Address: New Delhi, Delhi |
Company is not fraud some people doing wrong publicity against company, company is register under govt, company is a limited firm, , i.m pardeep kumar working here from 7 yrs, i'm a simple graduate B.A. nd m geeting around 50000 per month, i'm the manger now in company, , company gives training to all candidate, who deserve that he got guys dnt believe on negative comments, all are false, , , if any body have proof against company pls uplaod it in below my complaints, ,
m sure no evidence would be there
so guys apna dimaag negetive comments fake h, , , , dusri company k employee ya hamare ex employee aise harkate karte h jine company job se nikal deti h
wo kuch ni kr sakte sirf site pe negetive comments krke company ka naam kharab karte h Was this information helpful? |