hi had filled up the form for clerical post of sbi bank but after submittting form and making payment i havn't recieved any registration no. and password of the and also the reciept of payment. my transaction id is SBICLKMAY14LV[protected]. mob no.[protected]
i had filled form of clerical form of sbi bank and i had paid the registration fee but till now i havn't recieved the registration no., password & payment receipt of amount 455 Rs. The transaction no. SBICLKMAY14LV[protected]
transition failed during fee payment
when m trying to submitt fee of I.P university through my BOI debit cum ATM card.. its showng transition failed or application not submitted... plzz help me bcz 7th iz d last date to submitt the form... help me plzzCustomer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score.
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