Dear Forum,
I am an Applicant of 1981 DDA Rohini Land allotment scheme. I have been waiting for all these years more than 28 years now. I am about to retire and would like that those who are retiring and have no intention of selling their plot through a broker (as this pretext is being used by DDA that most of the allottees have contacted the brokers) but want to live for themselves. We are at the golden age of our life already being 64 years of age, we are left with only couple of years more of our life taking the average age in India to be 65 but still no place to live. I have no house of mine anywhere on this planet and am unable to fidn a place to live in Delhi the city of my dreams where I grew up and was educated. I appeal to all concerned to do something. I am ready to give an undertaking that I will not sell the plot or house if allotted, till death or something. I dont know what more assurance of misuse of allottment government wants though it is unable to stop any body from misusing the system where brokers use allotmments that are meant for living and doing business. The DDA should design a plan for the real users and real applicants of the DDA Rohini scheme and llott those who are more that 63 and are facing retirement with no place to go.
I assume that this letter will go to GOI consumer forum as provided by the website.
I would like to know more if some one can I inform me on the latest in the matter.
Will our children be entitled to the land if something happens to us?
Ashok Pachauri
209/1 Saraswati Kunj,IITR
Roorkee 247667
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