They collect huge amount through tele calling. And give a small portion to Children. Eg: If they get 10 lakhs and gives 2 lakhs to Children and takes 8 lakhs to their own pocket. It's a big scam, with lots of employee working as tele callers and they do propaganda though out India and gets huge money. It's a simple logic business, there is no system to check amount collected on behalf Mr./Ms. XYZ and actual amount spend!! I got call from nearly 30 numbers continuously for a month, pestering me, begging and pleading for money. They have a good team trained for online begging. I have saved all the numbers. We cannot do anything legally towards this NGO as they registered with all authorities and submit annual statements very promptly. From the number of calls received and number of people working as tele-callers and mobile numbers used by this NGO we can guess the amount they mobilize through tele-calling. For a patient who requires 1 lakh for surgery, they will easily mobilize 10 lakhs with in days. 9 lakhs is their profit. Running NGO at national level is a good business.
When we uploaded all the documents of the patient and showcasing the details of the patient on our Website, does this mean we are lying?
finally, We request you to verify the truth and post it on social media, If Helping needy people is not an important aspect for you then yes you can assume as per your thoughts
finally, We request you to verify the truth and post it on social media, If Helping needy people is not an important aspect for you then yes you can assume as per your thoughts