Zee Telugu Complaints & Reviews
Well... i have never seen a collector of any district who have been roaming on roads senseless like you showed akasra who always roams on roads... guys have some sense and do some reality scenes.. instead you take a lot of ### on screens... we get headache of your direction of this serials... please improve your stupid senses......
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1 found this helpful
I have been desperately searching for this since long time it's been 10 months.This jodha akbar serial was made private in youtube.earlier it was there in youtube.now it is not there.please please please upload in youtube. Zee5 is having jodha akbar Telugu but the dubbing audio is not same which was telecasted in zeetelugu...
I sincerely request you to upload in youtube
Make those videos to public.
I sincerely request you to upload in youtube
Make those videos to public.
20 other people found this review helpful
20 found this helpful
Address: Bangalore |
Sreekaram Subhakaram pariharas are not so practical atleast leaving practical giving parihara suggestions for all silly things, try to bring Mulugu Guruji in his place I really like listening to his suggestions than sreekaram subhakaram...
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Zee telugu why are you not uploading veeranari jansi lakshmi bai serial any where atleast upload that serial in Zee5 app pleasee...
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Address: Nandyal |
Website: Complaint |
Good afternoon sir iam zee telugu fan iam favourite watching ur zee telugu serials so requested to u ur telecast serial kalyanavaibogam was shifted afternoon time that place please telecast vaidhehi parinayam serial....
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Plz clarify onething is dz zeetelugu channel or zee kannada bcoz i see in every serial only kannada actors and non telugu actors in lead roles Whether u hav any personal grudge for telugu actors why ur not encouraging telugu actors in leads in 14 serials in zee telugu 12 serials leads are kannada actors only, wy ur prefering them plz #encouragetelugutalent if lyk other regional zee channels prefer only there regional actor but in telugu wy...
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Zee Telugu Recent Comments
- Not uploading old serials anywhere
Zee telugu why are you not uploading veeranari...1
- Serial
Good afternoon sir iam zee telugu fan iam...1