Bad 😕 It seems that Bhadra Gas Agency has not focused enough on responding to their consumers’ feedback. Because of this, many concerns and issues remain unaddressed, making customers feel ignored and dissatisfied with their experiences.
Dear Sir/Madam,
My subsidy payment is pending from April'15 onward(2 Cylinder) Amount Rs. 206.18+194.68=400.96) not receive and online show that subsidy payment is not getting processed due to invalid, Bank A/C, pls. contact Distributor for correction.
But I have received same A/C one subsidy receive Rs. 289.18 on 15.01.15.
Please do the needful action ASAP.
Bhoopendra Kumar Singh(Mob. [protected])
Gas No.: AP-30445, Bahuguna...
My consumer number is 67808171
I booked one cylinder on June 22 2015 (refilling) But
Badra gas Agency
B. C. Road
Bantwal Karnataka
They are not supplied me till today. I Called Twice The office But they are not giving proffer Answer
Go through this matter and do the neeedfull
Chandrige House
Kallige Post
Bantwla Taluku 574219...
Sub: Irregularity/inconvenience in procuring LPG to Our Area
Ref: Consumer No: BGA 11317
We regret that inspite of repeated assurances by
Bharath Gas,
Bhadra Gas Agency,
Somayaji House Complex,
B.C. Road,
Bantwal Taluk
DK Dist.
DPR NO:...
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