[Resolved]  AirAsia.com — Refund of amount

I had booked two tickets from www.Airasia.com from mumbai to kualalumpur.

Due to medical problem i was not able to go so they asked me to provide doctor's letter.I provided the same even after that they didn't refund the amout.
Don't book tickets with these cheaters as they have not any refund policy they'll take your full amount.Stick to your india airlines only.Atleast you can rely on them.
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Aug 13, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


Hi team,

I have made a ticket booking in airasia.com on 24 june 2010.

Acutally ticket was not booked,but amount has been debited from the SBI account(a/c holder name yennamedi madana sudhakar,banaganapalli br,kurnool,AP,India).

Ticket is booked from hyderabad to kuala lampur to and fro.

Please help in refund of money.

Airasia.com user id: surdyed

-Suresh reddy
Saya calon penumpang airaasia tanggal 9 Nopember 2010 dengan nomor penerbangan QZ7486BDO-MES.
Satu hari sebelum berangkat saya mendapatkan SMS dari No.[protected] bahwa pesawat dimaksud di cansel karena alasan abu merapi dan saya menerima.
Selanjutnya saya datang ke Bandara husen-Bandung tempat dimana saya membeli tiket, dengan maksud membatalkan tiket yang sudah saya bayar.
Selanjutnya saya diminta nomer rekening untuk keperluan Refund dan diminta menunggu satu bulan kemudian.
Setelah Satu bulan saya tanyakan di perwakilan airasia di Jl Marthadinata Bandung ternyata data saya belum ada dan saya diminta kembali fotocopy buku tabungan dan saya berikan.
Sekarang sudah 3(tiga) bulan refund yang saya tunggu belum dibayarkan juga. setiap saya tanyakan kepada supervisor di JL. Martha dinata Bandung selalu mendapat jawaban :"sudah diproses dan harap menunggu"

Dimana tanggungjawabnya air asia, mohon jawaban

Bandung, 9 Februari 2011

ttd : Wiyono, No.Hp [protected]

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