[Resolved]  Air Parcel Express — Scam and cheating!

I have the same experience about it. APX agent from Malaysia said i had a package send by my chat friend name Tom and my package been hold by the custom because they detected money inside it.. He said his name is Scott Thomson. His phone no. is[protected] but last time he used another no..[protected].

When i call the custom officer .. they asked me about the parcel no.. but this guy refuse to give it to me.. he said for the good relation that he make with the department .. he can't give it to me.. He request from me RM3540.00

he give me the account no that i have to bank in the money ..

Name: Julianah Binti Jaleel
Bank Name: Hong Leong Bank
Account No: [protected]

now .. he request me

now he request from me another RM 3950 because the APX UK have to settle it with UK government to get the Anti-Terrorist Certificate. Too bad .. Is this 2 guy is connected to each others?
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


Hi evryone this scam happened to me too. I was foolish i met this guy from tagged his name is MARK DAVINSON KRIPPS (MARK D tagged id) ([protected]@yahoo.com) ( cell no. [protected])We been chatting for quite long and i fall to him we have plans, Then he ask if its good to invest here in my country so i said its possible for a fast food. I even prepare the necessary documents needed, and find a place where we will lease and put up the fast food. And when its time to pay the lease he said he will come over here to manage everything with him but he said his boss is sending him to scotland for 5 days for last assignment in his work and then he can take a vacation leave. So he send to me tru EASY PARCEL WORLD WIDE LIMITED all his things and personal belongings together with a loptop he said i have to put all the records and reciept of expenses in that laptop and he include the money worth 20.000gbp and a draft of 23.000 gbp for the payments and expenses that will occur when he comes here. He also said that there are gifts for me like bag, watch, perfume and some other that he dont mention i will just see it when i recieve the box. He also said that he register the laugage to BRITISH EMBASSY, IMMIGRATION AND HAULAGE SERVICE DEPARTMENT, UNITED KINGDOM and scan all the certificate of registration and the reciepts of his payments in sending the laugage. He said i will recieve it in the next two days and i will have to show all the reciepts he send to me including my passports for them to give me the laugage. After two days a man from malaysia called me his name is ABDULLAH OMAR with cell num[protected] He said that he is in malaysia and the laugage was confiscated by malaysian custom and asking for a fine of 1.250$ and if i will not comply within the next 24 hours the costum will arrest me and MARK DAVINSON KRIPPS for money laundering. I contacted Mark Davinson to tell him what happen and he said I have to make a way to pay them and he will just pay me when he arrives here . We argued a lot he pleaded me telling me that he send all the money and his money will be coming from london and he can provide it on the next 4 days so he cannot pay the costum that time and i have to pay them for us not to get arrested. Thats when i realize that he is a scam when i browse the net and read those blogs regarding this online scam... Thanks God i did not pay the amount they are asking. I hope this will serve as a warning to those who chat and dont see who they are talking. Always ask for the cam for you to see if the person you are talking is existing because they may send the pictures of already dead persons or other persons pictures. I wish they could be nailed in jail.
I wish to put his picture here but i dont know how... Beware my friends in tagged and everybody.
Same thing with me, i dont have money, i told them to ask money to the sender, the sender is Mr. Romel Fredd [protected], guys careful to this man

With reference to the delivery of your package, I wish to bring to your notice that your package has been placed on hold by the Malaysia Airport Authority for some reasons which happens to violate the shipping policies.
As the goods were brought on transit at Malaysia Airport Check Point before further destination, the Airport Authority detected that currency were included in your parcel. Thereby, certain Commissions must be paid as Customs Duty via us which is for the immediate clearance of your package. For the main time all tracking information has been with held, this is in accordance to the mode of operations in the Courier sector for financial delivery. We have already taken order number for this package from the Department.
You are required to follow all instructions giving to you to facilitate the release of your package. Please, be informed that you are to pay the required charges listed below for the immediate release of your package. As soon as we receive confirmation and evidence of payment of the charges below then we would dispatch your package immediately. The date and time of departure and expected date of delivery will be sent to you.

Administrative... RM250.25
Clearance... RM4, 700
TOTAL... RM4950.25

Note; do confirm the above address for quick delivery.
Please do not hesitate to contact us, should you need any further information. +[protected] We look forward to serving you better.

Yours Sincerely,

Delivery Officer

Lot 207-7(H), 5TH Floor Front,
Beverly Hill Plaza,
Jalan Bundusan, Luyang,
Sabah, Malaysia.
i agree with you all because i was cheated too by MR.MARK DAVINSON KRIPPS and that MR.ABDULLAH OMAR 3 mos. ago they collected money from me worth 1800 us dollar, same with your stories it was happened to me and i am very much felt sorry for myself before because i believed to their lies specially of marks sweet tongue i couldn't believe it was happened to me 'coz he seriously spoke to my friends and family assuring them that i will be in good hands with him but all of that are lies. Mark Davinson Kripps and Abdullah Omar are shameless people, they don't know how to work hard to earn money...And they are EVIL'S!!!
Same case happened even now. I have same experience, met a guy name Mr. Hughes Brown ([protected]) from WAYN.com saying that he is a scottish, divored with 2 kids, fall into me and would like to come to my country to visit me and will deliver a luggage blah blah blah ... anyway, asking for money to release his luggage due to he put a draft in a box.

Email attached:

With reference to the delivery of your parcel, I wish to bring to
your notice that your parcel has been placed on hold by the Malaysian
customs for some reasons which happened to violate the Air cargo policies.
As the package arrived Malaysia custom check point, the Malaysian
customs detected that the Draft should be registed under anti money lundering department and
will be issued with a certificate of anti money lundering attached to it along with your parcel.
The anti money lundering certificate will free your draft from being termed as money lundering.
Please take note that your package was not confisticated, rather only pending,
untill the charges are payed to obtain the anti lundering certificate,
your package will be delivered to you immediately under few hours.

Hence, certain commission must be paid as customs duty via us which is
for the immediate clearance of your package .This is in accordance to the mode of operations in the Courier sector for financial delivery .

You are required to follow all instructions giving to you to facilitate the
release of your package.To do this, you are required to pay the required
charges listed below for the immediate release of your package, Upon
confirmation of payment, your package will be delivered to your
destination address under few hours .

Outstanding Charges: Administrative:RM1, 000
Clearance: RM 4, 678.57.
TOTAL = 5, 678.57 MYR
(Five thousand six Hundred and seventy eight fifty five cent)or Its equivelent $1, 623.30USD has been charge.

Please we are sorry for the inconvinences caused to you.

For more inquiry call contact the diplomat who is presently in asia not on +[protected]

We are glad to be of service to you.

Yours Faithfully.
Mathew cully
Easy Parcel Worl Wide


Thank God i didnt pay for that money, however, i was hurt ... and i really wish that no more ladies will fall into their trap, sham on them.
The exact thing happened to me.. too. and this guy from Tagged called Peter Wood... so be careful..
thanks GOD too i didnt pay for that cargo.
however, i feel so lucky that i've find this site and read all the story.
this day, he email me, from the cargo and also the man from TAGGED, his name DONALD CLIFFORD.
honestly, , i dont have money too send to that cargo (AIR LINK COURIER).

i've send all this comment and complaint to AIR LINK and DONALD DUCK and i've said to them that
my big family is in army and Policeman, and i've good connection/LINK with forwarder in Asia, goverment in Malaysia and Indonesia. and ask them for not sending email to again or to anyone in the world or i'll put him in jail. after i send my email to all of this crap, , they not try again to cantact me via email, YM or Tagged.
i also experienced the same thing. I had a chat with a seemingly godly person RICHARD BROWN which I've met in Tagged having the email add: [protected]@yahoo.com. He's so godly and romantic that I had no idea he's a cunning person. I was always surprised whenever he called me, there will always 3 numbers that will appear at the same time or two numbers that will call me and I am calling another number [protected] . He told me because our prayer was answered, and there are some friends that gave him gifts, he would send me these gifts to me too: 6 laptops, 1 blackberry phone, boxes of jewelries and then he inserted 4, 500 pounds inside a laptop since he had no time to send them through western union. Then, he told me to keep on track and I saw that it was on hold at Malaysia (through Capital Express Cargo - www.capitalxpresscargo.com) and they are requiring me to pay $910.00 US dollars. A girl from Malaysia called me using this number +[protected]. We really don't have money and for instance, my brother recognized that it was an international syndicate.Thank God we didn't send any amount.
Email: [protected]@live.com.my)
Malaysia Tel: +[protected]
25 JUNE, 2009


The senders name: JRFFRY JONES
Destination arival:, UK-------- Malaysia----INDONESIA

With reference to the delivery of your package, I wish to bring to your
notice that your package has been placed on hold by the Malaysian customs
for some reasons which happened to violates the shipping policies.
As the goods arrived Malaysia custom check point, the Malaysian custom
detected that currency were included in your parcel.
Thereby, certain commisions must be paid as customs duty via
us which is for the immediate clearance of your package .For the maintime reference of
tracking on the " status" of your package is pending, this is in
accordance to the mode of operations in the Courier sector for financial
delivery . We have already taken order number for this package from the
You are required to follow all instructions giving to you to facilitate the
release of your package.To do this, you are required to pay the required
charges listed below for the immediate release of your package. .Upon
confirmation of payment, your package will be delivered to your destinated
address above under few hours .
Outstanding Charges:
Administrative ...RM 1, 060.00
Clearance... RM 2, 400.00
TOTAL = RM3, 860.00 IN USA DOLLARS ($1, 100 USD)
A total of RM3, 860.00 Three thousand four hundred and sixty Malaysia
Ringgit only)has been charge .In acknowledgement to
this email, account
details shall be provided to you for the payment as stated above for the
release of your package.
Thank you, as I hope I have made my self clear to you by this notice as
directed by the management.
For more inquiry call : +[protected]
Email: [protected]@live.com.my
Present your order number when calling so that we may honour your calls.
We are glad to be of service to you.

Yours Faithfully.
Mr Moritzo Ahmad And mrs noor Azlina
South Asia Regional Manager

I dont believe that...thanks God..be carefull with guy...
yes to all intermet users if somebody want to send you package please bear in mind that if they really want to give they will send you money ok not the package..that need to pay ok watch out!
In 2 weeks ago, i get deception from guy name is MARK JOE (Tagged)
but from the other cargo service. (saveguideexspressworldwide.page.tl)
same like the story in up. want send me jewellery n money n laptop n blackberry. but arrive in custom malaysia need money for be in jakarta airport soon.
becarefull with this guy.
Hi all, becarefull with MARK JOE from Tagged
i get deception of this person already. he send me parcel by saveguideexpressworldwide.page.tl but that all fiktif, i pay for the RM2000 (6 Mill Rupiah) to custom in malaysian.
this info for delivery service shalom hofman ([protected])
Mark Joe number is[protected] pls becarefull with them.
any one have a manner to send them to jail?
i still have a message from Mark joe n send received money to petaling jaya malaysia by western union.
anyone can help me or tell me how i can send them to jail?????
You were definitely been conned my those scammers out there. However, I wonder how you can pay for some clauses that you have doubts about. You always can get advise from other courier service agents or customs themselves. Pity you!!!
Hello Zaza

Haven't you realised that no money or cheque transaction should go directly to a PERSON's personal name in business world? If its comes from custom, it always will be paid to the Custom Department, if applicable. Probably this has not came across your mind then. Too bad...
Dont pay a single cents unless you know what you are paying for!!
Hello Zaza

You have all the important details to get those scammers to court and serve their terms by using the details you provide above and I copy&paste below:

Name: Julianah Binti Jaleel
Bank Name: Hong Leong Bank
Account No: [protected]

With all the correspondences and details, you MUST LODGE a police report - even now!!! Once this little scammer JULIANAH opens up, all the worms will spill out... GOOD LUCK!!!

i experience the same, this guy's name is jeff robert who told me that he sent me laptop, perfumes and jewelries, and inserted 2500 pound on it, he gave me the tracking number via capitalxpress.com, its all the same story above, with all the blah blah!!! they want me to pay 1180 us dollar and honestly i dont have that money, Alhamdulillah i feel so good now, couse for the last couple of days i was so miserable couse they ask me to pay as soon as possible, thanks GOD im in peace now, i know now thier cunning, thanks for all the information

please beware of www.capitalxpress.com, and mr jeff robert tel no.[protected]
I have the same experiance, I think the actor are the same as yours.
I want to put the in jail, but how? I even email the malaysia custom, but the reaction was very slowly, so I got their email after I paid the money, still same title " parcel from UK and malaysia custom"
I did report this to IC3 gov, I hope this could solve this case
i've tis guy from UK as well, he said to be sending jewelleries, handbags n shoes to me, but not cash inserted. Then, i've received email from the courier service said that i need to pay RM1200 to claim the parcel. i'm not really sure it is a scam or not, but for sure, i wont pay a single cent for it. i've told the guy that the custom need me to pay the sum amount, he just advise me to pay as the parcel is much 20times valueble than what the custom need me to pay for
Can anyone tell me that whether it is a true scam and what if i really ignore, will the parcel deliver to me end of the day?.
I am the scammer here and my email is [protected]@live.com
you stupid fools should use your brains if you don't want to be scammed.
good day u all suckers
U foolish people who will believe in the tooth fairy and the easter bunny and santa claus is real and alive in the North Pole

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