Telangana Southern Power Distribution Company [TSSPDCL] — rejection of new service connection - lt

Address: 501510

I have submitted all documents for new house hold electric connection for LT Registration number: NR[protected] has been rejected by AE - Turkyamzal saying that
Rejected as The layout partance to said service was not electrified and it is known that there some land dispute in the court of law as per local authority.

The AE has not shown any official order or letter pertaining to the rejection and simply saying that the local authorities gram panchayat - Nadergul Village has guided him orally not to allow any new connections.

Where as there are already 4 connections released and meters have been fixed earlier in the same location to others. We have mentioned the existing near by consumer number for proof.
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Additional charges on February bill named "GST on DC" for 1080. Need an explanation on this and immediate action to be taken. This is not available in the previous bills. Thank you.
We applied on 28-jan-2019 for the title transfer
in KPHB CSC center .

till now it is not updated in our bills.

Can you please let us know the status.

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