Address: Ludhiana, Punjab |
I Munish Goel H no 102, St 2, Satjot Nagar Ludhiana [protected] do here by complaint against Mr. C.S. Bhanot (G.M) Telecom Ludhiana Office for Indulging corruptive and illegal practice.
1 That Mr. C.S. Bhanot has released the Bank Guarantee of M/s Saraswati Gas Service earlier holder of (LDH-8) territory under Ludhiana Office inspite that an amount of Rs.7,86,800/- being the cost of 3934 sims issued to aforesaid distributor is still outstanding in the record of BSNL Ludhiana Office and an amount of Rs.21,000/- of dishonor cheque is still pending against the aforesaid distributor.
3 That Mr. C.S. Bhanot has further committed corruptive illegal practices by issuing tender of LDh-7 territory to M/s Aggarwal Gift Centre in year 2009 in violation of terms of the tender as the allottee was not eligible to be selected on following grounds :-
(a) That your own office vide letter no.LD/Mkt/EOI/Aggreement/LDH03/37 dated 21.08.2009 has written that M/s Aggarwal Gift Centre has given misleading information by mentioning firm has partnership with two directors but given the PAN- No. ADYPM9349M of Individual Mr. Tek Chand Mittal as mentioned in para 1 of letter, where as the firm was registered as partnership only on 02.01.2007.
(b) That M/s Aggarwal Gift Centre has submitted wrong Balance Sheet which is clear from Annexure-L in which Turn Over is written by allottee is Rs.15,87,31,981/-, but as per minutes of TEC his turn over is Rs.17,15,65,276/-
(c) That M/s Aggarwal Gift Centre has shown in Annexure-L to EOI that it has experience of 3-1/2 years in month of May 2007 but as per TEC report its experience start only from Oct. 2005 which clearly shows that firm was lacking required experience. In this regard complaint was forward on 08.06.2012 to Mr. C.S. Bhanot (G.M.) BSNL Ludhiana.
4 That Mr. C.S. Bhanot instead of terminating the franchise agreement of defaulting the franchise has further supplied materials to defaulting franchise who have knowingly stopped the payment of cheques issued to BSNL Ludhiana Office in order to get material against the cheque the details of franchise who have stopped the payment of cheque is shown in letter no. AOCashBSNL/CD/Dealers/53 same are as under:-
(a) That M/s Aggarwal Gift Centre stopped the payment of Rs.58,200/- for cheque no. 426410 dated 02.06.2012 against which BSNL had already issued material to franchise.
(b) That M/s Garg Trading Company stopped the payment of Rs.37,880/- for cheque no. 097844 dated 30.05.2012 against which BSNL had already issued material to franchise.
(c) That M/s Maini Sales stopped the payment of Rs.94,580/- for cheque no. 282846 dated 30.05.2012 against which BSNL had already issued material to franchise.
5 That Mr. C.S. Bhanot is extending the franchise agreements of its own of M/s Aggarwal Gift Centre(LDH-03) & M/s Garg Trading Company (LDH-09) without obtaining prior clearance report from Vigilance Department though as per clause(8) of letter no. Mktg-II/Franchisees/02 Years Extension/42 dated 27.05.2008 of Ludhiana Office it is specifically mentioned that in respect of franchise of area LDH-03 and LDH-09, the extension shall be subject to out come of Vigilance report.
6 That Mr. C.S. Bhanot is extending the franchise agreements of without obtaining Showroom Area 250 sq. as per S & D Policy and franchise is indulging in Other Operator known as Idea through MNP as sister concern of M/s Garg Trading Company is the agent Idea and is working in the same office space in convince with Mr. C.S. Bhanot GMTD Ludhiana which has been shown as distributor office of M/s Garg Trading Company with BSNL(Snap of same is attached).
Verified :-
Verified that the contents of para no.1 to 7 of the affidavit are true & correct to the best of my knowledge and information & nothing has been concealed therein.
K C G K Pillai
Director (Finance)
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan
New Delhi
Sub : Complaint against D.G.M (Fin) Ludhiana Office for Indulging corruptive and illegal practice
That D.G.M (Fin) Ludhiana has released the Bank Guarantee of M/s Saraswati Gas Service earlier holder of (LDH-8) territory under Ludhiana Office inspite that an amount of Rs.7,86,800/- being the cost of 3934 sims issued to aforesaid distributor is still outstanding in the record of BSNL Ludhiana Office and an amount of Rs 21,000/- of dishonor cheque is still pending against the aforesaid distributor. same higher officer are involve in this case and give undo benefit.
So, KIindly Look In this Serious Matter Due to Which Creditability and Reputation of BSNL is at Stake.
Thank You
Munish Goel
H no 102, St 2,
Satjot Nagar Ludhiana [protected]
K C G K Pillai
Director (Finance)
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan
New Delhi
Sub : Complaint against D.G.M (Fin) Ludhiana Office for Indulging corruptive and illegal practice
That Mr. D.G.M (Fin) instead of terminating the franchise agreement of defaulting the franchise has further supplied materials to defaulting franchise who have knowingly stopped the payment of cheques issued to BSNL Ludhiana Office in order to get material against the cheque the details of franchise who have stopped the payment of cheque is shown in letter no. AOCashBSNL/CD/Dealers/53 same are as under:-
(a) That M/s Aggarwal Gift Centre stopped the payment of Rs.58,200/- for cheque no. 426410 dated 02.06.2012 against which BSNL had already issued material to franchise.
(b) That M/s Garg Trading Company stopped the payment of Rs.37,880/- for cheque no. 097844 dated 30.05.2012 against which BSNL had already issued material to franchise.
(c) That M/s Maini Sales stopped the payment of Rs.94,580/- for cheque no. 282846 dated
30.05.2012 against which BSNL had already issued material to franchise.
So, KIindly Look In this Serious Matter Due to Which Creditability and Reputation of BSNL is at Stake.
Thank You
Munish Goel
H no 102, St 2,
Satjot Nagar Ludhiana [protected]
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan
New Delhi
Sub : Showroom Area 250 sq. as per S & D Policy
That Mr. C.S. Bhanot is extending the franchise agreements of without obtaining Showroom Area
250 sq. as per S & D Policy SECTION ‘A’ class 2 (Space:- Interested party must ensure
office space (carpet area of size 250 sq.ft. for Class A and Class B ; and 100
Sq.ft. for Class C territory) and franchise is indulging in Other Operator known as Idea through
MNP as sister concern of M/s Garg Trading Company is the agent Idea and is working in the same
office space in convince with Mr. C.S. Bhanot GMTD Ludhiana which has been shown as distributor office
of M/s Garg Trading Company with BSNL(Snap of same is attached).
So, KIindly Look In this Serious Matter Due to Which Creditability and Reputation of BSNL is at Stake.
Thank You
Munish Goel
H no 102, St 2,
Satjot Nagar Ludhiana [protected]
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BSNL — corruption and overcharging
I have land line number[protected] in Bareilly U.p in Izzatnagar circle. I have following complaints.(a) The BSNL was not providing the regular bills of Aug09-Nov 09 owing to the problem in their server however when bills were given consumers have to pay late fees despiteof the fact that dely in payment was not because of their actions? There seem to be no accountability in disbursement of bills also and due to which as consumers we are paying late fees o[censored]pto 300RS per month without any fault from our side.
(b) The linesman are so corrupt that they are asking favours in terms of money or liquor or else they tend to either cutoff line or create some or the other troble. It is requested that the matter may be taken upwith higher ups who are seemingly cutoff from ground realities.