Address: Dabri, Sikar, Rajasthan 332305 |
The amount shown in my electricity bill for the date[protected] to[protected] which is due on[protected] is incorrect and higher then it should be. The household usage as shown in the bill is 243 kwh.
Now according to the bill itsel[censored]nder मुख्यमंत्री नि:शुल्क बिजली योजना all housholds get 100 units free of cost even for units above 100 there will be an exemption of 100 units so that makes 243-100 = 143kwh
Now as stated in bill itself the fixed charges for consumption of 151 to 300 units per month is 275 but in bill they have stated the fixed charges or स्थायी शुल्क as 460 and विद्युत खर्च should be 143kwh * per unit cost for 151 to 300 units which 7.35 per unit = 1080 but that also they have given as 1404.50 other than all this there is extra expense of 146.52 under other or अन्य which I am not sure the reason for as I have always paid my bills on time. Taking into account the above the actual bill cost should be around 1453 but in the bill the charges are 2101.00 around 552 rupees more than the original value. Please we leave in rural areas and even 500 rupees is a big amount for us 🙏 we request that AVVNL or whoever responsible for the bills generation reevaluate the bill and send us the correct value.
The is[protected]
and bill n.o is[protected]
I have posted the previous bill payment receipts for reference that no amount is due till last months bill for any cause of excess charge. Was this information helpful? |
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