[Resolved]  Apspdcl — WRONG BILLED BY APSPDCL

Address: Guntur, Andhra Pradesh

Dear Sir,

Electricity Service No.[protected]
ERO : Guntur Rural
Section: D5 guntur
Distribution: 00 Guntur
Machine COde: D5F
Trans Structure Code;[protected]

Old meter replaced on[protected] and total billed units in the subsequent months are as follows.

Month Billed units
Jul'11 52 units
Aug'11 52 units
Sep'11 52 units

Total 156 Units.

Current meter reading is 223 units. But APSPDCL (Andhra Pradesh Southern Power Distribution Company Limited) people are billed for 202 units. I don't know how it possible. One more present reading and past reading as per bills are follows

Month Present Reading Past Reading Billed units
Jul'11 948 948 52
Aug'11 948 948 52
Sep'11 948 948 52
Oct'11 950 948 202

Meter status is 01 that means Normal. In this circumstances how come they will generate the bill in manual. Some uneducated people are coming to generate the bill. They are not listening to the house hold people. Moreover they are sewing tobocco and some pan masala. they are speaking like care less people.

More over we don't have any power consumption home appliances like fridge, washing machine, rice cooker and other. How it possible to generate the bill for 202 units.

We are seeking for the correct bill.

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Aug 13, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 
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