Address: bachhara patna , jatni |
Respected sir,
I am rajat pradhan from orissa engineering college, Bhubaneswar . Registration number [protected]. Branch - computer science & engineering.
I have a backlog in a subject of 4th semester PCS4I104...formal language and automata theory.
Today when i was trying to appear the exam, it didn't allow me to login for the exam and the reason is the results were already published for 2019-20. But i have not given the exam for the same subject in year 2019-20. I don't know how is it possible that without appearing the exam the results will publish as Fail. Currently i don't know what to do for my exam as i couldn't appear exam today. So kindly help me to resolve my problem, which i will be grateful to you.
Your sincerely
Rajat Pradhan Was this information helpful? |
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