My 9 month Son was admitted to Action Balaji for acute typhoid and dierroeha, Doctors were clueless what has happened and detoriated the case, later on after three days my son was transferred to Max Saket where my son started improving in 6 hours. Above all the doctors are insenstive and administration is absolutely lost how to run a hospital.
My request to promoters of the hospital to start rolling heads in adminstration if you want to run the hospital in long run and come in to breakeven.
My request to promoters of the hospital to start rolling heads in adminstration if you want to run the hospital in long run and come in to breakeven.
Even I lost my father because of this third grade hospital & stupid bihari doctors.I request the whole world never ever visit this hospital for any purpose.This hospital is actually a graveyard.
I have read above two complaints throughly, I personally agree with the given statements. Unfortunately, I have also lost my father during treatment in this Action Balaji Hospital, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi. My father was suffering from breathing problem and at the time of admission he was fully concious. He was admitted around 09:00 p.m., it was Wednesday, and directly sent to ICCU Ward for treatment.
The next day morning, I met him with my other family members, that time one nurse was giving some liqued food. I was there with him for 05 minutes and in the same evening I spent around 15 - 20 minutes. He was fully concious and he talked in a very good manner and even he was smiling and was wanted to see my younger nephew. I assured that tomorrow morning he will be there.
On Friday morning at 04:00 a.m., I received a phone call from the Hospital that he has been put on Ventilator. We immediately rushed to the hospital which is very near to our house. During this period of 02 days, I tried to ask the Doctors about his conditions, but he did not reply and on Friday evening I was standing before him because I want to know my father's condition. Doctor only said that his condition is stable. What treatment is being given to him, he did not reply. On Saturday morning at 08:30 a.m., we received a message from the Hospital that condition of my father is very critical. One Junior doctor was there, he behaved little good, according to him there is no chance of my father's survival now. I requested him that if chances are not there, please let us know by 01:00 p.m. positively. Around 12:45 p.m. on the same we have been informed that he is no more.
Story does not end here, we asked for his body and requested the Accounts / Administration Department to release his body by taking the payment. It took more than 04 hours and around 04:00 p.m. when I reached to my father's bed, all nursing staff and ward boys were gossiping and even no sheet was there on his body. After requesting them a lot, they wraped the body and given to us after more than 05 hours of his death at 05:30 p.m.
All Doctors, Nursing Staff, Ward Boys, Admin / Accounts persons are not properly behaved, especially Doctors. Doctors are fully money minded. If you meet a doctor in a OPD, very first question from his side will be whether you have Mediclaim policy or not. Only outer show off is there, inner side nothing is there.
The next day morning, I met him with my other family members, that time one nurse was giving some liqued food. I was there with him for 05 minutes and in the same evening I spent around 15 - 20 minutes. He was fully concious and he talked in a very good manner and even he was smiling and was wanted to see my younger nephew. I assured that tomorrow morning he will be there.
On Friday morning at 04:00 a.m., I received a phone call from the Hospital that he has been put on Ventilator. We immediately rushed to the hospital which is very near to our house. During this period of 02 days, I tried to ask the Doctors about his conditions, but he did not reply and on Friday evening I was standing before him because I want to know my father's condition. Doctor only said that his condition is stable. What treatment is being given to him, he did not reply. On Saturday morning at 08:30 a.m., we received a message from the Hospital that condition of my father is very critical. One Junior doctor was there, he behaved little good, according to him there is no chance of my father's survival now. I requested him that if chances are not there, please let us know by 01:00 p.m. positively. Around 12:45 p.m. on the same we have been informed that he is no more.
Story does not end here, we asked for his body and requested the Accounts / Administration Department to release his body by taking the payment. It took more than 04 hours and around 04:00 p.m. when I reached to my father's bed, all nursing staff and ward boys were gossiping and even no sheet was there on his body. After requesting them a lot, they wraped the body and given to us after more than 05 hours of his death at 05:30 p.m.
All Doctors, Nursing Staff, Ward Boys, Admin / Accounts persons are not properly behaved, especially Doctors. Doctors are fully money minded. If you meet a doctor in a OPD, very first question from his side will be whether you have Mediclaim policy or not. Only outer show off is there, inner side nothing is there.
dear all
I very much agree with all said above for this hospital cum hotel . they only attract patients only by outer exposure but actually there is a grave yard inside it for every patient . there is no difference between a hospital and a hotel, both are interested to make money by any means . i lost my beloved mother in the age of just 42 years due to carelessness of illiterate bihari doctors . here i dont want to expose about all those bad days which puts me at backfoot. Only in simple words i want to share that my mother which was healthier than me having only little fever get admission in ward first day, second day in ICU, third day on ventilater, and fourth day in grave yard . From dwarka to balaji about 15 km, she ride with me on bike not by ambulance, was continously chating with me as normally she does, who chooses stairs despite lift is now no more with me . NOw listen docors statement, " her liver is failed, kidney is failed, there is water in her chest, she is having septisemia, and at last but not the least she is having breathing problem so she is on ventilater " these are some different statements on different days by illiterate doctor named as " SEHERA " (contact no.[protected]. NOW U CAN GET CONCLUSION YOUR SELF ABOUT THIS HOSPITAL . It is very hard to believe that my mom is passed away in just four days .
so please please avoid this hospital i[censored] really love your loved ones. Myself wasim mirza living in dwarka New delhi available for any query about this hospital at +[protected] .
I very much agree with all said above for this hospital cum hotel . they only attract patients only by outer exposure but actually there is a grave yard inside it for every patient . there is no difference between a hospital and a hotel, both are interested to make money by any means . i lost my beloved mother in the age of just 42 years due to carelessness of illiterate bihari doctors . here i dont want to expose about all those bad days which puts me at backfoot. Only in simple words i want to share that my mother which was healthier than me having only little fever get admission in ward first day, second day in ICU, third day on ventilater, and fourth day in grave yard . From dwarka to balaji about 15 km, she ride with me on bike not by ambulance, was continously chating with me as normally she does, who chooses stairs despite lift is now no more with me . NOw listen docors statement, " her liver is failed, kidney is failed, there is water in her chest, she is having septisemia, and at last but not the least she is having breathing problem so she is on ventilater " these are some different statements on different days by illiterate doctor named as " SEHERA " (contact no.[protected]. NOW U CAN GET CONCLUSION YOUR SELF ABOUT THIS HOSPITAL . It is very hard to believe that my mom is passed away in just four days .
so please please avoid this hospital i[censored] really love your loved ones. Myself wasim mirza living in dwarka New delhi available for any query about this hospital at +[protected] .
If any one is planning to diagonis his / her disease in this WORST CLASS HOSPITAL, so please take a U turn, otherwise u are going to listen abusive words from doctor ( jallad) ang going to kill urself. Here the infrastructure is very attractive but the doctor are well trained butcher which have no feeling towards patient, here they provide all facilites for the attendent of the patient but no care for patient specilly in ICU which is more needy . Here jallad visted only once in 24 hours to cure patient which is in ICU. they say we will stop medicine i[censored] not deposit fee on time, i.e. i[censored] are one hour late to deposit fee they will delay medicine by one hour to patient said by fee attendent MISS/MRS. KAJAL . my beloved mother takes her last breath due to carelessness o[censored]ntrained DR. shera in medical ICU. U people must believe that my mom was 98% stable at home, her BP, HEART PULSE RATE, RESPIRATORY SYSTEM WAS perfectly smooth. i cant believe this that my mom which was pillon rider on my bike from DWARKA to BALAJI 14 km. from my house, for treatment, which was laughing and chatting in that whole journey is passed away in just three days . initally she was problem of vomiting before departing from house, to diagonis this problem she headed to BALAJI ACTION HOSPITL paschim vihar, doctors put her one day in ward, and next two days in ICU on ventilator, where she takes her last breath. IN these three day they were unable to know the exact problem of my mom . whenever i asked about problem they have different versions of answers only they were busy to chck different type of report.and test...And atlast they say she have multiorgans failure . Her BP, PULSE RATE, RESPIRATORY WAS OUT OF ORDER DUE TO THEIR CARELESSNESS ONE MONOPOLY OF ADMIN. IS TO HIRING OF SOUTH INDIAN NURSES SO THAT ATTENDENT IS UNABLE TO TALK WITH THEM AND THEY CAN EASILY CHAT WTH EACH OTHER...THUS THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HOTEL AND HOSPITAL, BOTH ARE INTERESTED TO MAKE MONEY. BOTH ARE ASKED WHICH TYPE OF ROOM U WANT, BOTH HAVE FACILITES OF EATABLES, BOTH HAVE LUXURY INFRASTUCTURE TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS.
i agree this hospital has substandard services and unqualified doctors who are just after money.
Is there any way to get this Hospital stop killing people?... Is there is any law that can intervene?...
there is no point simply writing about how they have hurt one and all... much more needed is how to stop them from doing more harm... is there a consumer cell or some authority that can take some action against them and get this hospital shut down for betterment of public at large...
there is no point simply writing about how they have hurt one and all... much more needed is how to stop them from doing more harm... is there a consumer cell or some authority that can take some action against them and get this hospital shut down for betterment of public at large...
I want Anna Hazzare type aggressive & mass movement (but not hunger strike) but one can start shouting slogans against Action Balaji Hospital on the Red Lights whenever the vehicle stops at all the streets of Delhi. Action Balaji Hospital murdabad - bekar - third grade hospital. Let the owner come forward as so many complaints are pouring in and he is becoming a businessman - not caring at all. Medical Bills are inflated for admitted patients. Noproper and fast cure rather deaths... God is watching all...
So NEVER visit action balaji hospital... for God sake...
So NEVER visit action balaji hospital... for God sake...
My father got admitted in Balaji Hospital on 18.04.11 and the timing for the surgery was 11 a.m. But the surgery started at 5:15 p.m. Also, it was agreed beforehand that my father would get AL, but instead they gave him GA which left him unconscious for more than 3 hours. When he regained consciousness, he found himself half out of the stretcher, almost about to fall. But nobody cared. Next morning, the doctor was supposed to visit him at 8 .am. Till that time my father was instructed to not eat anything before the visit. The doctor came after 10a.m and when he said to give food to the patient, the cafeteria was out of patient's food.
At the time of discharge, the doctor had asked the nurse to prepare the file an sent it to billing at 11am. Instead she kept our file on hold and said she would send the file for billing, one she is through with the other files of the patients. As a result our file went for billing after 12noon. At the billing section, the concerned person noticed that the "code" to be mentioned by the doctor was missing. Instead of asking the doctor for the same, they kept delaying the procedure, which left us stranded till 2:30pm. Once we got the bill, we noticed that the date of surgery was mentioned as 19.04.11 instead of 18.04.11. When we objected, they took another 1hour to give us the revised bill. As a result we could leave the hospital only after 3:30pm...
This has been by far the most horrible experience. Think twice before going to such kind of a place.
At the time of discharge, the doctor had asked the nurse to prepare the file an sent it to billing at 11am. Instead she kept our file on hold and said she would send the file for billing, one she is through with the other files of the patients. As a result our file went for billing after 12noon. At the billing section, the concerned person noticed that the "code" to be mentioned by the doctor was missing. Instead of asking the doctor for the same, they kept delaying the procedure, which left us stranded till 2:30pm. Once we got the bill, we noticed that the date of surgery was mentioned as 19.04.11 instead of 18.04.11. When we objected, they took another 1hour to give us the revised bill. As a result we could leave the hospital only after 3:30pm...
This has been by far the most horrible experience. Think twice before going to such kind of a place.
Mrs. Tajinder Sachdeva visited the emergency dept.on the advice of C.G.H.S. on lst saturday(7/5/2011) at around 11am.Pl. convey our thanks to Dr. Sandeep who attended her immediately.However we bring out the following which is just afeed-back not complaint.
Patient was to undergo ultra sound scanning for abdomen.Patient was given water to drink, instructed to intimate when pressure developed. when pr.came in, Dr. Anamika on duty was approached, she turned a deaf ear and told to contact counter. When lady on counter was contacted, she expressed her inability to do anything.The situation can be well imagined when aill patient from emergency unit having pressure is not attented just at time. as explained later the aforesaid time was lunch time. However Dr. Anamika attended and conducted scanning after repeated request.We earnestly feel such small lacuna clouds the cometitiveness and reputation of sech esteemed Hospital -T.R.Sachdeva, 7/17, south patel nagar, New-Delhi-110008.Anticipating a word,[protected]
Patient was to undergo ultra sound scanning for abdomen.Patient was given water to drink, instructed to intimate when pressure developed. when pr.came in, Dr. Anamika on duty was approached, she turned a deaf ear and told to contact counter. When lady on counter was contacted, she expressed her inability to do anything.The situation can be well imagined when aill patient from emergency unit having pressure is not attented just at time. as explained later the aforesaid time was lunch time. However Dr. Anamika attended and conducted scanning after repeated request.We earnestly feel such small lacuna clouds the cometitiveness and reputation of sech esteemed Hospital -T.R.Sachdeva, 7/17, south patel nagar, New-Delhi-110008.Anticipating a word,[protected]
Guys you are right. I have a similar story. I had just a feeling of vomiting one day. and went to Balaji Hospital in Paschim vihar. When i got entered in the hospital, doctors were asking about the kind of rooms such as luxury, deluxe or other rooms. May be they wanted to make me patient intentionally and gave me some heavy dose injections, within 2 days it converted to jaundice, which took 5 months to recover. My work got also suffered from it, but the doctors there just wanted to make money. They do not care about the emotions of anybody. Nowadays i think that i should not have gone there...I would request everyone that nobody should go there for any kind of treatment, as it can be life threatening 4 u.
In my point of view, Action Balaji has worst service. Their service is just like government service whether they don’t give proper care to patient. No action is taken.
Dear Soumya Bedi,
We are sorry about the loss of your father. Could you please provide us with more
details about what exactly happened so we can address the issues accordingly?
To address your grievances, we would need certain details, such as, date of
admission at the hospital, type of treatment, the name and age of your father, and
the disease(s) he was suffering from at that time. You can call us/mail us
anytime of the day to share your concerns with us, we will be more than pleased
to everything in our capacity to address your queries and concerns. You can
also fill-up the following form on our website, we will give you a call after
receiving your feedback and try to address all your grievances:
Or you can give us a call at:
Tel. : +[protected], 45666666
Fax. : +
Or visit our hospital. We welcome feedbacks from our
patients, they help us improve our services.
Thank you.
We are sorry about the loss of your father. Could you please provide us with more
details about what exactly happened so we can address the issues accordingly?
To address your grievances, we would need certain details, such as, date of
admission at the hospital, type of treatment, the name and age of your father, and
the disease(s) he was suffering from at that time. You can call us/mail us
anytime of the day to share your concerns with us, we will be more than pleased
to everything in our capacity to address your queries and concerns. You can
also fill-up the following form on our website, we will give you a call after
receiving your feedback and try to address all your grievances:
Or you can give us a call at:
Tel. : +[protected], 45666666
Fax. : +
Or visit our hospital. We welcome feedbacks from our
patients, they help us improve our services.
Thank you.
Dear Jenkins,
Please give your feedback on our website:
You can also share your grievances over phone or mail. All contact details are
given on the website. Please do share you experience with us so we can resolve
the persisting issues and serve our patients better in future. If you can share
a detailed feedback with us, we would be in a better position to understand
your complaints and address them as fast as we can.
Thank you.
Please give your feedback on our website:
You can also share your grievances over phone or mail. All contact details are
given on the website. Please do share you experience with us so we can resolve
the persisting issues and serve our patients better in future. If you can share
a detailed feedback with us, we would be in a better position to understand
your complaints and address them as fast as we can.
Thank you.
Dear Vipin Kumar Marwah,
We are sorry to know about the loss of your father. Please share all your
grievances and complaints with us over phone or mail so we can address them as
fast as we can. You can also share your feedback on our website:
Kindly provide us more details because we need
to verify your claims. Please be assured we will take corrective measures to
rectify any issues that our patients or their family members face while at the
hospital. For this, we need certain details such as the name and age of the
patients, contact number, name of the disease, consultant doctor and facility, and
the type of treatment or service availed. We take feedbacks seriously, they
help us improve our services.
Here are our contact details:
Tel. : +[protected], 45666666
Fax. : +
e-Mai :- [protected]
Look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.
We are sorry to know about the loss of your father. Please share all your
grievances and complaints with us over phone or mail so we can address them as
fast as we can. You can also share your feedback on our website:
Kindly provide us more details because we need
to verify your claims. Please be assured we will take corrective measures to
rectify any issues that our patients or their family members face while at the
hospital. For this, we need certain details such as the name and age of the
patients, contact number, name of the disease, consultant doctor and facility, and
the type of treatment or service availed. We take feedbacks seriously, they
help us improve our services.
Here are our contact details:
Tel. : +[protected], 45666666
Fax. : +
e-Mai :- [protected]
Look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.
Dear P K Mishra
We would appreciate if you could provide your feedback on our website so we improve
our services. Give you feedback here:
You can also contact us on the following phone numbers:
+[protected], 45666666
You can also give your feedback in mail:
Please be assured we will try to do our best to address
the issues raised by you.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
We would appreciate if you could provide your feedback on our website so we improve
our services. Give you feedback here:
You can also contact us on the following phone numbers:
+[protected], 45666666
You can also give your feedback in mail:
Please be assured we will try to do our best to address
the issues raised by you.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
Dear Sir
Greetings of the day!!!
We appreciate your concern.
We request you to visit our Hospital, so that your meeting can be arranged with the concerned authorities/consultants to resolve your concern.
Kindly convey us the date and time as suitable to hold the meeting.
Thanks & Regards
Team Action
Greetings of the day!!!
We appreciate your concern.
We request you to visit our Hospital, so that your meeting can be arranged with the concerned authorities/consultants to resolve your concern.
Kindly convey us the date and time as suitable to hold the meeting.
Thanks & Regards
Team Action
Dear Arun
Greetings of the day!!!
We appreciate your concern.
We request you to visit our Hospital, so that your meeting can be arranged with the concerned authorities/consultants to resolve your concern.
Kindly convey us the date and time as suitable to hold the meeting.
You can also contact us on the following phone numbers:
+[protected], 45666666
You can also give your feedback in mail:
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks & Regards
Team Action
Greetings of the day!!!
We appreciate your concern.
We request you to visit our Hospital, so that your meeting can be arranged with the concerned authorities/consultants to resolve your concern.
Kindly convey us the date and time as suitable to hold the meeting.
You can also contact us on the following phone numbers:
+[protected], 45666666
You can also give your feedback in mail:
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks & Regards
Team Action
Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score.
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+91 11 4566 6666
+91 11 4288 8888
A - 4, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi, India - 110063
so please please avoid this hospital i[censored] really love your loved ones