This has reference to the water bill raised by the department for the month of august 2018 as recorded on the 16th of september without showing the closing meter reading showing a consumption of 2841000 litres. It appears that the consumption figure has been arbitrarily arrived at, presumably by taking average of previous months. And this month they have given the bill without meter reading.
From the above you can observe that our consumption has been very steady for the whole of 2017 at around 2365000 litres to 2450000 litres, but started to go up substantially from jan 2018 onwards. It was then that we alerted and highlighted the abnormal increase in the water consumption through graphics, notice board display, adda notices, display in the lifts and personal interaction and requested the residents to use water prudently and report all leakages and repairs immediately for remedial action. We also tightened up the water usage in other areas like house - keeping, car wash etc. So that the consumption level is brought back to the 2017 level. We therefore earnestly request you to use the reading on the meter as recorded by your staff for the calculation of our consumption, for the coming months. We are very serious in our efforts to use water optimally and will be continuously monitoring the usage and try to restrict our usage between 2350000 litres and 2450000 litres barring any emergency. We are enclosing a copy of the graphic illustration presented to our residents for your knowledge.
Thanking you for your continued co-operation Was this information helpful? |