[Resolved]  Demat Account — User ID and Pin not received

Dear Sir/Madam
I have attached the comp-lain copy below which is self explanatory. Kindly help or kindly give me the Chief person of Demat account.
Thanks and Regards
Nazir Ahmed
Camp Dubai Mobile No : [protected]

From: Nazir Ahmed ([protected]@hotmail.com)
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 11:23:12 AM
To: icici bank customer care (bhaskar.[protected]@icicibank.com); gowdhaman.[protected]@icicidirect.com
Dear Gentlemen
Hope some one is taking care Mr.Gjanna what is your problem making a miss call I want to talk to you to find out the proper person if you all are not the correcrt persons pl take this as serious matter and revert.

From: [protected]@hotmail.com
To: customer.[protected]@icicibank.com; bhaskar.[protected]@icicibank.com; gowdhaman.[protected]@icicidirect.com
Subject: RE: 'ICICICARE=[protected]' RE: ICICI Bank - Demat Account No.
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 14:55:35 +0200

Dear Mr. Gajanan

For GOD shake

PL call the courier organization to contact my telephone number to deliver the package which is on hold and this is the easy way.

Also My account No[protected] with ICICI Thillainagar branch trichy Tele No[protected] and[protected] carry my address as 36 A/3, tennoor, steel thope trichy 620017 and I have many deposits transaction worth more than 15 Lks all this correspondences are coming on the same address how come this address is different .

By copying this mail to Mr. Bhaskar Bank Manager and Mr. Gowdhaman Senior sales Manager ICIC Thillainagar Trichy branch I request both of them kindly to look into the matter and I think without checking my local accounts address and other details the form was simply filled by looking the ration card only I though We agree all the clear detail.

Mr.Gowdhaman I called you twice while you were in Chennai and you promise me that you will sort it out and you are back to trichy you also not bother till date.

I appreciate and respect the ICICI security system.

Pl see the circumstance it is pending from 9th Feb to till date all most 1.5 months ICECAP is such a big organization
and do not bother about the value document has reached to the individual or not any signed acknowledged received back or the courier service had return the undelivered document to ICICI the originator and in turn the ICICI has send the email to me or a call at least for finding the what all about this undelivered documents.

Pl see how much money I would have lost during this period for not doing the on line share transaction and mental agony I faced.

Mr.Gajanna I requested you to give me a call you did not bother If cost is the concern for you to make a call kindly give your Mobile No I will call you to see how best to solve it. (instead of you all).

Again I am giving My Mobile number camp in Dubai ([protected]).

Kindly make a point to call me and please don't say I am not reachable and Pl send an SIMS your number I will call you if you have a problem since I am the affected person.

Warm Regards
Address as in my account No[protected] and correct.
No 36 A/3
Steel thope
Trichy - 620 017
Tele :[protected]
Mobile No : [protected]

Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 14:55:51 +0530
From: customer.[protected]@icicibank.com
Subject: RE:'ICICICARE=[protected]' RE: ICICI Bank - Demat Account No.
To: [protected]@hotmail.com

Dear Mr. Ahmed,

We understand your concerns.

We update the communication address in our record as per the communication address which you have mentioned in account opening form.

We can not send the pin mailer containing user ID and password on any other address except which is mentioned in our record.

We request you to confirm us weather you have mentioned the same communication address in your account opening form so that we can assist you accordingly.

Incase you wish to do the changes in your communication address now then we request you to first follow the procedure of address changes and once the correct address get updated in our record, you can place the online request for password reset.

To place an address change request in Demat and I direct records, we request you to provide us with the following:

a. A written application for change of address. (In case of joint holdings, all holders must sign the application).

b. Proof of Identity of all holders along with the original documents of proof of identity.

I. Passport
II. Voter ID Card,
III. Driving License,
V. Credit cards / Debit cards issued by Banks with Applicant's photo,
VI. PAN Number (with Photograph)
VII . Employees Identity card with Applicant's Photo issued by
a. Central / State Government and its Departments,
b. Statutory / Regulatory authorities
c. Public Sector Undertakings
d. Scheduled Commercial Banks,
e. Public Financial Institutions,
f. Professional Bodies such as ICAI, ICWAI, ICSI and Bar Council,
VIII . Identity card/Document with applicant's Photo, issued by
a. Scheduled Commercial Banks,
b. Professional Bodies such as ICAI, ICWAI, ICSI and Bar Council.

Copy of any one of the above may be accepted for proof of Identity

c. Latest transaction statement of the account received from the Participant or other communication received by the customer from ICICI Bank Demat Services;

d. Proof of Residence (new correspondence address) in the name of the first holder along with the original documents of the new address.
I. Ration Card
II. Passport
III. Voter ID
IV. Driving License
V. 6 month Bank Statement / Passbook with two customer induced transactions
VI. Verified Copies of
a. Electricity Bills (Not more than two months old)
b. Residence Telephone bills (Not more than two months old)
c. Leave and License agreement / Agreement for Sale
VII. Self declaration by High court & Supreme Court judges, giving the new
address in respect of their new account
VIII. Identity Card / Flat allotment letter having address issued by
a. Central / State Government and its Departments
b. Statutory / Regulatory Authorities
c. Public Sector Undertakings
d. Scheduled Commercial Banks
e. Public Financial Institutions
f. Professional Bodies such as ICAI, ICWAI, ICSI and Bar Council
g. Domicile Certificate
h. Gas Bill
i. LIC Premium receipt
j. Post office saving pass book

Copy of any one of the above may be accepted for proof of address.
In case you are submitting the bank statement as address proof then :
You may submit the computer generated original bank statement as POA if neither obtaining the copy of bank passbook nor attestation (stamp and signature) of the authorised official of the bank on the original bank statement is feasible. Provided such original bank statement is printed on the stationery of the bank, carries logo and name of the bank, displays the name, address and bank transactions/holdings of your account for the latest quarter ending.
You may submit the computer generated bank statement which is printed on a plain paper as POA provided it clearly mentions the name, address and bank transactions/holdings of the your account for the latest quarter ending. Provided such a bank statement is duly attested (signed and stamped) by the authorised official of the bank mentioning the name and designation of such authorised official.
Also, you need to submit the following :
A cancelled cheque in original and signature of the applicant(s) (all the holders in case of joint holdings) on the bank statement.
The bank statement should be of the latest quarter ending eg. demat accounts opened in the month of April, May and June should be supported by the bank statement of the quarter ending March 31.

You have to submit the application to any of the nearest ICICI Bank Branch providing demat services and get it attested from the bank official.

In case of demat account having joint holders, any one of the account holder can visit the branch under authorization from other account holders.

The form for change of address can be downloaded from www.icicibank.com site

1) Go to Demat link.
2) Click on Service Request (Link on the Left hand Side of the screen).
3) Go to Form for change in Correspondence Address
4) Click on the form "Change in Correspondence Address"

On receipt of address change request at our end, your address would be updated in 10 working days.

If you are unable to personally visit the Branch, the application for change of address along with other documents can be submitted through an authorized representative along with an authority letter. The letter should expressly state the name of the authorized representative and attest the representative's signature.

Also would like to mention that the signature of authorized representative should match with the signature on Client Request letter if authorized representative has approached us and the Signature of the Client on the application would be verified with signature in our system.
Kindly note that if any of the latest address proofs are not available with you, you may submit the Latest Bank account statement which reflects your new address.
Once the address is update you can place the online password reset request.

Here is the process to place a request for a new password online:

1. Go to www.icicidirect.com.
2. Go to Customer Service Page.

· Click on the link "Give me a new trading Password".

· Give your user ID or Form number.

· Give your Savings Bank Account number.

· Give your date of birth.

3. Click on "Send request".

Your request for new password will be processed in 48 hours and in it will take 7 working days for delivering from date of dispatch, a new password along with the user ID to your correspondence address. Your account will be de-activated for security reasons once the password is generated. On the receipt of the new password, please activate the account using the following procedure:

1. Go to www.icicidirect.com.
2. Go to Customer Service page.
3. Click on "Activate your account":

· Enter your ICICI Direct User ID.

· Enter your ARN (Application Reference Number). ( The same is mentioned in the mail consisting the password.)

· Enter your response ID.

· Enter your ICICI Bank Account Number.

· Enter your date of birth.

4. Click on "Request for Activation".

Your account will then be activated in the next 15 minutes and you will be able to commence trading.

We request you not to disclose your password to anyone due to security reasons. Further we request you to change your password on receiving the same as it is a sensitive account related information.

Your Telephone number and the mobile number updated in our record are[protected] and [protected] respectively.


Gajanan Dabhade
Customer Service Officer
ICICI Bank Limited

"You now have access to real time trading tips on our site, this feature is "iCLICK-2-gain" & it is available on right hand side of the equity page"

Register your request for Demat Account Holding / Transaction statements / bills or query for the status of any form submitted at the branch by selecting the 'Create Service Request' option under the 'Demat' menu on Internet Banking. We would like to know whether you were satisfied with this e-mail interaction.

If you have changed your mailing address or your telephone number(s), please obtain the Address Change Request Form from our website
http://www.icicibank.com/pfsuser/channels/anywhere.htm or from any ICICI Bank branch or ATM.

ICICI Bank reserves the right to use its customers' comments/criticism/compliments in any manner or media and will exercise discretion in such use."


This e-mail message may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. It should not be accessed by anyone who is not the original intended recipient. If you have erroneously received this message, please delete it immediately and notify the sender.

You will appreciate that e-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as its contents are susceptible to loss, damage, interception, destruction, etc. Before opening any attachments please check them for viruses and defects.

The notice appended to the e-mails is not intended to prejudice the interests of our customers in any manner or to evade responsibility for any act of done with the endorsement of ICICI Bank.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nazir Ahmed ([protected]@hotmail.com)
Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 03:43 AM
To: ICICI Bank Customer Care (customer.[protected]@icicibank.com)
Subject: RE: RE: ICICI Bank - Demat Account No.

Dear Mr. Gajanan

Thanks for your mail but my telephone No is correct ([protected]) 24 hrs open.

The communication address is not correct it should be : Nazir Ahmed, No 36/a/3 Steel thope, Tennoor post, Trichy 620 017.

The telephone is[protected] and Mobile No is [protected].

Why the courier people did not contact us our telehpone or the mobile.

Do ICICI do not bother to look for the acknowledgement what they sent to the customer and track it down there by ICIC could know the status and sort for a reply through a email to me.

It is almost a month ??? .

Pl ask the firstflight courier to deliver the correct address OR you can send the User Id and Password through by phone on this No ([protected]) as a special case and I can change the passssword immediately I hope this is possible.

Kindly do the fastest way do call me on ([protected]).

I am not calling the Firstflight courier

Nazir Ahmed

Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 19:39:22 +0530
From: customer.[protected]@icicibank.com
Subject: RE:'ICICICARE=[protected]' RE: ICICI Bank - Demat Account No.
To: [protected]@hotmail.com

Dear Mr. Ahmed,

We were trying to contact you on contact number [protected], but we were unable to get through.

We request you to elaborate your query so that we can assist you accordingly.

We have dispatched the pin mailer containing user ID and password on February 6, 2008 by FIRST FLIGHT COURIER ( POD number - B[protected] on your communication address mentioned in our record.It takes 7 working day to receive it.

As per the information from the courier site the pin mailer was undelivered for the reason of Address Insufficient .

You may check the status of the pin mailer containing password details by logging into www.firstflight.net:

A)Put the cursor on "Consignment Tracking".

B) Click on "Z series shipments".

C) Click on "Customer Reference Number".

D) Give the consignment number ( B[protected].

E) Click on "Submit".

We request you to confirm us your communication address mentioned in our record is as below:

NEW NO 36 / A / 3,

Incase your communication address is correct and sufficient, then we request you to place the online request for password reset.

If you have misplaced/forgot your password, here is the process to place a request for a new password online:

1. Go to www.icicidirect.com.
2. Go to Customer Service Page.

· Click on the link "Give me a new trading Password".

· Give your user ID or Form number.

· Give your Savings Bank Account number.

· Give your date of birth.

3. Click on "Send request".

Your request for new password will be processed in 48 hours and in it will take 7 working days for delivering from date of dispatch, a new password along with the user ID to your correspondence address. Your account will be de-activated for security reasons once the password is generated. On the receipt of the new password, please activate the account using the following procedure:

1. Go to www.icicidirect.com.
2. Go to Customer Service page.
3. Click on "Activate your account":

· Enter your ICICI Direct User ID.

· Enter your ARN (Application Reference Number). ( The same is mentioned in the mail consisting the password.)

· Enter your response ID.

· Enter your ICICI Bank Account Number.

· Enter your date of birth.

4. Click on "Request for Activation".

Your account will then be activated in the next 15 minutes and you will be able to commence trading.

We request you not to disclose your password to anyone due to security reasons. Further we request you to change your password on receiving the same as it is a sensitive account related information.


Gajanan Dabhade
Customer Service Officer
ICICI Bank Limited

"You now have access to real time trading tips on our site, this feature is "iCLICK-2-gain" & it is available on right hand side of the equity page"

Register your request for Demat Account Holding / Transaction statements / bills or query for the status of any form submitted at the branch by selecting the 'Create Service Request' option under the 'Demat' menu on Internet Banking. We would like to know whether you were satisfied with this e-mail interaction.

If you have changed your mailing address or your telephone number(s), please obtain the Address Change Request Form from our website
http://www.icicibank.com/pfsuser/channels/anywhere.htm or from any ICICI Bank branch or ATM.

ICICI Bank reserves the right to use its customers' comments/criticism/compliments in any manner or media and will exercise discretion in such use."


This e-mail message may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. It should not be accessed by anyone who is not the original intended recipient. If you have erroneously received this message, please delete it immediately and notify the sender.

You will appreciate that e-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as its contents are susceptible to loss, damage, interception, destruction, etc. Before opening any attachments please check them for viruses and defects.

The notice appended to the e-mails is not intended to prejudice the interests of our customers in any manner or to evade responsibility for any act of done with the endorsement of ICICI Bank.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nazir Ahmed ([protected]@hotmail.com)
Date: Friday, March 14, 2008 07:12 PM
To: customer.[protected]@icicibank.com (customer.[protected]@icicibank.com)
Subject: RE: ICICI Bank - Demat Account No.

Dear Sir/Madam

Pl call my mobile number or send the correct contact person telephone number immediately to talk about my User ID and the Password of my Demat Account.

Kindly treat this as URGENT

Nazir Ahmed
Demat account Holder No IN[protected]
Mob [protected]
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Aug 14, 2020
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I have been asked by ICICI bank Demat services tofurnish copy of pan card and address proof which I have submitted to ICICI demat services, Tenkasi on1/7/2006.But ICICI demat serveces on their ref:(inward 139810/907300 & outward 001/237928/08/03/08) has stated that they are not in receipt of my relevent papers.
However I have submitted the relevent records to the ICICI Demat accounts, Tenkasi requesting the same to your Head Office to defreeze my accounts early.

Sankari Ramaswamy

My E-B. No. is [protected]

Sankari Ramaswamy.
Expecting early necessary action from ICICI Demat Services,

Sankari Ramaswamy

demat account — non closure of demat account

I had demat account with ICICI bank demat services. I requested many times through e-mail for closure. They did not close and did not write any letter. Now after 4 years I have received statement showing debit of Rs.3310/-.

I have copy of e-mail sent to them. Kindly advise me.


wat happen??????????????????? i Courier the following requirement now please issue me a new welcome kit. really hats off to your service...

--- On Wed, 17/12/08, vaibhav shinde <[protected]@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

From: vaibhav shinde <[protected]@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: RE:'SLTD=[protected]' Account Status
To: "Team Sharekhan" <[protected]@sharekhan.com>
Date: Wednesday, 17 December, 2008, 12:25 PM

Dear Concern,
Just mentioned me, as per ur below mail, courier details given by u who has received the the kit. and what relation with me.
--- On Tue, 16/12/08, Team Sharekhan <[protected]@sharekhan.com> wrote:

From: Team Sharekhan <[protected]@sharekhan.com>
Subject: RE:'SLTD=[protected]' Account Status
To: "[protected]@yahoo.co.in" <[protected]@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Tuesday, 16 December, 2008, 11:45 AM

Dear Sir / Madam, Thank you for writing in. We would like to inform you that as you have not received your welcome kit, in order to issue a new welcome kit we request you to submit a letter in writing along with Xerox copy of your PAN card and submit the same to any of our branch or courier the same to us on the below mentioned address so that we hall reissue your welcome kit. Sharekhan Limited.
3rd floor, Krishna House,
Raghuvanshi Mill Compund,
Senapati Bapat Marg,
Lower Parel(W), Mumbai- 400 013.
Kindly feel free to revert in case of any further clarifications. Thank you for visiting www.sharekhan.com

Assuring you of our best services at all times and looking forward to a long and pleasant association. Regards, Team Sharekhan -----Original Message-----
From: vaibhav shinde ([protected]@yahoo.co.in)
Date: Sunday, December 14, 2008 06:56 PM
To: Team Sharekhan ([protected]@sharekhan.com)
Subject: RE: Account Status Dear Concern,
My address is correct. but i havent got any welcome kit and u r declaring courier status deliver. its very ashame for your firm. i didn't expect such things from u. is there any option to get back and close the account and refund the amount.
--- On Sat, 13/12/08, Team Sharekhan <[protected]@sharekhan..com> wrote:

From: Team Sharekhan <[protected]@sharekhan.com>
Subject: RE:'SLTD=[protected]' Account Status
To: "[protected]@yahoo.co.in" <[protected]@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Saturday, 13 December, 2008, 3:38 PM

Dear Sir / Madam, Thank you for writing in. We would like to inform you that your account is active at our end we had despatched your welcome kit via Express IT courier at your registered mailing address in our records.As per the courier status the same is delivered to you. Below mentioned is your address updated in our records and POD details Address:1 C 401 N G Park Rawalpada Nr Siddivinayak TempleDahisar East Mumbai - 400068Maharashtra POD Details:Tracking Result Details
Airwaybill Number:
Reference Number:
Booked On:
Consignee Name:
Delivery Branch:
Delivery Date:
Delivery Time:
Received by:
Proof of id :
Proof id No.:
Kindly feel free to revert in case of any further clarifications. Thank you for visiting www.sharekhan.com

Assuring you of our best services at all times and looking forward to a long and pleasant association. Regards, Team Sharekhan -----Original Message-----
From: vaibhav shinde ([protected]@yahoo.co.in)
Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008 08:52 PM
To: [protected]@sharekhan.com ([protected]@sharekhan.com)
Subject: Account Status Dear Concern, My name is Vaibhav Shinde. i applied for Demat Account by paying 750 rs of cheque no 454213. the amount has been debited. but i didn't know the status of my account.My receipt no is 30318263.branch name Andheri(e)its almost 20days over now.Please check and revert.
on dated 01.01.2009 I have received a ShareKhan demand account details along with membership code and T-Pin code but while operating the same I am unable to login my given Id in sharekhan.com my BO client ID no is [protected].
respacted sir, my d-mat could not activated from beging due to my mistak.kindly send all the informatiom with compleat process at your earliest.pl.help me.
parmanand bank a/c no[protected] &DP a/c no 36069914
MOBILE NO- O[protected]
mera nam amit agrawal hai mene share khan me apna demat account khola hai jiska no. 17910907 hai
meri login id a4441 hai parantu abhi tak mujhe apna password nahi mila hai jiske karadn me trading nahi ker pa raha hu.
plese mujhe mera password jaldi de .
LOGIN ID - a4441, COSTUMER ID 925271
i forgot my current membership paasword.trading paasword so pleaselet me know the same.my login id is 76_AMIT .

demat account — deficient services

Dear sir,
I applied for opening my demat account jointly with my wife Smt. Mala S. Bhatt through your staff Mr. Dipak Jain (sales executive in Athwagate branch, Surat) in the first week of May 09.
But against my all expectations to obtain the demat account at the earliest date, i have been completely dejected that i have not been given proper services and response by your the above said staff member inspite of repeated several reminders and also frequent visits in his branch. Every time he has given excuses and prolonged the matter since last 2 months. When i personally contacted the Operation Manager Mr. Dhani he also gave a highly negative response and even did not care to listen to my complaint.
The entire service of your branch in surat is really poor and lacking total care for customers for which your bank is boasting.
Vide this letter i request you that my application for opening demat account jointly with my wife made in the 1st week of May'09 may be treated as cancelled and i no more need any such account with your bank. I am also not liable for any charges for demat account.
I am also thinking to close my another existing demat account with your bank.
Please take necessary actions for cancellation of my application and can i sincerely hope that some actions may be taken against the concerned employee for his reckless customer care????
my de mat account are not open. i am aply for this in septamber 17 to 21 2009

demat account — demat account welcome kit not recd

Sir, Demat account no recd through sms but welcome kit not recd till date you are requested to send my welcome kit at the earliest
Dear Sir,
we are sorry to inform you that i have lost my user ID & password or we can say i lost my all document related to share khan A/c, however we trying to search the document but if you have any idea/suggestion please give us as early as possible

thanks & regards
sunilkumar D. pandey
dear sir/mam
i am pramod singh. my dmet id dineshsr06 has been locked and my password is not working.
please help me and send a new password to my id.
my id is [protected]@yaoo.co.in
for this i will be always grateful to you.

yours faithfully
pramod singh
mahavir colony, birla house. morar
con. no. - [protected]
sir, welcome kit not recived yet
dear sir/mam
I am KARAN SINGH my Cust ID: 1318594 and Login ID : karans1012 has been locked. So I am not able to trade until today.But somone is using my demat account for the trading due to which i can suffer from many losses, so Please either send a new password to my e-mail ID or close my account. and send remaining balance to my address given below: -
Rawat Patti
V.P.O: -Ujina, teh. Nuh
Distt.- Mewat Nuh-122107
My e-mail ID is "karansingh10dec.[protected]@gmail.com"
for this i will be always grateful to you.

demat account — not open account


Dear sir

I have form sumbit Form Date-10.02.2011 ,with all document but

not open our Account , Please Cleryfication delay account reseion

Thanking You

chunni Lal

Mob- [protected]
Please Open Our account
I too had bad experiences with many of these sites and damn irritated. Finally I found one interesting site which they have started very recently but the problem is they offer services only on yahoo.

If any of you are interested, please try this.


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