This is a fake ID . An ex-employee who was fired from the company for malpractices. he is from Tamil Nadu not from kerala . Anyone wants to know the reality of this post please contact our office. we will give all the details about this person and reality. We have already filed a legal complaint. Hope you can understand the wrong intention behind posting this add in Qatar airways forum.
Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score.
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+91 79 3004 2000
+91 79 3061 6000
28, Barakhamba Road, Connaught Place,, New Delhi, Delhi, India - 110001
Such type of text does not look a complaint, but a gossip .
The complaint of the customer of the public or private edition of the defined section of the web site shall demonstrate, that the exact company (enterprise) have violated the agreement, which the customer and the company are contracting parts.
This web site does not demand the customer full data, except the demand to introduce his or her or their name and the residing (trading) location.
Fraud considers to be a similar offense in Qatar and in Kerala, India.
The text of the Author's complaint does not objectively include
the relations between the Author and the of (the employees of) Qatar airways.
If the Author considers his or her customers rights are affected by a behavior, which the Author believes fraudulent, of the employee of the Qatar airways, he or she has to submit the complaints, expressed in the Arabic, in English or in Hindi plain language, to any office or to the airport agent of the Qatar airways in India according to the standard Qatar airways form, than the customer has to wait for the decision of the authorized officer the Qatar airways at least 21 days, prior to escalating the dispute at the government level either in Kerala, India or in the Qatar Emirate.
Gossips is a kind of fraud.