[Resolved] Aakash Institute — Rude behaviour of watchman
Aug 16, 2022
Address: Aakash Institute, Andheri
The watchman of Aakash Institute, Andheri was literally so rude. Apparently there is a different exit for students and today it was raining pretty heavily and nobody had told me that i had to use the difference exit so i went my usual way which is the entry of the mail building, and as i went down the watchman stopped me and yelled at me to go back up and use the different stairway to exit. Since i'm a new student i'm not really familiar with the building so i didn't know what he was talking about so i politely asked him to just let me go for today but he then raised his voice and asked which class i was from and threatened to call the office. well then, i somehow managed to find the exit which was on first floor but the staircase had no lights and it was pitch dark. i tripped and fell down the stairs, all because he didn't excuse me for today. I understand that we as students must obey the rules but seriously?? would it have killed him yo just let me go. Moreover my friend also ran ahead and used exited from that way but he didn't let ME go.
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Aug 16, 2022
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