Morning i went at poonamalee highroad branch for my dad gopal bagdy age 83 for ct and abdomen test. I faced problem as below.
1. In reception the staff r not at all experianced
2. Wen i send to t opp building who has done t testing also not up to t level. At least he shod no english and shod b good dress up . He was looking like wat h men dress and not at all experinced. He shod look like a doctor not t general.
3. Evening was wen i collect t report again t same problem in reception t men who was there dont no english. And his taking t way also not good
for example he asking me twise that u taken t film. But i told him i not taken any thing i was told to collect after5
4. I waited 4 long gor t report he told t report has to come from opp building. But t report was there only
5. Response was not good
wen i ask all report has come he told me yes... But i ask him to chk he even dont no for wat testing t report is.
7. Fully in experinced staff. They shod understand st least english. And shod b dress up good. I dhod feel that i came to hood centre
8. I am sure u understand t problem. Was this information helpful? |
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