It is surprising that neither DDA nor contractor has put up any board showing the contact nos. for any complaints. The monsoons have long passed but the state of the roads coming from Sarita vihar to Appollo and Appolo to Jasola are in shambles even today resulting in very slow movement and jams every day. Who is to undertake temporary repairs to these roads so as to alleviate the problems o[censored]sers till the underpass is completed, which we don't know when.
The road from Jasola corporate offices to Apollo is one huge pothole. This has been in this state for over a year when will the authorities take action and repair? Why are we paying taxes with no accountability from govt corporations?
DDA — Roads
DDA flats bindapur, New Delhi - 59The road pavement and RCC work has not done after 15 years of allotment. The environment conditions in the area is dangeroud due to road dust. the road condition in the area and worst. No maintenance of parks and plantation.