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adroitt financial services, has its own branch in Ghazia bad, they have their branch office in bangalore in raja rajeshwarinagar . they have around eight people working around for marketing, back office and client updates.
Majority of them are females, none of them are qualified to work in stock market field all are in experienced . for heaven sake never even make a dare to this company, majority of my friends have been cheated.
They take hefty amount for deemat account, the brokerage charges have been revised buying one paisa and selling one paisa they will suck your blood and your hard earned money.
there is a headlong who runs the show some jude i have forgotten the name she misuses all customer money in futures and trade on behalf of customers they are dealers who punch in the order without a nism or ncfm certification, see guys folks please do not enertain these type of fraudulent companies in bangalore.
software sucks, back office softwares after transferring the amount it gives an error message of zero rows selected you have to call them and beg them for amount update which they take half an hours time, pathetic customer service, pathetic software and towards the end you will never get profit in these type of organisation . never ever approach these type of fraudulent companies and never ever encourage them Was this information helpful? |
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