[Resolved]  Airmail Courier Express Plc — Fake prizes


Dear Santiago Alford

At AIRMAIL COURIERS SERVICE WORLDWIDE LTD, our goal and mission is to provide quality logistical solutions which exceed our expectations at a competitive price. Our aim of providing global excellence in transportation is provided by our staff members and worldwide suppliers who are here to serve your requirements through the next century.

Attached is a copy of your winning certificate you are to keep it saved until the delivery team get to your country.

AIRMAIL COURIERS SERVICE WORLDWIDE LTD is a global air cargo wholesaler and has an exclusive network of international agents ensuring complete logistical support for all international cargo requirements. In U.K, Airmail Couriers Service is headquartered in Hareld Close Slough Berkshire SL1 3XT. United Kingdom, and has coast-to-coast representation to permit direct and economical flights or by other transportation means.

This E-mail sent to you is to inform you that the Verifications Dept. at the headquarters of the MSN LOTTERY PROMOTIONS has officially cleared you for payment.The original copy of your certificate together with a covering document (Money Laundering protection and Letter of Affidavit for Claims) from the British government stating that the money was obtained legally through a registered lottery programmes ( MSN LOTTERY PROMOTIONS) will be couriered to you as soon as you meet with any of the option listed below, your winnings will be transferred to you immediately.

The Lottery certified cheque and documents are packaged to be delivered under one way bill by the contracted Courier Company and are categorized as High priority & Express delivery under applicable laws and regulations.

This shipment cannot be delivered to PO boxes or postal codes but to Receiver's address. Transit times for delivery of parcels to customers are in working days and are subject to change depending on location of collection and delivery, weight and value. For lightweight shipment, you may be charged for its value as well as dimensional weight rather than its actual weight.

This delivery parcel for greater protection has also been insured in accordance with shipping regulations under unlimited liability. This comprehensive cash in transit insurance cover for your consignment has been arranged {for effective and fast customs clearance}.Delivery of parcel/Transfer of winnings commences {2-3 days} after payment covering delivery charges is made.

Order number for Lottery prize parcel: {ORDER NUMBER:SH231282-UK } you will be asked to give your order number before signing for any document at the arrival of your parcel at your assigned destination. You are hereby advised to keep your order number confidentialas this company will not be liable for any uncertainty whatsoever bearing the misconduct on the path of the customer.

Prices quoted indicate the Air Express Services available from the UK to your destination country for the selected shipment type. The actual availability of services is determined by destination area code or city name, and subject to commodity and valuerestrictions for dutiable shipments. Whosoever must present the delivery officer identification card regarding to the above names mention. There after you will be given a tracking number to monitor your good on line.You can now begin the final step of the claims process, which is the transferring of your cash prize to you. With regards to this, find below options open to you; you are required to select the more convenient. The options, together with their associated conditions are presented below:

Handling & Delivery Cost...480.00
Administrative Charges...0.25
Total Cost...755.00 GBP
)Length of Days...24Hrs

Handling & Delivery Cost... 140.00
Admin istrative Charges...225.00
Total Cost...495.00 GBP
Length of Days...Three Days

OPTION TWO The said amount i.e £500, 000.00(Five hundred thousand Pounds) will be transfed to your bank account via swift bank transfer. Condition: The cost of COT (commission of transfer) being charged by our transferring bank, which is 0.3% of £500, 000.00 which is One Thousand Five Hundred United Kingdom Pounds (i.e 1, 500.00 GBP ) of the cash being transferred will be paid by you before the transfer can be effected. Please note that the charges are best substantial because of the insurance cover we have undertaken incase of loss, damage or package breakage of your high priority document. We assume all responsibilities incase of any eventualities.

This is to inform that Msn/Yahoo Lottery has discovered a huge number of double claims due to beneficiaries informing close friends relatives, attorneys and third parties about their award prizes. As a result of this, this close friends relatives, attorneys and third parties try to claim the prize on behalf of the real recipients. Msn/Yahoo Lottery has lost millions of dollars to this fraudulent people, and have reached a decision from headquarters that any double claim discovered, will result to the office cancellaton of the pize payout, making a loss for both the double claimer and the real beneficiary, as it is taken that the real recipient was the informer to the double claimer about the prize award. So you are hereby advised once more to keep your all informations strictly confidential until your claim has been fully remitted to you accordingly.

The International money transfer company, Western Union Money Transfer have been choosen as method of payments for customers, you are to make payment through any regional office close to you. This payment method was adopted to ameliorate and speed up the process of payment and delivery because of its wide network of operation. Important Note: That your courier charges cannot be deducted from your Winnings due to Article 1186 section 45 subsection 2.3 of Constitution of the United Kingdom as relates to Financial and freight matters, which are duly codified in the United Kingdom law. Please respond to this email by making a selection from the options above.

Also be reminded that the deadline for the claiming of winnings is exactly two weeks after the receipt of this email. After this period, your cash prize will be deemed to have been forfeited by you and will be reused in the drawings of the next edition of the lottery. Good luck and Congratulations once again. Please send your response within the next 24hrs to this same email address.

Thanks for your understanding, We are glad to be of service to you.

Best regards,

TEL: +[protected]
TEL: +[protected]

Mr Henry Peterson
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


i also received the same mail.
is it bogus?
are they cheating?
how far you have gone?
If it is really true, What is the procedure of payment to courier. What type of Regional office the Money has to be Paid ?
Not sure whether we want to part with £2, 000 (£1, 500 for delivery and £495 for 2nd class) if this is not REAL? Want to believe it, but can the powers-that-be let us know? We definitely need confirmation, please... Look forward to your response asap; many thanks.
Until now, i still don't believe it.
I also received the same mail.
is it joke? Is it REAL?
I need more inform about this email.
I have recived the bellow mail. anyone will confirm me that. is it true of fake. Pls reply me on my mail id [protected]@yahoo.co.in.


Your Reg Order No: SH231282.
Your ReF:


We have received all the necessary informations from your claims agent and We are pleased to be at your service, with our strong assets base, insurance cover for all deliveries and good working relationship with the Msn-Yahoo-lottery International Program.

We have just confirmed that you have been officially cleared for payment by the Verifications Department at the headquarters of the MSN Lottery International Program.

All your winning documents which include your certificate and a covering document (Money Laundering protection and Letter of Affidavit for Claims) from the Msn-Yahoo-Lottery stating that the money was obtained legally through the British international lottery Sweepstakes will be sent to you as soon as you meet with any of the options selected.

You can now begin the final step of the claims process, which is the transferring of your cash prize to you.With regards to this, there are two options open to you; you are required to select the more convenient of the two. The options, together with their associated conditions are presented below:

Courier of your winning draft to payment centre via any of this channel listed below:

An original certificate of weight...0.9Gramms
Total weight of parcel...0.9Gramms
Colour of parcel...Brown
Vat (5%)...$022.75


An original certificate of weight...0.9Gramms
Total weight of parcel...0.9Gramms
Colour of parcel...Brown
Vat (5%)...$021.95


An original certificate of weight...0.9Gramms
Total weight of parcel...0.9Gramms
Colour of parcel...Brown
Vat (5%)...$022.75


An original certificate of weight...0.9Gramms
Total weight of parcel...0.9Gramms
Colour of parcel...Brown
Flight; ...$100.00
Vat (5%)...$019.00


Condition: The cost of COT (commission of transfer) being charged by our transfering bank, which is ($2, 500USD) of the cash being transferred will be paid by you(winner).

Note that your prize is protected by a hardcover insurance company which makes it impossible to deduct any amount from the money before it is been remitted to you.

This means that the above charges cannot be deducted from the prize and hence must be provided by you before your prize is transferred to you.

Also attach a scanned copy of either your driver's licence, international passport (photo page) or any other legally identifying document.

Also be reminded that the deadline for the claiming of winnings is exactly one week after the receipt of this email. After this period, your cash prize will be deemed to have been forfeited by you and will be reused in the drawings of the next edition of the lottery.

Our Guarantee of Safe Delivery:
We have had a guaranteed safe delivery policy for the 25 years we have been in business. We know how packages get handled in shipping, and we know how valuable our product is. Some sizes, when wrapped, are within size limitations defined by the British Post Office. These will be sent by mail, with guaranteed safe delivery.

Please send your response within the next 24hrs to enable us expedite action on your parcel.

We are glad to be of service to you.

Mr Jasma Riggs,

Are you a PC? Upload your PC story and show the world Click Here!
Commonwealth Centre
66 Currie Street London L70 1NL.
United Kingdom. Batch: 12/25/0340
Ref: BTL/101OXI/02
Dear Naresh kumar,
SUBJECT:Your Payment Have Been Approved, Contact Our Registered Courier Service For Dispatch Of Winnings. Congratulations on behalf of the Organizer and the Board of Director of this Lottery, as the best things that can happen to any Internet user is to be rewarded for spending money and time on the Internet. You may not have known that over one hundred billion people daily surf the Internet on a regular basis for one reason or other. These Internet users including yourself, pay access fees to various Internet Service Providers (ISP) all over the world who in turn remit surplus funds to the numerous World Wide Internet Technology Companies (WWITC) for the development and advancement of Global Information Technology. I wish to formally announce to you that you have successfully pass the requirements, statutory obligations, verifications, validations and satisfactory report Test conducted for all on line winners.
So much Funds is been generated from people like you all over the World for using the Information Superhighway (the Internet) without your being aware the enormous sum that go to the stake holders (WWITC). Without your patronage, this would not have been possible. After a research on the issue, conclusion was made that Internet users should be compensated. As a result of this the World Wide Web and other beneficiary organisations embarked on a worldwide online lottery promotion which started in the United Kingdom and with a sophisticated automated database to randomly selected along with others from over 125, 000 website on the internet of which your email address to a ticket number [protected] 188.Your serial number 5368/02, and Ref: BTL/101OXI/02 and Consequent upon this, your E-mail address was picked a winner. I want you to understand that your winning fund of £500, 000.00 GBP (Five Hundred Thousand Great Britain Pounds)was given out in cheque along side with other vital document which will enable you to clear the cheque in any bank in this world, however I want you to understand that the cheque and documents is presently handed over to the Courier Shipping firm. Send Your details through the contact's email address given below a call can also be helpful:************************************************************************... Express Courier Services,
Elite House, 14-18 Heddon Street,
Mayfair. London W1B 4DAContact Official: MR.JASMA RIGGS (DISPATCH OFFICER)TEL:+[protected]TEL:+[protected]
TEl:+[protected]FAX:+[protected]Email: iaatc.express.[protected]@hotmail.co.uk OR [protected]@hotmail.co.uk*******************************************************... are responsible for sending the original documents and funds to you, after you most have taken care of the required cost which can be handled by you. Your documents and funds will be couriered to you as soon as you adhere to all instructions, from the courier department. This document will be forwarded to the Lottery headquarters for final payment of your prize money.The courier site will be provided to you as soon as you contact them. NOTE: ITS IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO CONTACT THE SHIPPING COMPANY ON PHONE FOR PROPER ORIENTATION ON THEIR DELIVERY GUIDELINES. We look forward to your prompt response. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us as soon as you possibly can. Finally for security reasons, I want you to understand that this transaction involves a huge amount of money, I understand that you are very excited but please based on the antecedents of this transaction, this is a very delicate and careful transaction to us and for this reason your winnings ought to be kept very confidential to avoid unwarranted abuse of this program and also double claims of winning funds by some scrupulous individuals. This can be found in cases like this having disclosed your winnings to your friend. I want you to keep a low profile as you might not know who is who. At this stage you can trust nobody but yourself so that we can achieve safe remittance. I want you as from hence forth avoid telling people about your winnings which might be a danger in the future. The documents to be sent are; 1.WINNING CERTIFICATE FROM MICROSOFT/MSN/YAHOO/AOL MEGA JACPOT LOTTERY INC.2.WINNERS CHEQUE FOR THE VALUE OF £500, 000.00 POUNDS
3.CLEAR SOURCE OF FUNDS CERTIFICATES (C.S.F.C.); As soon as you establish contact with them please notify us at once and subsequently contact me for further response. You are requested to send a copy of your information to the above mentioned courier firm to enable the proper verification of your winning details also with your indification code Below:IDENTIFICATION CODE {BTLX0148} CLAIMS RELEASE/ DISPATCH FORM1.Full Name__________________________
2.Full Address_________________________
3.Marital Status_______________________
8.Country Of Residence________________
9.Telephone Number(home)_____________10.Telephone Number(office)
11.Cell Phone Number__________________12.Fax Number_______________________
13.Ticket Number______________________
14.Reference Number___________________
15.Batch Number______________________16.IDENTIFICATION CODE {BTLX0148}17. Annual Income___________________________
Endeavour to get back to me with every information concerning your dealings with the courier company.

SIR.JAMES ROBOTSONTEL: +[protected], FAX:+[protected].
AIRMAIL COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Your Reg Order No: SH231282. Your ReF: CLEARANCE CODE: A2245UK DEAR VALID CUSTOMER: We have received all the necessary informations from your claims agent and We are pleased to be at your service, with our strong assets base, insurance cover for all deliveries and good working relationship with the Msn-Yahoo-lottery International Program.
We have just confirmed that you have been officially cleared for payment by the Verifications Department at the headquarters of the MSN Lottery International Program. All your winning documents which include your certificate and a covering document (Money Laundering protection and Letter of Affidavit for Claims) from the Msn-Yahoo-Lottery stating that the money was obtained legally through the British international lottery Sweepstakes will be sent to you as soon as you meet with any of the options selected. You can now begin the final step of the claims process, which is the transferring of your cash prize to you.With regards to this, there are two options open to you; you are required to select the more convenient of the two. The options, together with their associated conditions are presented below: OPTION 1: Courier of your winning draft to payment centre via any of this channel listed below: SAMEDAY COURIER
An original certificate of weight...0.9Gramms
Total weight of parcel...0.9Gramms
Colour of parcel...Brown
Vat (5%)...$022.75
TOTAL...$877.75 NEXT DAY
An original certificate of weight...0.9Gramms
Total weight of parcel...0.9Gramms
Colour of parcel...Brown
Vat (5%)...$021.95
An original certificate of weight...0.9Gramms
Total weight of parcel...0.9Gramms
Colour of parcel...Brown
Vat (5%)...$022.75
An original certificate of weight...0.9Gramms
Total weight of parcel...0.9Gramms
Colour of parcel...Brown
Flight; ...$100.00
Vat (5%)...$019.00
TOTAL...$1549.00 OPTION 2: Condition: The cost of COT (commission of transfer) being charged by our transfering bank, which is ($2, 500USD) of the cash being transferred will be paid by you(winner). Note that your prize is protected by a hardcover insurance company which makes it impossible to deduct any amount from the money before it is been remitted to you. This means that the above charges cannot be deducted from the prize and hence must be provided by you before your prize is transferred to you. Also attach a scanned copy of either your driver's licence, international passport (photo page) or any other legally identifying document. Also be reminded that the deadline for the claiming of winnings is exactly one week after the receipt of this email. After this period, your cash prize will be deemed to have been forfeited by you and will be reused in the drawings of the next edition of the lottery. Our Guarantee of Safe Delivery:
We have had a guaranteed safe delivery policy for the 25 years we have been in business. We know how packages get handled in shipping, and we know how valuable our product is. Some sizes, when wrapped, are within size limitations defined by the British Post Office. These will be sent by mail, with guaranteed safe delivery.

Please send your response within the next 24hrs to enable us expedite action on your parcel. We are glad to be of service to you. TEL:+[protected]

Share your photos with Windows Live Photos
i too received the same mail with different order number...
can i prooceed????
or is this a fraudulent act???
please do reply soon
too received the same mail with different order number...
can i prooceed????
or is this a fraudulent act???
please do reply soon
4 days ago i received same mail, give me replay

Dear Valued Customer

I got your email and the content was well noted, I want you to go ahead and make the payment for the transfer charges with the details giving blow.

To make the payment you are hearby advise to read details below take note you have to make the payment in cash.

Note you have to make the payment of 1500 GBP which is 100, 000 india rupees.

transfer Payments for your desired mode of payment should be made through our representative account in your locality india.


After you have made the payment, you are advice to send a scaned copy of the payment slip to this office for the comfirmation of your payment.

Immediately the transfer payment is made the transfer will take place, and it will take 24 hours to get to your account, please take note.

Thanks for your understanding, We are glad to be of service to you.

Best regards,

Fax: Fax:+[protected]

Mr Henry Peterson
i have also received an e mail on 13 mar2009 regarding on this please tell me is it true or fake...

if true kindly tell me the procedure...

You fully have the ASSURANCE and GUARANTEE for the cost of delivery payment, as soon as you have complied with our terms and conditions for delivery by effecting payment for the cost of delivery. I must state here clearly that our failure NOT to deliver your winning parcel to you will not only result to the withdrawal of our operating license as a courier agency in the United Kingdom but we will also refund your courier charge payment first back to you and will pay for inconviniences caused you.the parcel cannot be release to anybody apart from you the (winner).

Amount To Be Payed...485.00 GBP = 35, 080.58 INR

Delivery Payments for your desired mode of payment should be made to our representative, the bank details in which you will have to transfer the courier charges to are as follows:

ACC NO:[protected]
After you have made your payments, you are to scan the payment slip to us for Confirmation.

Immediately the delivery payment is made tomorrow the delivery will take place at 9:30 PM GMT tomorrow .

Thanks for your understanding, We are glad to be of service to you.

Best regards,

Fax: +[protected]

Mr Henry Peterson

This e-mail (including any file attachment) contains confidential information and/or may also be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the use of the named addressees and any unauthorized dissemination or use by any other person or entity is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient you should not transmit, copy, print, disclose or otherwise make use of and/or place any reliance on this e-mail and its contents. If you have received this e-mail in error, you should immediately notify the sender by return e-mail and delete all copies from your system.
Even I got the same mail.
Is that true?
I mean will I not only me all others who got the same mail will really get the prize price?
Please let me know if anyone who knows about this is this fake ?
i want to know whether this prize is real or not, if real anyone got the prize pls tellme
even i get the mail today with the same order number mentioned herein and seek someone's suggestion whether it is a real or just a faked? Actually i believe it to be faked as it is on the same format with same order number as mentioned above.i believe we should unite to sue this courier company being a lawyer i will head the campaign and litigation. take care u all and unite for a common cause.

Yash Pal Gupta, Advocate
hii all i have got the same mail, which shows that my email id have won 500000 pound etc and they need courier charges to be transfer to some Richard Fernandes, a/c no[protected], icici bank, Ghatko par west, is there any law to fight these cyber crimnals, daket logo se, they think the person is stupid and will transfer the money easily to them, do not believe in these type of mail, waise bhi lalach buri bala hay yaroo, zara sambhale k chalo aj k log bahut chor hay . ok
Received the mail similar to above and was asked to pay 485 pounds for the 500000 pounds prize won. An action has to be initiated against such people who play with the lives of other's hard earned money.

A proper action will curtail these acts.
i have also received male it is real or fake

Microsoft Award Team
Baley House, Har Road
Sutton, Greater London
SM1 4te United A Kingdom.
Batch: 12/25/0340

CONGRATULATIONS! This is to inform you that you have been verified a winner of the MSN LOTTERY International program. I am happy to inform you that i have forwarded your Original Certificate and your Certified bank cheque to the courier company. Find below the details of the courier company.And you have to send them your full name and your phone number and nationality with address.

Airmail Delivery Services Worldwide LTD.
Head Office & Accounts
Hareld Close Slough Berkshire SL1 3XT.
United Kingdom
Name: Mr George Moses

Email: address: [protected]@hotmail.co.uk

Tel [protected]

You are adviced to send the courier company a mail to their email address for their courier cost of delivering your winning prize to the payment centre.When contacting them, you are to include this order number as your subject.Please you are adviced to write down the order number and save it.


Note: you are to Quote your complete names, Ref/Batch Numbers and your direct phone number so that they can honour your letter also do keep me updated with your communications with the courier company.

Once again i say congratulations and always inform me with your dealings with the courier company.

Warm Regards,
Dr. Pinkett Griffin

Claims Agent.
i got the email iys true or fake
DEUTCH SOL AGENCY . A division of Overseassecuritiesbvorg.
(Representative, security, marketing, cooperate investment agent).
26 Stanhope Road
Kent CT14 6AD London
United Kingdom

Dear Rajeshshukla,

Your mail have been received and i understand the fact that you are living in indian, we will have to deliver your winning funds to you.your parcal will dispatch to night, and the Diplomatic Delivery Officer will arrive your country on the Date of 25:07:2009 at about 11:00am India Asia Zone time, i will want you to be in notice that the diplomat will be needing your help in clearing your parcel legally into your country. Your details has been given to him, once he get to your International Airport close to your addres, he will contact you for clearance processing, to clear your consigment legally into your country india. for the custom clearance before he can proceed from the airport to your home for delivery of your winnings, The Diplomatic Officer (Mr.David Lawrence)will contact you as soon as he get to your country india.

I will await your urgent response. Extend my greetings to your loved ones.


Mr. Phil Herald

Claims Officer.
i also got email
Uk On-Line Lottery,
P O Box 1010 Liverpool
REF No: UKNL-L/[protected]
BATCH No: 2009MJL-01
TICKET No: 205

Winner e-mail address: [protected]@yahoo.in

Congratulations Lucky Winner,

On Behalf of the Screening Committee o[censored]K ON-LINE LOTTERY, I wish to formally inform you that you have successfully passed the Email Screening and Verification Matching Test conducted for all online winners in your winning in accordance with the Uk On-line Lottery Terms and Conditions. Hence you are therefore cleared for payment by the verifications and fund release department at the UK On-line Lottery Headquarters and your winnings has been duly signed and approved for release to you by the legal attorney to the Uk On-line Lottery .

Your approved winning Certificate number is UK/9876125
Your winning Transfer Identification code is ELPC/MWT/0143.

As you already know, all winners for the online version of the UK On-line Lottery Online promotions were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from an exclusive list of 30, 000, 000 e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies listed online as part of our international promotion to promote international co-operation between the United Kingdom and other countries worldwide and I must say that you should count yourself extremely lucky to have emerged as one of our winners in this week's lucky dip sweepstakes and we do sincerely hope you will put part of your winnings into good use for community, educational and business development and also to render selfless services to the less privileged in your community.

The process for claiming your winnings has been made very simple so that by the end of one week at most, you are assured of having received your cash prize of the sum of (One million= pounds Sterling's Only) and all the legal documents backing your winnings.. In the light of the above mentioned, you are to contact the the Agency that will be handling the transfer of your winning to you with the contact informations below.

Mr Richard Peterson
Scarlet Courier Service
Phone Number:[protected], [protected]
Head Office : 658 Ajax Avenue, Slough
Berkshire SL1 4BG.
Official Email: [protected]@yahoo.co.uk

Note that you are to provide the Lottery Winners Agency that will be handling the transfer of your winning with the required details below to officially identify you:

1) Winner's Full Names:
2) Present Full Address:
3) Telephone Number:
4) Raffle Draw Winning Email:
5) Amount Won:
6) Winning Reference Number:
7) Winning Batch Number:
8) Winning Transfer Identification code: ELPC/MWT/0143
9) Winning Certificate Number: UK/9876125

Note that there exists a periodic condition on all claims process; therefore you have limited time to claim your winnings. Failure to claim your winnings within the stipulated time frame will lead to the forfeiture of your winnings after which your winnings remitted back to the Uk On-line Lottery Headquarters and will then be added to next winning draws. Also kindly be aware that the Uk On-line Lottery winning prizes are regulated by the Financial Services Authority and as a result, you are advice to follow the Lottery Claims Terms and Conditions to ensure the remittance of your prize to you within the stipulated time of the claiming of winnings..

Further to this, due to some recent miss-up of some winning numbers, as a Prize winner and according to the Uk On-line Lottery Terms and Conditions, you are only privy to your winnings informations and your winnings transfer information in order to avoid any form of double claiming and misappropriation of your winnings, hence the release of your winning informations to a third party(friends and family members inclusive) is absolutely ruled out as this will lead give room to double claiming by a third party which is against the Uk On-line Lottery Terms and Conditions.You are hereby adviced to keep your winning information personal from anythird parties(friends and family members inclusive)until your winnings have been remitted to you.

Lastly, I will require a concise update on your proceedings with the Agency that will be handling the transfer of your winning. If you need any assistance whatsoever from this office, please do not hesitate to inform me.

Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Pinkett Griffin
Accredited Fiduciary Agent
Confidentiality Notice:

Please note that this email and any files that may be attached to it is/are confidential and is/are intended for the sole use of the individual(s) or entity (is) to which it/they is/are addressed. Any use, distribution, copying or disclosure by any other person or entity is strictly prohibited under applicable law(s).Opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to official business of NATIONAL LOTTERY and insurance shall be understood to be neither given nor endorsed by NATIONAL LOTTERY finance and insurance when addressed to concern finance and insurance clients; and any information contained in this email is subject to the terms and conditions of the governing client's contract(s).

UK On-line Lottery

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