[Resolved]  Air Asia — Air Asia Poor Service

Hello, everyone! I was so angry and have no place to shout my angryness !!!

I have an urgent business meeting thus I would like to change my flight ealier back to KL.

I was trying to change my flight schedule through their oficial website (www.airasia.com.my). Due to the sloe internet connection in town (it's not a big city), some connection error occurred thus I submit and rerfill the information few times. Anyhow, after certain try, the record LOCKED !!! I call the service centre to ask for solutions BUT there are no ppl picking up the phone, I was holding the line for 20 minutest for each calls. After perhaps 1 hour, finally someone picking up the phone, I ask for solutions, they come back with the ans :"Sorry madam, once the record LOCKED, its LOCKED, you're NOT able to change anything online ANYMORE, you have to change at the airport counter/sales office/via phone, BUT we'll charge the prices HIGHER!!!

OMG, I was like...shocked and nothing to say coz I explained to him that today is SATURDAY, the nearest sales office are closed and the airport are REALLY far far away. Can he just help me unlocked so I can settle all this at home (at very efficient, reasonable and convenience way). He replied that :" sorry madam, We're unable to UNLOCKED it, either you pay higher price to change the schedule or stick with the purchased date."

I am so angry so I send lots of complaint letter to air asia online, HOWEVER, there're NO response at all. Obviously, they didn't treat the passangers well. Air Asia with Good Service, NO WAY !!!
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Aug 14, 2020
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I AGREE with the complaint about Airasia,
Please see the below my email to their service support and the respond are so slow!
Airasia is keep in changing the flight schedule quite often recently! It's really irresponsibility!

Hi Mahendran, /Martin

Or there is another option, can you please replace my original flight from SIN-KCH on 10th Feb to

Thursday, 11 Feb 2010, from KUL-KCH, time[protected] with Flight AK 5212
1620 (KUL) 1805 (KCH) AK 5212 Adult
293.00 MYR Economy

Meantime, the balance of the money u can issue a voucher or credit shell. The transport from SIN to KUL i got to bear and arrange by my own.

As you see, the price of your Airasia from KUL to KCH is keep in increasing, it's not fair to me just keep in waiting for your late conclusion, please expedite on it.

Please get back to ASAP

JF Phang

--- On Fri, 11/12/09, phang jin fung <@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: phang jin fung <[protected]@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: FW: Airasia XE7YAR Reschedule TIMING
To: "Malaysia Support" <[protected]@airasia.com>
Date: Friday, 11 December, 2009, 11:55 PM

Hi Martin,

It will be a NIGHTMARE for me to "continuous support towards Air Asia" in the future!
As you mentioned "30 to 60 working days for the process..."
Can you check the calender when would be 30 to 60 working days? My original booking schedule is on 10th Feb 2010. I'm going back hometown for the Chinese New Year celebration, do u think the Chinese New Year can be "delay or wait" for 30 to 60 working days?
Come on, I just want to refund so that I could get another flight ticket to fly from KL to Kuching, I bought the ticket from SIN to KCH cost SIN$ 156 which equavalent to more than RM350. If I would like to purchase the ticket form KUL to KCH just RM 200++, so how about the balance will do if you just issue me a so call "credit shell" which also with the CONDITION that VALID FOR 90 DAYS.????

As I know, that credit shell will only allow me to use it in ONE TIME, am I right? So how about the balance? I'm not sure i will use it in 90 days from now on...

That's why I propose and asking if you could issue me the 2 seperate credit shell for me, with maybe one year validation???

As I'm a regular passenger of Airasia, for many year since Airasia was 1st set up, I was very dissapointed with the below mentioned incident. Further more, my brother flight schedule from JHB to KCH and return on Feb 2010 also changed. For that, he still can compromise it. But for my case, I have no more other choice to get another flight as all the flight has been fully booked.

Please assit me on to this matter, I was so DISSAPOINTED and STRESSED due to the changing of flight schedule of Airasia. As you see, I have boooked it on last May, which is few month back ago. It's make me get CRAZY, MAD and STRESSED to rearrange all the schedule again and again.
I don't know why Airasia SOUND don't like to refund the money to customer as the changing of schedule is by Airasia, not customer!!! If customer change the schedule, we have to pay for the admin charge bla bla...and so on, then how about if Airasia change it;s schedule? how?... Is it fair to the customer?

How i going to continuous support towards Air Asia????
From SIN to KCH, I have many other choice of low cost flight, Tiger Air & Jetstar..
Please get back to me ASAP!

JF Phang

--- On Fri, 11/12/09, Malaysia Support <[protected]@airasia.com> wrote:

From: Malaysia Support <[protected]@airasia.com>
Subject: FW: Airasia XE7YAR Reschedule TIMING
To: "[protected]@yahoo.com" <@yahoo.com>
Date: Friday, 11 December, 2009, 5:11 PM

Dearv Phang,

Thank you for emailing Air Asia.

With regard to your refund inquiry, please be informed that we have sent your booking for processing. Kindly allow 30 to 60 working days for the process.

Your patience and cooperation is highly appreciated as we look forward to your continuous support towards Air Asia

Best Regards,
Malaysia Support ( Air Asia )
AirAsia Berhad
LCC Terminal, Jalan KLIA S3,
Southern Support Zone, KLIA,
64000 Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan,

From: phang jin [protected]@yahoo.com]
Sent: 11 December 2009 09:47 AM
To: Malaysia Support
Subject: Fw: Airasia XE7YAR Reschedule TIMING

Hi Mahendran.
Malaysia Support ( Air Asia )
AirAsia Berhad

Refer the our earlier email as below, May I know what is the outcome now? As i need to rearrange the schedule urgently!

JF Phang

From: phang jin fung <@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fw: Airasia XE7YAR Reschedule TIMING
To: [protected]@airasia.com
Date: Thursday, 10 December, 2009, 1:21 PM

Hi Mahendran.
Malaysia Support ( Air Asia )
AirAsia Berhad

Refer the our earlier email as below, May I know what is the outcome now? As i need to rearrange the schedule urgently!

JF Phang

JF Phang

--- On Sun, 6/12/09, Malaysia Support <[protected]@airasia.com> wrote:

From: Malaysia Support <[protected]@airasia.com>
Subject: Airasia XE7YAR Reschedule TIMING
To: "@yahoo.com" <@yahoo.com>
Date: Sunday, 6 December, 2009, 2:56 PM

Dear Phang,

Thank you for emailing Air Asia.

With regards to your query, pleased be inform that, your case has been escalated to the finance department
We will get back to you once, we have received the reply from the relevant department.

Best regards,
Malaysia Support ( Air Asia )
AirAsia Berhad
LCC Terminal, Jalan KLIA S3,
Southern Support Zone, KLIA,
64000 Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan,

From: phang jin fung @yahoo.com]
Sent: 05 December 2009 11:23 PM
To: Malaysia Support
Subject: Re: Airasia XE7YAR Reschedule TIMING

It's regret to read your reply about the above mentioned matter.
If such a case, could i refund the ticket with cash?
I's also very UNREASONABLE if you offer you a full amount of credit shell with the condition it's only VALID 90 DAYS.
As you, I will need the refund to purchase another air ticket (may by other airline) for the Chinese New Year, however, AIRASIA has no seat available for that period, can you advise me what can I do?
Hence, I would like to get the Cash, or the voucher without expiry date (the voucher shall be in 2 separate amount as I can purchase in 2 times, other than 1 time)
Kindly please revert to me ASAP or contact me at +[protected].

JF Phang

--- On Fri, 4/12/09, Malaysia Support <[protected]@airasia.com> wrote:

From: Malaysia Support <[protected]@airasia.com>
Subject: Airasia XE7YAR Reschedule TIMING
To: "yahoo.com>
Date: Friday, 4 December, 2009, 6:44 PM

Dear Phang Jin Fung,

Thank you for emailing Air Asia.

With regard to your request, we regret to inform you that we are unable to reroute the flight from SIN-KUL and then KUL-KCH as per Air Asia T&C.

However we are pleased to offer you a full amount of credit shell which you can utilize on a later date.

The credit shell amount can be utilize on the following options:

Ø Make new bookings, pre-booked meals and baggage

Ø Make changes to an existing bookings, pre-booked meals and baggage

If you wish to utilize this option, we would greatly appreciate if you can provide us the member ID. This can be created by following the procedures below:

1) Log in to www.airasia.com

2) Register as a member

3) Click on ‘ My Account ’ upon login

4) Retrieve the Customer ID beginning with number 2

ie: 2xxxxxxxxx ( 10 digits )

Lastly, kindly take note of the following:

It is valid for 90 days
Once expired, it will be locked by the system and it is not extendable
It is applicable for AK, FD and QZ flights only ( Short haul flights not more than 4 hours )
It is transferable to any family members or friends

We will create the credit shell upon receiving your reply, and will update you accordingly.

Should you have further inquiries, please refer to our website by following this link:

http://www.airasia.com> select country > select language > Help & Info > Contact Us

Best regards,

Malaysia Support ( Air Asia )
AirAsia Berhad
LCC Terminal, Jalan KLIA S3,
Southern Support Zone, KLIA,
64000 Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan,


From: phang jin fung @yahoo.com]
Sent: 03 December 2009 10:25 PM
To: Guest Support
Cc: Malaysia Support; [protected]@airasia.com
Subject: Airasia XE7YAR Reschedule TIMING

I was informed that yy original of the flight schedule of the booking no XE7YAR has been reschedule to earlier time by Airasia few days ago. The timing is 10am istead of 8pm.
I found that the new timing is not suitable at all for me as I have appointment on the day time on 10th Feb 10.
I have called to yr service center to reschedule it but there r no more seat available from 11th Feb onward as it is the Chinese New Year season.
I porpose that you can arrange that I could have a transit at KUL, means from SIN to KUL, KUL to KCH on 11th Feb as i found there still have many available.
It is very dissapointed as I'm a regular custumer of Airasia, however, the reschedule timing has created problem to me, as I can't get any more flight ticket available from SIN to KCH from other airlines at that period.

JF Phang
Mengenai talian[protected] &[protected] talian ini adalah talian untuk mendengar suara komputer ke ? berpeluh basah gangang talipon tak juga menjawab. Talian ini bukannya FREE dah la nak tanya perkara yang mustahak main main pula dengan talian jahanam ini.
Kalau sibuk sangat guna la banyak talian atau order la pekerja dari luar jangan dok bagi orang marah, acap kali di sumpah masinnya mulut orang bangkerap la syarikat.
I was traveling with my hiusband to Guangzhou in a ronud trip with AirAsia, unfortunately, my husband's baggage was spoiled on the return flight.We made a report to the staff at the LCCT Terminal, the staff who atten us filled up a form that is ( PROPERTY IRREGULARITY REPORT).and also said that the baggage cannot be repaired anymore and told us to claim it online.After arriving home, I try the airasia website (live help) and chat with the staff seeking some help how to claim for my baggage.I have try to send Email to the AirAsia Customer Care Centre together with the details stated in the PIR but could not .i was so Upset and angry with the poor service of the airlines.I tried many times but what the AirAsia website Email giving me the reply is (the email you sent was permantly terminated).The report I have made is on 15th March 1.50a.m.until today 30th March, I still not knowing how and what should I do so that I can sucessfully claim for my baggage.
Lack of AirAsia Support service at Trivandrum AirportFriday, April 9, 2010 10:15 AMFrom: "kanavila Sudhir" <[protected]@yahoo.com>Add sender to ContactsTo: [protected]@airasia.comCc: [protected]@singnet.com.sgHello there,

I am writing in to highlight my recent confusion and disappointment with AirAsia with regards to my booking of flight to Singapore from Trivandrum via Kuala Lumpur.

On 23 March 2010, I had made an online booking for four guests to depart Trivandrum and reach KL on 6 April 2010.

The booking number is O65HBE.

In the same online transaction, I made a similar booking to leave KL on 6 April 2010 to reach Singapore on the same day.
The booking number is C75JCI.

The online transactions were successful and together with my family, I made the trip down to Trivandrum International Airport.

I was shocked when I was told off by the officer from AirAsia at the Trivandrum International Airport that because I did not have a Malaysian Visa, I will not be able to travel on my previous bookings. I was caught by surprise and explained the rationale that I understand my family and I to be considered 'n transit' in KL as Singapore was my destination. I was to only spend 5 hours in KL aiport with my family before taking another flight to SIngapore. I had also applied for relevant Singapore tourist visas and ensured that the trip was to be a smooth one.

I was extremely disappointed to be told this, at the airport itself as I took it upon myself to read all the necessary regulations and flight details on the AirAsia website when I was making my online transaction of the bookings. In total, I had spent 44, 145 IN Rupees and 992 Malaysian Ringgit for the two trips that my family and I was suppose to made. In the end, I had no choice but to make another flight booking with SilkAir for a direct flight to Singapore which cost my family and I, a total of INR70, 816 IN Rupees. I can provide the necessary flight booking details and information if required.

I have since called the AirAsia office in SIngapore to explain my disappointment and they have directed me to send an email to this address. I am genuinely hoping for some clarification and possible compensation/refund because I was only told of the need for a Malaysian Visa at Trivandrum Airport itself when I understood my family and I to be 'on transit' in KL for 5 hours before making the trip to Singapore. This unpleasant incident has left me extremely upset and I do think it is the role of the airline to highlight such details when I was making the online transaction for the booking of the flights.

My trip to Singapore has been marred by this incident and I do hope necessary action can be taken to prevent such unfortunate accidents to occur again.

I can be contacted in Singapore at[protected] till 13 April 2010 and can be contacted in India at +[protected].

Thank you.


Govindan Sudhir
I was traveling to Guangzhou at 20/07/10 with AirAsia, unfortunately, my baggage was spoiled on the flight.I made a report to the staff at the Guanzhou BAIYUN INTERNATIONALAIPORT, the staff who atten help me to filled up a form that is ( PROPERTY IRREGULARITY REPORT)and also said that the baggage cannot be repaired just can only give ccompensation with RMB 50 Only.After arriving Malaysia, I also made a report the answer is give compensation with RM 15.00 Only.I have try to contact the AirAsia Customer Care Centre together with the details stated in the PIR but they give me answer is did u buy any insurance, if yes u just claim with your insurance .I was so Upset, not satisfied with the staff and angry with the poor service of the airlines, why the staff so careless to throw the customer baggage .please pay attantion with the case, thanks
Looks like Air Asia has a lot of common problems to resolve...Just a few things on my trip to Bali with Air Asia. first had a very unclean toilet experience at Lcct. found four women sitting in one of the toilets having a good gossip gave them the shock of their lives...Dont ask! Had a 2 hour delay on departure, which i hear is quite the norm.. When we arrived back at lcct we had to walk practically right round the building outside... then when we went to collect our bags they were all wet from the rain and things were falling off the belt .. bags were thrown on top of each other even on the belt .. things marked as fragile ... thank god not mine...were all over the place.
things need to improve am sure Tony you would want beter quality control... its just pride.. ok i understand its a way to fly cheap.. but basics need to be good.. if you cant keep your toilets clean and baggage well looked after ... WHAT ABOUT YOUR PLANES???????? Am wishing you a great break, Happy depavali.
Can you believe this which was happened at KL Air Asia on Jan 29, 2011
1.) Racism
The term and condition are not in Chinese. If you were not English educated, remember to hire a translator (best with lawyer) to read through the agreement prior to purchase. Everyone can fly with Air Asia and bear your own risk if you did not understand English.

2.) Too civilized ground staff / customer service
The ground staff will tell you that your dB (noise level) is too high (not too sure whether there was a dB meter at Air Asia customer service desk) and if you ask for permission to record your conversation with Air Asia ground staff as an evident, they will directly share with you that Air Asia will sue you for recording the conversation. If you insist to record your conversation, Air Asia ground staff and customer service will ask security to “move” you away.

3.) Interesting Price rate
When you ask for rate of same flight at the same day, watch out…. Air Asia customer service might share at least two different rating within 30 minutes.

4.) Interesting flight schedule
Air Asia might tell you a flight schedule that has already been cancelled. Either the computer system or customer service staff was not well train

5.) Friendly reminder to Northern Chinese – Your dB will surely exceed Air Asia dB requirement. So, if you plan to fly with Air Asia, then you better learn how to lower your normal dB.

6.) Friendly reminder to all non English educated human being – seek for lawyer to read Air Asia term and condition before fly with this specific airline. Furthermore, hire a translator as when you experienced difficulty, this person will be the best help to you and your family, and not Air Asia ground stuff or customer service.

7.) Do not trust Air Asia On-line Sales Team
They will say one thing, and the ground staff / customer service will do another thing, which is totally disaster to consumer.

8.) Excellent communication system in case of emergency
When there was an emergency happened, Air Asia ground staff and customer service will ask you to file a complaint at Air Asia website. And they are so helpful to remind you that you have to pay for the hot line.

China Southern Air line has reduced their price rate tremendously from Guan Zhou to KL and Penang since 2010.
we have travelled from bangkok to new delhi by Flight no.FD 3796 on 05/04/11, with my wife and daughter.My booking no.is J2JBWY, after reaching new delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport we got to know that our baggages had not arrived, as i have to travell to chandigarh for a seminar next day all my important documents were in the baggage.At airport, ground staff told us that our baggages has not arrived from Bangkok and told us to fill P.I.R. form and they will send our baggages the next day.they had not sent the baggages the whole day after contacting them in the evening they told us to come to airport at 11P.M.and claim your baggages.after reaching airport nobody was there to tell us how to claim our baggages and all the contact numbers were not responding after waiting for nearly 2 hours we got baggages on 07/04/11 at 1:00 in the morning.we had taken insurance cover from airasia but they told us to file complaint on the website about the delayed baggages.Due to poor service by the airline i had to cancell my trip to Chandigarh and i suffer a huge loss.I do hope necessary action can be taken to prevent such unfortunate accidents to occur again.
I can be contacted in india at [protected] and my email id is [protected]@yahoo.com

thank you
sameer jain
I thought airasia could be a cheap flight solution for everyone, but it turned out to be a cheap costumer service. I am really pissed off, and I am not gonna leave it until I get what I deserved.

I got into trouble twice with airasia. first time was my singapore-yogyakarta flight. I did not get any notice until the D day and I was already flying from japan-singapore at that time. my Sing-ygy flight was canceled, and i had to buy a new ticket which was a big hassle at that time, but at the end airasia refunded my canceled ticket. even though it took like 2months, but it was ok.

But this time, I am totally pissed off!!! I booked Japan-KL, KL-YGY ticket, and airasia changed the flight time from Japan, so that I cant use my KL-YGY ticket. the only solution was for me to wait for one night in KL and get a free change for the next day KL-YGY. WTF!! I only have a limited holiday, and I dont want to spend it in malaysia. So I asked for a reroute to the nearest airport, KL-Solo, but airasia said no. I asked for a refund, they also said no. WTF???

what kind of a service is that? we are not allowed to change or cancel the booking but when you guys change the time or cancel the ticket we have to be in trouble and have no choice? just say to your customer take it or leave it???


Air Asia — poor service

as per the pnr cited above,on travel from cochin to kualalampur on 11/08/2011,we booked in advance three chicken and rice
but they did not supply
trying to cancel the ticket booked for bangalore to kochi on 22nd dec,

no option for the same in site.

no one picking up the customer care number, trying for past 2 days

pathetic service

AirAsia Flight 1125
22 Dec-Confirmation no. IYJF4S
Bengaluru BLR
Kochi COK
not able to cancel the ticket booked for bangalore to kochi on 22nd dec,

no option for the same in site.

no one picking up the customer care number, trying for past 2 days

pathetic service

AirAsia Flight 1125
22 Dec-Confirmation no. IYJF4S
Bengaluru BLR
Kochi COK
trying to cancel the ticket booked for bangalore to kochi on 22nd dec,

no option for the same in site.

no one picking up the customer care number, trying for past 2 days

pathetic service

AirAsia Flight 1125
22 Dec-Confirmation no. IYJF4S
Bengaluru BLR
Kochi COK

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