[Resolved]  Bright Way Solutions , Bangalore — Professional Bullying by Having Unethical QC Norms

Hai , I am raising this complaint on behalf of some Lakhs o[censored]nemployed graduates who get lured by Work from Home concepts Marketing . This company and many other similar companies in India offer gullible public to type the documents /stories from Images . We have to type about 250 to 270 pages per month and send back the typed format to them . They have to pay us about Rs.8000/- for that work . But they have very cleverly devised the quality parameters to beat the labour easily . Just take a look at this :
File not saved in 100% -attracts 10% error .
Each line missing or Extra attracts 10% Error .
Extra page[protected][protected]% Error .
Totally if any one makes max 30% error means he gets nothing for the whole months work . It means we just save some 3 pages out of 250 at 150% zoom , then we are paid nothing for the whole work . I am literally pained that these companies are cheating lakhs of hard working labour by such professional gimmics . It is any body's guess that if the page is saved at 150% instead of 100% it is too simple a job to correct it! Also these people know that for normal working we have to zoom it to at least 150% and while completed it is any body's guess that we normally tend to save it at the same zoomed condition ! Can any one suggest us a method to sue these people and bring them to book so that lakhs of Indians get paid for their hard work !!! I request that this problem be high lighted to eminent Lawyers of India who have some public concern to take up a public interest petition and sue these kind of companies ??
If anyone interested , Pl contact me @[protected]/[protected]-H.S.Sreedhar.
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Aug 13, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


HI Everybody,
iam working with bright way solutions( Bangalore, Byatarayana pura ) past 6 months, iam getting proper payments for all my work,
i have seen lot of Home based data entry companies but this is the best one what they are giving because they are doing legal job agreement for our job and iam getting good response during duty period, and also before we start the work they will give proper instructions about the job,
so iam feeling very happy working with this company this is very suitable for house wifes, students, and part time job seekers, if we do hard work we have good payment.
so iam suggesting to all you can take this without any tension

Thanks for your valuable input Sreedhar. Really appreciate it! Have a good day!
I read your complaint. I was going to join the brightwaysoulutions.in company by Mr.Prathap, Teja & Prabhakar Nellore. I also had a conversation with them. I want to know about your experience. You had worked as per their requirement & instructions or not. For how many months you worked for them, and what was the amount of payment? Is is practically possible to type 240-275 pages in 25-27 days? Approximately 10 pages per day.
What is the time required to type 10 pages daily? Is there any gap between two assignments. Please reply me.Waiting for your reply. Thank you
hi, i am akash,
One more information is the main company which is associated in this is multileosofttech.net. So beware of other Franchisees who are also dealing with this company .
I am a computer professional and I had worked as per their requirement & instructions .I worked for all 11 months and got Zero payment ! It is practically possible to type 240-275 pages in 25-27 days? Approximately 10 pages per day. There will be about 15 days gap between assignments .
This reply by RAGHU, BANGALORE. is none other than the comment inserted by Bright way solutions themselves . So don't get carried away .
Hello Mr. Sreedhar,
if you are a computer literature then why you have taken the job with knowing their instructions and terms and conditions? if you are really done the job why you have not taken action legally against them?
are you joking? and you are mentioned that you worked for 11 months and no payment can you forward me the all 11 months works along with their sent job works? if your comment and done jobs are really correct i will support you if not i will contact with that company people and ask them to take the legal action against you.
And finally one more question really are you taken the job work ? or some other ? if so update the scanned receipt in the consumer complaint everybody will trust your complaint.
Brightway solutions (Bangalore) is a very trustable company because my friends are working since 5 months and iam also working since 2 months, its genuene company and giving intime Reports and intime Payments,
who is willing to do Hard work and for those people only this job is suitable.
See Mr. Ladermind ?? ( I think you don't even have a proper name so that you are giving Proxy names Here ?) I doubt you are a real computer literate ? The very silly parameter that if you save the file not in 100 % means it will attract 10% error shows very well that it is an ethical cheating .No one will keep such errors if they are genuine . If you know any thing about MS word, do you think it is a great error to save the file in 150% and it takes hell a lot of effort to change it back to 100% . Actually there is no need to save the file in 100% BECAUSE IT IS ONLY A VIEWING REQUIREMENT and actual file has got nothing to do with what % zoom you are using to view ?

If any one is genuinely interested in simple data proofing work, contact me .
Hey guys..

Stop all this nuisance...
I would like to clearly tell you one thing...
Not only the Brightway solutions or some one else..
All the GIF/TIFF/JPEG to Word Document typing works were fake.

Those who put comments supporting that Fraudster Brightway Solutions were none other than their friends or employees or even Brightway Solutions them selves.

These projects were run on the upfront payments you pay while sign up.
They dont give anything in return, no matter how accurate your data is.
Because, those files that were converted into MS Word were junk. There will be no who would use them and pays you through the vendor.

If one claims their documents were genuine, check for the fonts in their documents. If you find any regular fonts like Ariel, Verdana, Tahoma or Times New Roman...you can be sure that these files were not scanned images they claim. They just create these files in notepad and save them into GIF/TIFF/JPEG formats..

All the genuine international publishers, who offer these works have their own registered fonts, and no one would have access to them.

I agree with Mr. Sreedhar. Before criticizing him, I request M/S: Madhu, Raghu and Ladermind to kindly look at the problem from Sridhar side. Where is the need to forward all the details, work submission folders and source data files to Ladermind? What will he do? He is acting over smart. Most of you innocent people do not one simple thing. These fraudsters would assign same slot of work to so many people, and perhaps this is the simple reason that prompted Ladermind to request Sridhar to forward him all his work folders. Ladermind then makes necessary changes (if any), and if the client assign the same slot to him, he would use this archives and submit as if he has done it on his own.

Now, lets have a look at Sridhar's suggestions.

He is very clear and correct by using the term: Unethical Qc Norms;

First, I would like to tell you that before venturing into any business, you should have practical knowledge and technical expertize about it. For this, one should work for quite a few years with a quality organization, and understand the various risks attached it. If anybody has anything about these data entry conversion projects, then he would not pay anything and sign up these processes.

Who gives you 40 to 50 rupees for just typing a few 46 lines in MS Word?
No one thinks about this simple logic, and pays the upfront amount in a hurry. To worsen the things even more, a lot of these innocent people were from middle class background, and in most cases they borrow the money for interest at higher rates. All they think that they can repay the debt in the first month itself. But, that never happens.

So, dont ever enter into BPO Sector unless you are qualified, experienced and have the expertize to execute the projects on time meeting all the quality parameters. Its no child's play.

Now, lets see the quantity of work they provide for a month.
They would give 260 to 300 pages for a TAT of 22 to 26 days. That means one has to type 12 pages a day, and each page would take 30 to 40 mnts with an average speed of 40 to 50wpm. For quality checking it takes another 10 to 20mnts. That means, a person has to work whole day on these so called 'WORK FROM HOME, JUST SPEND A FEW HOURS AND EARN LAKHS OF RUPEES EASY INCOME'

Most of them could not complete the whole lot of assigned pages with in TAT time, and naturally they would loss their upfront payment. Even if a few achieved, most of them would be filtered in QC Process. Only a very few lucky ones (perhaps, 2 or 3 in 100) would be eligible for billing. But, they don't pay anything to these 2 or 3 persons too. They just drag the time and process and tell a lot of cock and bull stories, till that time, he/she gives up asking them.

Taking legal action is not a better option either. Because, at the time of sign up, they dont show you the actual agreement form for your consideration, and as the agreement was prepared carefully for their benefit, you can't find a clause to help you. Even if you sue them legally, it takes a lot of years, and would make things much worse. You have to sue him in his home town as mentioned in the agreement. So, going for legal action isn't a good decision.

There were several thousands of fraudsters in India at present, offering some 60 to 70 types of Data Entry Projects.

If you are professional enough, you can judge the process before sign up and would keep your self off from that process. So, going by their fake promises of huge billing is solely your mistake and one should not blame the society, other governing bodies, etc.. None of them advised you to pay them the upfront payment.

So, I simply suggest everyone to keep off the BPO Sector unless you are a PRO.

That is why I had started a blog to educate the innocent entrepreneurs and create some awareness on these fake data entry projects..

Here is the link:


Those who were badly hit with these projects can contact me for guidance.


facebook/twitter/linkedIn: chekree
Chakree and mr.Sreedhar i think these two people dont have even common sense because i clearly challenged to Mr. Sreedhar that forward all 11 jobs which he has done, did you both people given the answer for that?

NO, Why? because he had not done the job and one thing clearly i would like to suggest to all that is Mr. Sreedhar mentioned that he done 11 months job right? but after done one month job he not got the payment right then why done next job? ok let think he tried for 2nd time but 2nd time also he had not taken the payment then why done the next job? next job? next job?

because what he had not the job and more ever there is no guarantee he is the client of Bright way, yes this is true if not ask him to show the receipt and ask him to forward the all the job, and one more thing he really done the job why he cant fight for justice? because he is totally fraud dont beleive his words.

and Mr. Honorable Chakree did you done the job from Bright way? if so what you have faced the problem from that company? if not you are not right person to blame about that comapny, without knowing about the company you should not say the words like that.
iam working with Brightway from 3 months it is good and trustable company,
because they are doing everything in legal way.
Mr. Sreedhar is right. I have very good typing skills with 25 years experience as a Typist. Despite that I could not comply their targets. If you make very little mistakes in the huge volume of 250 pages, you will not receive any payment. Your labour will probably be utilised by them without paying you. They also make sure in the agreement that you can not question them. Dont get fooled. They are all cheats.
i worked with bright way solutions from Bangalore since 2 months its a good company where we can earn good income, and also its legal and genuine one. Who is willing to do hard and sincere, dedicated work for them only it is suitable.
Hi everyone, I'm a student who would wish to work part time doing data entry for some pocket cash, by all your discussions i'm confused as whom to trust and whom not to.
So please suggest me what I should be really doing with this company.?

Also Mr. Ladermind if you have worked for them can i have any of the payment proofs or your contact number.?
Hi I am Basavaraj

Mr.Sreedhar.H.S. will you please tell me one thing, if you not get 1st payment means your are terminated how you get further work from them tell me clearly i am going to join that company as soon as possible
CHEKREE you are awesome dude, you are a real pro in reviewing stuffs, thanks for all your feedback since i work in a BPO, i completely agree with you, BPO is not for some lazy, easy going dumbos to earn easy money.
even i have replied to a complaint against Jupiter groups data entry company in Malleshwaram.
Link: http://www.consumercomplaints.in/complaints/the-jupiter-groups-karnataka-c636405...
bright way solutions is a fake company... i worked with it and after submiting all 250pages ...after month they said qc report will come after 20 days n it was rejected... it is their tcehnic eve thng was done according to wat they said but sice they are fake n only want register amount they play huge game ...i advice u all to not join this ... it is really fake one... and they have not paid to anyone till today...dnt b foolish to join these cheaters
Mr. Sreedhar Hiriyur is right, i am also one of the looser of money, i have paid Rs 3500/- to Bright way solutions. They have cheated me. I had a good typing skill and can type 50wpm average, for this strength my company recognised me and offered me a good secretarial job in reputated company with good salary, But unfortunately in Bright way solutions, the image page they have given to convert in to word doc is hard task, as it was caligraphy which is really hard to read and takes time to read and type clearly, i will challenge this as no one can accomplish the job even by doing hard work. with in assigned time or dead line. They know this very well that no one can accomplish the job even by doing hard work with in dead line or assigned time and smartly encashing by cheating. so i'll call this company as "DARK WAY SOLUTIONS"

- Murthy

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