I have received a mail on[protected] from cognizant to complete my pre joining formalities. I tried many times but not able to login to my one cognizant account. So please kindly resolve my issue as soon as possible.
Request Id: b4abb861-d476-40c7-a6f4-55744b0c4200
Correlation Id: 44b30612-2aa[protected]fd040856c82
Message: AADSTS50105: Your administrator has configured the application vurukutisaisrinivas_gmail.com#EXT#@CognizantOnline.onmicrosoft.com ('bb557c9c-73c3-4026-9da2-0b57ec4204b4') to block users unless they are specifically granted access to the application. The signed in user 'ENT_onecognizantexternal_SAML_PROD' has not been granted access to this application, either by being a member of the neccesary group or being granted access to it directly. Please contact your administrator to approve access to this application.
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