I had placed an order for natural science hairball control in your app for my cat. After placing the order I paid for it through netbanking. The money got withdrawn. I did not get any delivery date confirmation and I had to wait for 10 days to get a message today stating that my order got cancelled because the vendor was to be blamed for it. It also said that my refund will be processed in the next 5-7 days. So in a nutshell, you have taken my money and earned interest on it and delivered nothing to me. Absolutely atrocious app. I am definitely posting this to all my friends and family about your conduct of business. I got no cancellation information before today for the last 10 days. Your business is absolutely fraud and unbelievable. Shame on your management, disgusting to have even placed an order in your app.. You know the marketing mantra, one bad opinion spreads faster than 100 good once. I am definitely going to share my sad experience with my circle .
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