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+91 80 3300 8000
#91, Level 1, HRS Chambers, Richmond Road, Bangalore, Karnataka, India - 560025
#2. 14/Dec/2014 - With the help of my relative, we booked the AIRASIA ticket using CREDIT CARD, I REPEAT using CREDIT CARD, paid the fee INR 14, 276.00, (I can send the Itinerary for reference which have the booking date as 14/Dec/2014).
#3. 17/Dec/2014 : Received ticket for this booking only on 17/Dec/2014 with the TICKET BOOOKING # T6K72L. My family travelled back to MALAYSIA using this Itinerary (T6K72L )
During 17/Dec/2014, when I check my ICICI Bank A/c detail in the Website, I found that airasia detected my money INR 15, 096 on 13/12/2014 (Bank Transaction Ref. # - BIL/[protected]/C.C.AVENUES/AIRASIA.COM-BLA). If required I can send you the bank Transaction statement
I raised a complaint in your AIRASIA site. But the customer service replied as If we received the ticket for the 13/12/2014. But we did a tele-conversation and explained the above, to pay back our money which they detected on 13/12/2014 from my ICICI Bank A/c, they said agreed that AIRASIA will transfer our money to my ICICI BANK A/c in 10-days time.
But on 23/01/2015 received one more eamil saying "In response to your email, please accept our sincere apologies for the late reply. We have checked in our system that you have already boarded and we believe that you have a pleasant flight with us."
But Customer Service NOT understanding that my family travelled using the Itinerary (T6K72L) due to my 13/12/2014 booking was UN SUCCESSFULL as said above. So kindly let me know when AIRASIA will REFUND THE MONEY INR 15, 096 back to my ICICI BANK A/c.???. Will there be any GENUINE response from AIRASIA???