The profile with g1117035 is fraud profile on site. The candidate is married and still approaching girls in india for marriage prospective. All the communications and chats are fake in reference ti marriage. The candidate is making false promises about marriage and is trying to hide this detail that he is married.
Even after complaining the same to site there are no actions made.
The incident has caused mental disturbance to trust other profiles from site.
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Nov 19, 2018
Complaint marked as Resolved
Misunderstanding is resolved and I want to revert back with this feedback.
There is no incident of him being married and it was clear misunderstanding.
The profile with g1117035 (Darshan Gandhi, a chiropractor from carol stream Chicago) is fraud profile on site. The candidate is married and still approaching girls in india for marriage prospective. All the communications and chats are fake in reference ti marriage. The candidate is making false promises about marriage and is trying to hide this detail that he is married.
Even after complaining the same to site there are no actions made.
The incident has caused mental disturbance to trust other profiles from site.
This was clear misunderstanding. There are no incidents of he being married. Everything happened with misunderstanding and misinterpretations . The reviews doesn't hold any relevance .
- Menka
Even after complaining the same to site there are no actions made.
The incident has caused mental disturbance to trust other profiles from site.
- Menka