Bangalore Traffic Police — Complaint against traffic police

Address: Bangalore, Karnataka, 560071

I was ridding the vehicle at Baglur road Bangalore, the person sitting behind me was not wearing a helmet.
The traffic police stopped and charged me with the penalty of Rs100 for that offense and he gave me the receipt and informed me that the receipt will be valid for a day. This happened on 29 February 2016, Monday, 1:43pm.
And the traffic police belongs to Chikkajala Police station.

On the same day another traffic police stopped me at Pottery Road Bangalore and asked the me the documents and suddenly he gave me the receipt and asked me Rs100.
The police said the person sitting behind you is not wearing helmet.

I informed him that I already have a receipt but he said that I have already taken the receipt now nothing can be done and more over there is a time difference so please pay the fine and go, I have to see others also. This happened on the same day 29 February 2016, Monday, 1:43pm. And the traffic police belongs to Frazer town Police station.
It’s his fault, first he should have informed for what he had stopped me and should informed me before taking the receipt.

I had met the Frazer town inspector on the spot and raised this issue but he shouted at me saying pay the fine go away.

These kind of problem are happening in most of the places but just no one is taking this up to the higher level.
It’s a kind of harassment what these traffic police are doing.

I have attached the proof for the above issue, kindly do something.
I have Written my grievance to see the outcome. If you feel that my complain is valuable please do take an action ..
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I was ridding the vehicle at Baglur road Bangalore, the person sitting behind you was not wearing a helmet.
The traffic police stopped and charged me with the penalty of Rs100 for that offense and he gave me the receipt and informed me that the receipt will be valid for a day. This happened on 29 February 2016, Monday, 1:43pm.
And the traffic police belongs to Chikkajala Police station.

On the same day another traffic police stopped me at Pottery Road Bangalore and asked the me the documents and suddenly he gave me the receipt and asked me Rs100.
The police said the person sitting behind you is not wearing helmet. And the traffic police belongs to Frazer town Police station.

I informed him that I already have a receipt but he said that I have already taken the receipt now nothing can be done and more over there is a time difference so please pay the fine and go, I have to see others also. This happened on the same day 29 February 2016, Monday, 1:43pm.
It’s his fault, first he should have informed for what he had stopped and should informed me before taking the receipt.

I had met the Frazer town inspector on the spot and raised this issue but he shouted at me saying pay the fine go away.

These kind of problem are happening in most of the places but just no one is taking this up to the higher level.
It’s a kind of harassment what these traffic police are doing.

I have attached the proof for the above issue, kindly do something.
I have Written my grievance to see what the outcome.

I have updated the receipt below for your reference, If the feel my complaint is valuable please do take an action ..

Thanks ..
Police station No: E/39/1609/1281
Place of occurrence: Kundanahalli Gate Juc
Police station : Whitefield
Time: 10:38
Date: 07/12/2016
Traffic Police in Kundanahalli signal has stoped my vechicle taken the key of my Vechicle and asking for money with no reason.
when i asked for reason for requesting money from me ( I was speaking in English), Trafic constable scoled be to speak in local language
which iam not familiar and asked for licence and then RC card of my 2 wheeler.since everything is available with me,
they still asked for money. as i said 'NO', they have charged with me Court fine for driving in foot path and dangerous
Driving which i have not even done.
I was soo much humiliated by Traffic police's Act.
I will be really happy to pay the fine in court if i have done any mistake.
Act of police man has wasted my time and energy for no reason just for paying him Bribe.

Normal human beings like me is getting effected for no reason.

Please help me to get the justice. I am ready to come anywhere and compliant against the corrupt Trafic police man.
Nanu car no parking nail just move madtha edhe police navri bandru station athra thagodogi 4 hrs namuna wait madsi 2000 amount eskondu recept kotildange kalsidare nam kasta yarigu heloke agola edru bagge yaradru krama thagolor edre please call me sir [protected]

Traffic police near Vasanth Nagar is pathetic and a pain for every student of Mount Carmel College.Near college there are few parking places and from all these parking areas our bikes are taken to the Race course road police station. Which is not very close for students to go especially when college leaves late. In spite of parking in the parking area and without violating any rules our bikes are taken away.
On 27/7/2017 my bike was taken from parking area of service road to the police station. whatever the violation is they always ask for 750RS fine.when the link ( clearly says 100 rs for wrong parking.
My primary concern is "how can they pick bikes from the parking area and claim that it was parked wrong?"
Also the men who sat at the desk to collect money were too rude. I was tired so I was leaning on a car and waiting for the police to come . These men yelled at me and asked me not to lean on the car. Then they asked me stand out of the ground.

There is no parking inside the college. Even outside the college there is no sufficient parking.This issue is also a question of safety of girls. Girls have to stay in police station waiting for police and begging for 2 hours at least. It is the responsibility of Bangalore traffic police to solve this issue and take measures for safety of girls and care about students who have to travel so far to the police station and spend lot of time in station in spite of having loads of important college work after late college hours and spend so much money frequently from students little pocket money.
Sir, I was fined today for defective number plate on my aprilia sr150. The number was attached to the vehical by the dealer, and is clearly visible and legible which totally serves the purpose. Apparently an additional plate is to be fixed on drilled holes on vehical body as per the officer who fined me today. This serves what purpose is beyond me. Exept an excuse to extract fines from the public this serves no purpose nor does it make the roads any safer. Hope there is an attitude change soon and the innocent are not harrassed.

I also had bad experience with Traffic police of Bangalore yesterday who charged me Rs 300 for Dangerous driving. My offence was wrong way driving, which is charged as 100 Rs. The target of cops was only to take money from all over the city. Officer removed my key from bike unnecessarily, saying that you will run and when i object him, he put a fine for 300.

This seems very Pathetic all over Bangalore. Rather day i was travelling in Ola, Uber and yellow board driver was fined for not installing number plate on side of the car. where as he said the car is new & all the number plates are installed by its dealer. He forces to pay Rs 200 without challan as a bribe.

This is the attitude of Traffic police all over Bangalore, they want to generate revenue for government, rather they are not a revenue generation department.
I was pushing my two wheeler ka 04 hn 3716 bearing vehicle number without starting it or riding it, I was searching for ATM at heggadenagar suddenly a constable by name narashima Murthy along with inspector on 01/03/2018 at 11:22:45 am, stopped me fined for non helmet of 100rs fine and abused me with bad language, I told them I was not driving but in fact pushing it, but still they argued with me and fined me.. They have not even signed the receipt nor not taken my sign also on receipt. Kindly please take action against this kind of officials please.. Uploaded fine paid photo copy also sir .thank you.. Jai hind...

Worst police department is our Bangalore traffic police...
They just need money and they ready to fine public with no reasons...
I was Signel jumped near forum mall kormangala, the cop was required to file 100 penality for signal jump, but he also added 300 extra fine for dangerous driving where my bike was in less then 20kmhr
Corruption = Bangalore Traffic police
S am also faced the same problem..
A traffic PC stored my bide for pelion not wearing the helmet..
C he don't have any Chelan but he for 1500rs for without helmet and not carrying the documents as per rule now we don't need to carry the documents.
Again he come to the point helmet for pelion final he asked for 100rs without chelan.
Kachada jana sumne duddige enella kathe heltare nodbeku e traffic police..
Really it's a bad experience I faced in Bangalore

Hope you take further action
Lost respect on traffic police in Bengaluru, they are very cheap bloody worst cops, who hide like thief and catch innocent people for money and they demand like ###, manner less cops.
The cops who took the bribe and they will face their karma, the same situation will happens to them one or other day.
Most of the bangalore trafic polices are called mama, dogs, daridra, kachada, kantri, lofers.

Cops caught me for using mobile and he said to pay 700 and it was very urgent for me and in that situation he sent me to ATM and took cash, the money I paid and the receipt he gave is completely different.

I didn't had enough time to argue with bloody cheap ###, but what they did is wrong and yes govt should take some action on this.
Sir yesterday I face the problem from yelahanka traffic police asi hanumantharayapppa the person sitting behind me not wearing helmet he ask 1000rs fine I gave 1000rs but he returned 500 without receipt I ask receipt he scoldings on me higher officer please consider the problem of public this is worst behavior by asi hanumantrayappa
Beware of parking in busy roads, if you visiting a hotel, most hotels in such busy places have valet parking, please avail it. There are no visible 'No Parking' signs but they tow the vehicle away and the fine is Rs 2000. They know the spots where these incidents could happen and come to tow vehicles away from such spots only and at odd hours when there is no congestion. Enforcement is important but not to inconvenience a tax paying citizen. How can things improve when the government is doing things which are not in favor of public but just to display the fines collected against each regions. Can this traffic police rather spend their useful time in planning how to ease the congestion of the city? I think they can but the easier route of taxing and fining people are taken to show that their job is well done. I had some respect for cops and that they are working in favor of citizens but a huge gap in reality.
Is anyone getting resolution for their complaints? I want to know where I can complaint to actually see some action being taken against these traffic cops. The bangalore traffic police complaint website is not even opening (inster eye rolling emoji). Can someone help me out on this? My conclusion is that the only way we can get resolution is to actually go to the station to which the cops belong to and complaint. But, I do not expect any action to be taken against them even then!
Btp ask dl also they speak in singular words, frankly speaking, if this is continues no body respects you in public as well in future..01-10-20 thippasandra anjaneya temple 3:30 pm checking..very bad behaviours..
There was no sign board that one can not come from service road of kalyan nagar to the main of hennur cross. But the traffic police person took 500 Rs. From me and told there is sign board but i asked multiple times that no board is there and that is not wrong way infact it is correct. But the traffic police told u can't pass this signal and hence U have to come from the next signal and they took my RC and told to pay 500 Rs. Then only they will leave. It happened on[protected] at 5:30 pm evening. I told incident of one place but this literally happening everywhere in Bangalore. I have uploaded a video regarding showing that there was not any sign-board. So please kindly take any action against this.
Yesterday I paid fine of rs 500 cash for old signal jumping. In brigade to Mr Nagraj traffic police @12:45 PM by mistake sir entered wrong vehicle number. Sir said it will be cleared by evening but stodau evening it is not cleared please help me what I have paid amount.
My vehicle number is KA 53 ES 2913
I was going interview purpose . But your traffic police stop and asked noc letter for other state bike. I was bring 300 ruppees. Actually he was asking 1500 ruppees. He was not given receipt also. I was shown my DL, insurance, pollution certificate. All. But your traffic police ask him noc. That traffice police bring my DL and atm keep in pocket .that s why I don't have option to pay. We are working less compensation of salary in Bangalore. But traffic police simple asking money. Every ride on bike without mistake

Helllo sir,

This is the my observation today..

I standing drinking tea near urvashi theatre. Police man capturing photo who coming from oposite direction ( lalbhag to urvashi). Check the logic it's 8:00 clock they are come to bring a milk (beside vega helmet shop). And upto 10 am free to buy anything, and Lalbhag next road blocked which they have to will go? Mistake is govt and police dept. Simply police person capturing photo uploading for fine 500. Redoan is pillion not wearing helmet. What kind of justice?? I asked him about this "ree hogri sumne adu nammista" he said
Dear Sir/Madam,

I thought to complain in social media about the traffic police forced me to pay challan. But, after going through your where you requested not to complain in social media to respect our police department, I am raising the complaint to you.

I am Venkataswamy Pavali and today traffic police forced me to pay 500 challan when I was going to Suzuki showroom to get the number plate after lockdown.

I had driven only 41 KM and unable to get the number plate from dealer because the registration done on showroom are closed due to lockdown restrictions. Even though, I argued with them that how can I get number plate in lockdown because the registration done on 28th April 2021 and lockdown started. I showed the RC from DigiLocker export, Tax invoice SMS and Insurance SMS. But they were reluctant about these and forced me to pay 500 challan.

I cleared told to them that i am going to showroom because the showroom guys asked to visit showroom. I asked the traffic police to talk to showroom guys. But they denied and blackmailing that i need to go to court. When i said that i am going to complain against them then they to me to go and complain.

So, I paid through my GPay to get receipt for the challan they forced me to do. Kindly, see the challan receipt at

Below are the details:
Incident Location: Shell Petrol Pump, Varthur Rd Vill Sidapur, Varthur, Hobli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560066
Incident Date: 29th June 2021
Incident Time: 10:20 AM to 10:36 AM
Driving License Number: MH05 [protected]
Scooter Registration Number: KA53HH7527
Scooter Booked Date: 18th April 2021
Scooter Delivery Date: 21 April 2021
Scooter Registered Date: 28 April 2021

Kindly help me here because this is wrong and due to this wrong doing wrong remarks added to my license history.
Due to these types of incidents the public is losing their trust on our police system.

I hope you will consider my request and take corrective action.

Thanks & Regards,
Venkataswamy Pavali.
Hi I already payed my two two wheeler traffic fines showing in the app please remove my vehicle number is HA01HE8949

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