Fair & Lovely Complaints & Reviews
Address: 11281, Marine Lines Post Office, Mumbai, india |
Website: www.glowandlovelycareers.in |
Here i'm complaing against fair n lovely (glow n lovely) they claim that they provide cure for three skin problems in one tube of glow n lovely cream. but after using it for a month my dark circle and skin dullness persist. which they claim to have cure. so i want my money back which i spend on purchasing it because they make false claim and do fraud with customer....
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Address: post box no. 11281 , marine lines post office mumbai, india |
Website: www.glowandlovelycareers.in |
Here i'm complaining gainst fair and lovely (glow and lovely) they claim that they provide cure for three skin problems. but i have used it and my skin dullness and dark circle still persist. so they din't provided what they claim and show in advertisment . so i want my money back which i invested on purchasing this cream....
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