To the concerned
I would like to give you a detailed account of my experience with air asia on the 24th of july, 2016. i was supposed to travel from goa to bangalore by the 14:05 pm flight (pnr no. niqwjq). the facts are as follows:
A) i receive information about the cancellation of air asia flight no. i5-1321 (goi-blr), via text message at around 9:55 am, less than 4 hours before reporting time. luckily, i managed to view the message by 10:30 am, 3 hours before reporting time.
B) my immediate action was to contact your customer care centre in order to procure more information as the text message provided seemed to lack any necessary details. the call centre put me through an over 25 minute ordeal of back and forth and call waits only to inform me that the air asia policy specifically allows them to provide only one of three options: a full refund of your ticket cost; conversion of points to air asia loyalty account or a ticket out of goa to bangalore within the next 14 days. none of the options help me reach my destination on the day i intend to.
C) i specifically ask if they have provisions to put me on an alternate airline out of goa to bangalore (as there were very many operating out of goa on the same day). not only was i informed that air asia does not have a policy of providing alternate airline options for the inconvenience caused, i was duly told that there is absolutely no further higher authority i can contact via phone or in person at the airport who can help me with the same.
D) having been literally stranded by your service, i had no other option but to book with another airline if i was to reach bangalore at the scheduled time, i required. i am forced to spend almost rs. 10, 000. all this while i am en route the airport, lest i don't miss the available flight. the stress i’m put through over the roof by this point.
E) to my amazement, when i reach the airport and have a word at your counter; i’m informed that you do in fact have provisions to book inconvenienced passengers out of goa on alternate airlines. i'm also informed that the air asia flight which didn’t take off in the morning, also has a few seats on which i could have been accommodated, had i not have purchased another ticket. not only did your customer care not have information about this, they outrightly told me that it will be impossible to get such an option as "it's not part of the air asia policy to provide such an option". the complete lack of co-ordination between your customer care and airline /airport authorities cost me about rs. 10, 000!!
I am capable o[censored]nderstanding technical difficulties which can cause you to cancel your flights, but the complete inefficiency and lack of co-ordination between the various departments as well as the casualness with which your company chooses to inform its passengers of cancellations via a single text message (providing zero information of value) is unacceptable. added to that, arriving at the airport to be informed that the customer care employees are providing us with false information, thats just the limit.
What i expect is an apology for the mental and physical trauma you’ve put me through along with a full refund for the alternate ticket i had to purchase. i do not wish to go back and forth with reasons and explanations, having to deal with your customer care officials as well as airport officials was a ordeal enough for me. at the same time, this kind of service is unacceptable and i strongly believe it needs to be addressed and resolved. i expect you to understand the same and resolve it amicable and that you do not put me in a position where i will be compelledto take further action.
I have sent a detailed mail to [protected], attaching air asia tickets blr-goi-blr alongwith the new ticket copy purchased by me and the boarding pass.
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