i have registered for IBPS PO exam with my SBI Debit card through Billdesk. After submitting the final details it is showing that the transaction is failed but the money has been deducted from my account. Please take the necessary steps to refund my money.My e-mail ID is [protected] Payment Status : FAILED(Issuer or switch unavailable). IBPS Transaction ID : cwepojul14LV[protected]v4 Payment Date : 11/08/2014 20:45:33 Application Fee (Rs.Ps) : 600.00 Payment Gateway Transaction ID : MSMP[protected]
Thursday i recharged of jio rps 399 danadan offer from my paytm wallet. My money diducted from my account but recharge not successful. I called to jio but they told me recharged not completed so call to gateway bildeskutil. I tried many times.. But i m not getting any response...
So please refund my money... Bildeskutil oder #JPT[protected]
Wallet txn id [protected]
My contact number:[protected]
Thursday i recharged of jio rps 399 danadan offer from my paytm wallet. My money diducted from my account but recharge not successful. I called to jio but they told me recharged not completed so call to gateway bildeskutil. I tried many times.. But i m not getting any response...
So please refund my money... Bildeskutil oder #JPT[protected]
Wallet txn id [protected]
My contact number:[protected]
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