We travelled in Airasia flight on 6th Aug'13 from Singapore to Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), we (4 persons) booked in the flight AK1810 due to unavoidable circumstances we are delay to check in ( check in closed only 5min before with that also air asia is not ready to do check in) after a long discussion, i took decision to travel on Next flight with Airasia when we check only all the unhidden information are coming out.
The below fee we paid during our booking on AK1810
4 Guest 76.00 SGD
Passenger Security Fee 32.00 SGD
Passenger Service Fee 79.60 SGD
Aviation Levy 24.40 SGD
Fuel Surcharge 24.00 SGD
Sub Total 236.00 SGD
Services & Fees
4 x AirAsia Insure OneWay 24.00 SGD
2 x Check-In Baggage - up to 25kg 46.00 SGD
4 x Pick A Seat 12.00 SGD
4 x Processing Fee 32.00 SGD
4 x SKYB 16.00 SGD
Sub Total 130.00 SGD
Total Amount 366.00 SGD
When we asked about to book for next flight, airasia is not ready to pay of other charges apart from the basic fee, if the passenger is not travelled or missed the flight, why he need to pay the charges for Baggage, Fuel, Seat Pick, I requested them to use the money which i paid and answer his Airasia is Low Budget flight and we will not do any modification.
Point here, if the person is not travelling why he need to pay for fuel and other charges, if airline can able to take the basic fee its normal but taking the other charges is fraut.
They cant say we are Low Budget flight, its not my problem due to low budget flight whatever they can do whether passenger and government needs to allow.
More over the way sales guy and check in lady behaviour is very very worst, as a passenger we are not travelling without paying money or free of cost atleast airasia needs to learn how to treat their passenger as customer, Was this information helpful? |
pls sir/madam...i want name & address
of cell Nos. [protected] &
Surya B