Address: Ernakulam, Kerala, 683104 |
With respect to the new trai tariff for channel seldection, i have chosen the channels (Including pay channels, and paid the money as well) in the beginning of february. On feburary 27th, i got two messages like 'since i have not chosen the channels, we are migrating your pack to an adjacent pack' and that 'i need to pay rs. 440/- as channel subscription'.
And when i checked my transaction details, it shows asianet have migrated my package to some package with rs. 440/-.
I do not understand who gave the authority to asianet to change my selection of channels and replace it with channel packs of their interest?. This is actually looting customer. This is totally against trai tariff regulations and the freedom of customer to choose channels of his interest.
I have mailed their customer care email : [protected] on february 28th. On next day (March 1st), i have contacted customer care via phone. They have informed me that they have checked with technical team and within next day evening i will get response and my issue will be resolved. Today morning (March 5th) i have escalated the same to customer care in charge and nodal officer. But everything went in deaf ears as i have received nothing not even a single mail or call from customer care till now.
I hereby request your help to immediately revert what ever changes asianet have done on my selection of packages and restore the packages which i have chosen earlier. (I did choose these 2 pay channels - kochu tv, animal planet, and rest of them were free channels).
Also, i request your help to instruct asianet to take immediate action on reverting my bill details to based on my channel selection.
Please find my customer details.
Customer id : gk91003428
Customer name : rahul Was this information helpful? |
ഇത്രയും നാൾ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്ന ജോസിന് പട്ടിയുടെ വില... പുതിയതായി വന്ന വരത്തൻ ശരത്ത് ഹീറോ... കഷ്ടം... ഈ സീരിയൽ Asianetil നിന്നുo മാറ്റിയിട്ട് വേറെ വല്ല നല്ല പരിപാടിയെങ്ങാനും വച്ചൂടെ... ആ കോടീശ്വരൻ പരിപാടിയെങ്ങാനും വച്ചിരുന്നെങ്കിൽ കുറേ അറിവും പാവങ്ങൾക്ക് പണവും കിട്ടിയേനെ.