With due respect, I would like to inform that I am the student of class 10th . I came across many errors in the answer key of class 10 term1 English board question paper whose code no. is 002/2/4, series no. is JSK/2 and set no. is 4.
I hereby mention the correct answers according to me.
It would be highly acknowledged if you recheck the following questions and, analyze and declare their correct answers.
Section A 》 Que II. 》Que 11. 》Correct Answer:
● (B) which says that sub-option: (B) is correct and sub-option:(C) is false.
● (C) which says that sub- options :(A) and (B) both are correct.
Sub-option:(B) " Both birds and mammals are killed on roads ." It is correct because in the passage it is given "Around 194 millions birds and 29 million mammals are thought to be killed each year on American roads. " .
So, sub-option : (B) is correct.
● Sub-option:(C) "Species most killed are
necessarily the endangered ones."
It is wrong because in the passage, it is given
"The research has found that the species
killed most often were not necessarily
the endangered species." .
So, sub-option: (C) is incorrect.
● Sub- option: (A) "Roads are killers for
It is practically wrong because in the passage, it is given
"Roads are therefore a significant threat to wildlife, and evidence shows that deaths on them could even cause some species to disappear completely. " .
This line shows that roads are threat to small animals . When new roads are built, many small animals die on it because all the procedure of building roads is very dangerous and it is done carelessly and not cautiously by labourers at work.
Also, when cars and other vehicles move on road there can be many chances for any small animal to come under their tyres unless and until the driver is not conscious for the life of many small animals.
● Hence, road traffic, carelessness and non- consciousness by people are the killers for animals.
● Roads don't themselves kill small animals.
It has become threat because carelessly
moving vehicles and carelessly going road
building machines and procedures all
move on roads.
●Since the main reasons behind road kills, i.e.,
how road kills take place, are not clearly specified and mentioned in the unseen
passage it can be a point of notice that
considering road as killer is not very wrong .
Road can be considered as killer in their sense .
●Hence, I conclude that though sub- option (A) is practically incorrect, it can still be considered correct on the basis of that the main reasons behind road kills are not clearly specified in the unseen passage given.
●●● So, keeping the above points in mind,
sub-option : (A) should not be
considered at all incorrect.
Hence sub - option ( A ) and( B) a re correct.
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