I wish to draw your attention to an intolerable injustice committed by your staff at the Goa Airport today Oct 24th 2021 (flight I5 -431)
My family of 5 (2 senior citizens) got late (we were there at 9:05 am for a 9:55 flight) due to heavy rains in Goa. However, instead of helping us board, the counter staff told us that the flight had left -- and then after ten minutes she asked if we had our boarding passes-- We had our boarding passes (web-checkin). She asked us to hurry through the airport. However the following inefficiencies were noted -
1) Counter Staff should have immediately told us to hurry to the Gate since (we had no check-in baggage) instead of misleading us that the flight has left.
2) There was no Air Asia staff who could help us expedite the process at security (at least help us cut the line)/ There was one Air Asia member but she pretty much told us "you are on your own now." (So unfair while my senior parents and all o[censored]s were lugging our bags WITH ZERO SUPPORT FROM YOUR STAFF
3) Usually in such cases, the airline staff make announcements but no announcements were made. They announced our names only when me and My mother, made it to the gate. This was at 9:30 a.m.
4) 2 men (not worthy of being called gentlemen) at the gate (your staff) were rude and told us "Just because you and your mother have come doesn't mean the rest of the family will be allowed --" And they were using a wrong term that the passengers were a "no show" category. How can that be? When we were already in the airport struggling to make it to Gate E with senior parents.
5) Just like helpless people who work hard for their money, my mother and I somehow made it (because we couldn't afford to buy new tickets) went in but my family who reached there in another 8 minutes weren't allowed.
6) The worst part is the plane took off at 10:10
7) The irony was my family was present at the airport with boarding passes-- so you cannot leave without them. They had to spend 30, 000 extra to get on the next flight - Indigo who were boarding passengers 5 mins before takeoff. In addition we lost 24 thousand worth of tickets due to Air Asia’s inefficient staff not cooperating.
After numerous emails to Air Asia all they have agreed to refund is the air port tax that’s about 1773 . I want a full refund of my tickets please help
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