Dear Sir,
I, Saurabh Jain, took a life insurance policy no.13240781 from HDFC Standard Life Insurance Co., for which I made a payment of Rs.25000/-, in the form of Demand draft drawn from my current A/c. Date 30/10/2009
I am very disappointed to inform you that as of today, I have not received any cover note for the above-mentioned policy from HDFC Standard Life Insurance Co. In spite of my repeated reminders and complaints, I have not received any positive explanation regarding this default. I have a signed copy of the complaint that I submitted to HDFC Standard Life, a copy of which I have attached with this letter.
I request you to please look into the matter with utmost seriousness and urgency; otherwise, I shall be forced to take serious action against HDFC Standard Life Insurance Co.
Therefore, please arrange to send me the requisite covernote for my policy or else, I shall be forced to seek help from other media sources such as CNBC Awaaz etc. and the consumer court, and not to forget the IRDA as well.
Looking forward to hearing from you and receiving my policy cover note in the very near future.
Yours Sincerely
Saurabh Jain Was this information helpful? |
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