Passenger given name najumudeen
Surname meera hussain
Journey from tiruchchirappalli (Trz) to kuala lumpur (Kul) - klia2
Flight airasia – ak22 – leaving trz at 2230
Date of journey 30 aug 2019
Booking reference r6ygde
Denied boarding for the above flight for the reason “no valid malaysian visa” – ticket became void with the refund of only airport tax – inr1, 806/
But boarded for the next airasia flight ak28 – at 0015 hours – 31 aug 2019 – (Bqhgui) with purchase of new ticket (Inr11, 994) + onward confirmed ticket – kul-syd for inr30, 050.
Passenger was denied boarding & offloaded for the reason “no valid malaysian visa” but with the same condition (Without valid malaysian visa), he was boarded for the next flight.
The fault with the duty officer is
An officer of an international carrier – airasia at an international airport was not having any information regarding the passenger boarding without visa – availing transit without visa (Twov)
He had to check with klia 2 by which he dragged the time to the closure of the boarding – offloaded the passenger simply replying counter closed – get to the next flight by purchasing new ticket for trz-kul at the cost of inr11, 994 and onward ticket for kul-syd at the cost of inr30, 050
The reason – he received the information from klia2 that twov is eligible for the passengers travelling to and from 7 countries such as australia, usa, etc.
As i was having valid australian visitor visa, i booked online for kul-syd and they agreed for boarding.
But they denied to re-validate the old ticket (Ak22 at 2230 hours with ref. R6ygde) for the next ak28 at 0015
Closure of the counter for ak22 flight was due to the duty officer’s lack of information on twov.
When i reached klia2 by flight ak28 after the struggle at trz airport, i got through the immigration with twov for 120 hours (5 days) with my onward ticket to uae (For which the officer at trz airport was not accepting)
The onward ticket for kul-syd was not produced for the immigration which was not necessary.
1. I was at the counter (Tiruchchirapali) for check in by 2050 hours for the flight ak22 by 2230 - 100 minutes before flight.
When the check in counter clerk asked me about malaysian visa, i responded to him that i was eligible for transit pass whereas he called on air asia duty officer, mr mujeeb, who had to check with your kul office by sending whatsapp messages which consumed time.
Ignorance of practices in airasia circle can not be tolerated - neither the station officer nor airasia trz airport office nor the airasia reservation system was having relevant information of twov, which resulted in delay unto the closure of the counter for 2230 hours flight.
Had the duty officer been aware of the conditions at the outset (Without referring to klia 2 dragging the time) and informed me earlier, i could have expedited the issuance of onward ticket for kul-syd in order to get boarded for the same ak22 flight.
In a situation that an international passenger was stranded, despite valid documents but lack of your knowledge of current practice in klia immigration, don't you have consideration that the existing ticket ak 22 could be re-validated for the next flight - instead serving or treating the fellow passengers with arrogance.
Do you think that i have never come across that the flights are being delayed for few minutes due to the late arrival of passengers because of immigration or late arrival of connecting flight, late arrival at boarding gate, etc.
The duty officer lacking the knowledge about twov, instantly cast on me a question - "why do you fly to kul to reach uae" which was not his botheration. Irritated by this, i asked him what made him to raise such unnecessary question over a fellow passenger - is it not an insult?
1. Treatment of an international passenger by your reverend station duty officer with arrogant questions – to be compensated
2. Ignorance of conditions of boarding international passengers in various conditions - (Denial of boarding only with the reason that no valid visa, cannot be tolerated) – public rely on airasia that airasia have competent persons on duty to help the fellow passengers – but exposing their ignorance and claiming loss & frustration of fellow passengers
3. Airasia arranged only airport tax refund - whereas the baggage of 40 kg which was purchased extra has been omitted - it was paid separately and to be paid back separately
4. Full refund of the newly purchased tickets
5. Your conclusion that “d. Twov is not applicable to any other countries of destination not listed above.” (Response received from airasia for my complaint through mavcom) may not be correct as i have availed such twov in five occasions including this journey – please carefully see the attachment
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DEPT morning 5.35 am.
Money got deducted from credit card for Rs.7103/- at 17.04, yesterday i.e 28th, SEPT'19.
Ticket is not generated, confirmed the airlines also. Please refund the same. No trip ID generated .