calls from their customer care and getting a nice scolding from them. Is my fate so bad that i have to live with these kind of harrasments?
i m holding a credit card with HDFC bank which i rarely use as the bank in having the worst service i can ever expect. i dont no to which CHEAP courier agency the hand over the monthly statements that it never reched me even a single time in last 5 months.
after that my online account was blocked & to release it from the bank side it took more than a month with around 8 calls & some thing around 5 mails.
the hipe is that the telecaller sitting on the other end r the worst thet dont understand what complain u have & will give any wired solution which will create some more mess.
ultimately i dont no what to do with these people once i thught that i should use up all the credit limit with the bank & become a defaulter with them & make them run after me but i dont like to do so.
i dont no what to do, help i[censored] all can
Manoj Dubey.
i m one of bank coustmer, i m taken pl from bank, due my bussiness faileur, i unable to pay my emi from last 1 yr. i ready to pay my emi, but some more & more time taken from myside.sorry for that, i m never cheating to my esteemed bank. but still having some problem from side.
bank recovery person she is telling her name lina or prajakta.calling every months & threatening to my ref. person. he does not having any realetion towards this, he is just ref. person, but bank professional gave very trouble to them.& his family members.they will clearing from that side, but still having, she was taken serious action from that side.how singal person can treat like this since last one yr.
pliz do the need full.
santosh s kadam
This is KKRaju

What Is RIC Department

I have applied hdfc personal loan as 15 days ago, They saying some miss match with Pay slip with my documents, but i have given correct documents.

Now They are asking 4000 rupees as panalty, now i want know is there like that process, and they said they related to RIC department

What is RIC department

please tell me solution as soon posible

Thanking you

Hdfc Bank credit and Account Dept. — Put My Account on Hold

Hi Team.

I am pardeep Kumar having a sailry account in HDFC Bank and a credit card of Same bank.Bank Put My Account on hold and Bounce a that i issue to third Part with reason "Insufficent Balance" even that i am having approx. 10000 in my account, and deduct 350/. Rupees from my account...with out any information...

Student — HDFC Bank holder cheated me

NO 5B, Rajendra nagar
Tamil nadu

The Manager
Puna Branch

Sub: I put the cash into unknwon HDFC bank holder. Can i caught them.

Respcted Sir/Madam

I finish My B.E in EEE dept in Thiruvannamalai.For the past one year i am trying for an job. i get an [censored] msg through email from HCL GROUP LTD dated on Feb 23 2009. It was they giving job so they i should pay 4, 750 for the transport charges and also they said that it is refundable.. so i paid the the sum account they mantion in my mail. The Account number is [protected] Name DEEPAK KUMAR. But afterwards i know that it is [censored] msg and wrongly put the amount in to the account. i didnt get the interview call letter or any other other documents.Wat shall i do.. Can i get the money return to.. Did u block the account number
Waiting for you reply..
kindly give the valuable suggestion sir...

Thanking you

centurion bank of punjab's savings bank account — couldn't login to MY COOL online banking

i've my ID n password to login MYCBOL. but i'm not able to access my account.
my MYCBOL ID is vish2003.
kindly assist me to login for my online accessing of Account standing in Centurion bank of punjab.

if in case if my ID n pwd to be expired kindly provide me the new ID n pwd. to login to my account.

This is totally cheating...Bank manager has to take some action on this.
I am receiving calls from HDFC bank Hyderabad, Ranigunj since three days and they are misbehaving with me and my staff.

All the time we are paying the credit card payment on time or some time late. Our payment is cleared till last month, the payment is due only for this month of May, because of some reason I could not make it. When I received a call from HDFC employees from recovery department and they you are using such a nasty language. It feels that the employees are from villages ……they do not know how to speak to customer.

Just for one month payment the bank employees are behaving like they are the bank owner or manager. Sometime the employee is saying her name pavani or sometime puja from different numbers all the time…….. the employee named puja is saying all the customer of their bank are beggars and using so vulgar language that we can not tolerate any more….

I think the Bank Managers are allowing them to speak in such manner to the customers…… because after seeing so many complaints in complaint box still the position is same and there is no improvement……….it is because of managers the employees are going high sky and speaking like anything and the girls employees are soooooo bad they do not deserve to be or called as a women.

Not only in Hyderabad but almost in other cities happening the same… pls take some serious action otherwise I will take some legal actions…….

T. Hanumantha Rao

This is to inform you that I Kushal Madhogaria, have applied for a personal loan from your Bank with reference no. 15320758. After getting the loan application confirmation through sms I did not got any call from your end. Then later I contacted the concern Field Executive who came to complete all the formalities for the same. He informed me that there is some problem with my application and as I asked him the details then he told me that there is some RCU related problem with me application. As I asked him the details he told that I must have applied personal loan earlier and that time I must have given some forge documents and for that reason the bank’s credit is not processing my loan application. After this conversation I came to know the problem with my application.

Now as per my knowledge yes I had applied for the personal loan from your bank 10 to 11 months earlier. But that time my loan got approved and I completed all the post loan documentations. But later I received a phone call from your bank that they want to see some of my original documents so I gave your executive time to come to my off and see the original copies of all the documents. Your banks executive visited me at the given time and I produced him all the original copies of my documents, instead of the Xerox copy of the driving license. When I saw the copy of the driving license I was shocked as I never had a driving license and it was totally fake. Then I informed the guy from your bank that it was not mine and I have not given the copy of that document. Then he started telling me that we can understand that it could be made forged by the executive who was processing my loan formalities. I told him the name of the concern executive called Gautam and then he told me not to worry as bank is going to take a serious action against that individual. Later that executive who came to see the originals asked me some 1500 rupees as a banks fees to remove my name from the RCU list as the documents which was submitted was forge. I was very much pissed off with that demand from your bank for removing my name from your RCU list as I did not submitted any such documents. I clearly told him that I will not pay a single penny for that as this activity was done from your own employee. Then that guy started telling me that if you don’t give this amount then he will not remove my name from that list as you will never get any further loan from our bank. Later I thought that this guy wants to take advantage as I applied for a loan from your bank and I was totally against giving that amount. I told that person that I don’t want any loan and as this is not my fault will not pay a single penny to him and told him to get lost. Later 2-3 times he called me for the same but I refused to pay and told him to keep my name in your banks RCU list as I was very irritated.

This is the reason why my name is still there in your forge list. As now I have explained you all the full story behind this I expect you all to go through the depth of this and accept and process my loan application as I was not responsible.

Kindly do me the needful at the earliest…


Kushal Madhogaria
Territory Manager
D2C - East (Distribution)
India Infoline Ltd.

HDFC Bank — working in hdfc bank in marketing not paying a salary single paise

iam have joined in hdfc bank as a sales excutive in account opening and fixed deposits and etc,i have joined in 25.08.08,and recieved a employee code cv11501 but till iam resigning my job iam not recieving a single amount as a salary till date beware of hdfc bank friends.
Harassment by the recovery department!
I am a saving salaried A/C holder in your bank under A/C No. [protected], Yesterday when I was an urgent need of money went to your bank, It was shocking that even though my account showed a good amount of balance the required amount still I was not able to withdraw due to unknown reason. When I tried to solve the same to your Bank Customer Care Executive, The reply I got was even horrifying that the total amount which i need to pay is 66000.I got to know about a credit card on my name which I was never aware of and all of sudden my all transactions has been barred.
It is been 5 years i am holding this account and i never recieved any credit card statement for the above said card, even though bank always had my updated mailing address. Even after repeatedly asking for the details of the transaction, there is no response from the bank.
I am highly dissappointed at this level of service. How can bank hold my money on any body’s instruction & without my knowledge.Now I am in great trouble as I am not able to transact nor able to withdraw any amount and I am great need of the cash lying in my salary account .

Please do the needful to solve the same as earliest, Otherwise I may have to take a legal action
Awaiting your affective reply.

Yours faithfully,

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