Address: Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala |
DINESAN K [protected] a/c no [protected]
Dear sir,
Sub: billing error- reg
I have been using the broadband connction from 23.01.2006 and I am paying my monthly bills without any due.first my plan was 250 and the after 3 months I changed to Combo 500 which i can use 1.5GB data But my January 2013 bill has showing an excess usage of 114GB with 1472 hrs o[censored]sage. which is not possible as january has only 744hrs(24*31) As I enqured BSNL account Section at PMG they informed me it was the excess usage from february 2011 onwards.
My humble request was if the excess usage was charged/informed in the february 2011 bill itself I would have changed to unlimited plan. I thought my usage was within the limit only and all my bills no usage was mentioned for the last 2 years. But I have been informed and charged only after 23 months and in a single single bill . And I have already paid bill upto december 2012 without any penality.
I feel like a betrayal as i opted for a monthly bill and that is only shows whether i have to chage my plan to higher. BSNL not informed me for the last 2 years that my usage is excess and they never charged excess. now they are asking to pay for the exess charges from 2011 onwards. they never give me a chance to change the plan and always informed like my usage was within the limit only
i am attaching my bill part
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