Incident date : 30/11/2017
Outlet - cafe coffee day outlet at terminal 1 - mumbai domestic airport near gate no. 27.
Ccd person concerned : mr. Matin
Narration of the incident
A) when i reached ccd outlet, there was only one lady who was managing the counter. She was awaiting the return of mr. Matin and trying to manage the counter and the orders, she could not attend to the customers waiting at the queue to place orders (I was one of them)
B) i placed my order after some time with the lady for a corn and cheese grilled sandwich and a choco frappe. The lady gave me the bill and then asked me to wait at my table stating that my order items would be called for me to pick up. By this time mr. Matin had arrived and the lady asked her to process the orders in queue.
C) i sat down at the table and was awaiting the order. After a while there is a call for cold coffee and i kept sitting down since my order was for a chocolate frappe. After some time the call was repeated and when i did not see any of the other customers get up, i just went to the counter to check if my order was ready and i was informed that the "cold coffee" was my order. I checked if it was the chocolate frappe and on receiving the affirmation from the lady, i picked up the order. Dismissing the call as a simple issue i sat down to have my beverage.
D) after a while a call for "paneer sandwich" was made. Again since i had not specifically ordered "paneer sandwich", i continued to sit and the guy then rudely called out again for the pick up. I then realised that this could be my order and went to the counter. The order ready was "corn and cheese sandwich" and not "paneer sandwich" as was called out.
E) at this point i confronted matin stating as to why he couldn't call out the correct order name - first time cold coffee instead of chocolate frappe and the next time paneer sandwich instead of corn & cheese sandwich
F) mr. Matin was pretty rude and stated that so what if the order was wrongly called out and i should anyway have picked up the order from the counter when there was a call. He further went on to state that since he was also handling another order, he possibly called out for the order. This was incorrect since except my item, no other item was ready.
This kind of rude and irresponsible behaviour is unacceptable. Either matin is not trained enough to handle the customers or is unaware of the orders and items being processed. Either ways, he cannot be the customer front at the counter and should be immediately pulled out of manning any counter till he is re-trained on how to behave with customers and provide "the customer experience" that is the objective of ccd.
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