Air Asia — refund and compensation

Address: Jaipur, Rajasthan

Whomsoever it may concern

Dear sir,
I am writing to you regarding the integral & important information which was not communicated to us at the time of booking. This miscommunication has led us to a serious level of discomfort.
It all started few days before my marriage, which was in june 2019. For honeymoon i decided to book flights and hotels for kuala-lampur. Accordingly i went through all the information that i could find to fulfill the necessary requirement and did provide with everything both for visa and flights at the time of booking. All was done and we were good to go, filled with enormous excitement that we had in our heart for the very first memories that we were about to make with each other after on this journey, i reached at the airport along with my wife on 1st july 2019 at around 20.30hrs (Departure time was 22:50hrs). She was excited and happy as it was going to be her first international & first flight journey ever, therefore i was happy to be the first person to give her that. To provide your nearest and dearest’s with something which he or she never had is an amazing feeling. We both entered the airport and
Were asked for our passport & tickets at the gate by the police officer. After providing the necessaries we went to the air aisa counter, where the receptionist (He was male) asked us for the documents and passport. We provided him with our flight tickets (Return basis), visa and hotel bookings and passport. Once he analyzed those documents he made my boarding pass and it was all done. He was about to hand me over my passport and boarding pass and suddenly he realized
Something and asked me to wait. As i had no idea as to what was happening, i asked for the reason. He replied “sir, please sit down for a while, its nothing serious, just a little formality, we will get back
To you” and my heart started pounding like a beatbox. I went to the waiting area and sat there with my wife. She had no idea what was happening i had no idea what was happening and all the excitement that we had and dreams the she had were all in jeopardy. I waited for a while and then went back to the receptionist and asked for the situation. He replied “sir your passport is about to
Expire in december and we are not sure if we can let you go, so will confirm that with our seniors and get back to you, but it’s not a big deal it will get through”. With my heavy heart i said “ok” and
Went back to my seat. My wife was looking at me with expectations and i didn’t know what to say. I was looking confused so she said to me in concern “don’t worry, everything will work out and even if
It doesn’t we will go some other time”. We waited for a while and a senior person arrived said “we are sorry, you cannot go sir”. Instantly
My heart fell on the ground like a balling ball and my brain stopped, i was in shock (More in shock for my wife than me). Our first memory was not supposed to be like that. I am sure everything that i am
Explaining here, you can get an idea of the pressure that we had in our minds at the moment. Hotels were booked, flights were booked, everything was in place and suddenly all gone, just in a blink.
And yet we waited at the airport in hopes till the departure time (22:50hrs), but all in the end, we had to get out of the airport without anything in written by airasia after asking several
Times. Now my question to you is that while applying for visa, we were asked for all the document (Flight tickets – return including, hotel booking, passport, passport expiry date) and visa was approved for
15days (Journey was supposed to be of 7 days, return ticket was on 8th july 2019). While applying for flight booking we were asked for the date of journey (Round trip), name as per passport,, below there was an option of filling the passport details (It was optional): which were as follows 1. Nationality, 2. Passport number, 3. Issuing country, 4. Passport expiry.

It was optional meaning “whether you provide the details or not, it does not matter, it’s not really our concern”. Turns out this was the very concern that took those memories away from us. If something is so important, than it should not at all be optional. Booking neccessories should be cristal clear at all cost. The only reason i can think of as to the fact that passport expiry was not so important for you is that it was not on you to care for, it was someone else’s concern and turns out, it is on immigration department to check whether a passenger can pass or not. We never reached till imigration.

So my real question here is:
1. Who should be liable for this mishappening?
2. Whom should i contact (In case this letter has not reached the concern department)?
3. What is the best you can do for us in this regard?
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