Easy loan — harrsment from the recovery dept
Dear Sir,I the undsersigned is your valubale customer and i will thank u for the support given by your bank .
you have been sanctioned the easy loan to me and i have repayed the same with in last date. I hade some personel problems for that i have not paid the EMI regulary for few months and last mont i have updeted the same. Now i am receiveing the harssment and the threatning call from one Ph.No the no is[protected] and one lady once she say her Name is Shweta and onther time she will says Veena and she will talk all rubish language to me and also for family memebersand she alo said she will send the boys to my rsidence to take action agamist me . This is not the way of talking the the customer and i said i will give the complient the customer care for that also she said you give compliment any where i am not bothered. Kindly permit me to take legal action agansit her and the recovery agent and also give the balnce detailes and will close the account .
Thanking You,
#HIG 1/23
KHB Colony
Sub: Default payment of my Credit Card payment and the untolerable, illiterate and very much cruel, like the Stone Age culture [Shilayuga]
Ref: 1. C Holder name: K.Balagopal, CCNO: [protected]
2. C Holder name: K.K. Sharada, CCNO: [protected]
I was a good customer of the HDFC Credit Card and I was attacked by the urology system in a severe way. After taking Allopathic treatment in Basappa Memorial Hospital in Mysore three times. The generation of stones in kidney and the enlargement of prostate gland couldn’t be rectified by the alopathy treatment. I was under the severe pain and mental stress after the 3rd time removal of stone. I was not in a position, even to walk or laying in bed peaceful way.
Under these circumstances, I was referred to a Ayurvedic Hospital situated at Trichur Tq and Dist in Kerala State. South India named “Ayurveda India”, Oragam, Cherepu Dr.Sugudhan and Chief Physician of the Hospital Ayurveda India, was admitted me in a special room where I was not permitted even for coming out from the room, and the food system was only leaves and roots of the medicinal plants, and only phorange without the salt and sweet, so from the next date of Credit Card payment, it was delayed because I was not able to even to do a signature for the Cheque. So even though I was explained all these reasons to your recovery people, once they were continuously threatening through telephone to one of the our Trustee K.K.Sharada she is also a card holder and my secretary Manvitha and my Distributor Shashi kumar. K.K he is a Odd on card holder.
All your recovery staffs and officers was using a good language one day the so called Thripati, I doubt whether he is a bank official or a terrorist from the country, he has use all the below belt vulgar languages to my trustee secretary and K.K.Shashi kumar of trustee. He was calling my lady secretary and the lady Trustee, even the very hard hour of the night using the vulgar language which is using in the red street.
Being HDFC is called to be a reputed, leading institution in the banking industry. I feel that no one of the officers can control him, even police case was registered even your recovery officers have no mercy either to control him or as an apology to my Trustee and Staff. We have registered a criminal case in Saraswathi Puram police station limit, in Mysore.
In this democratic country a so called reputed bank management haven’t taken any serious step to control these type of illiterate and barbarian character person.
You can see till this date whether my Credit Card track record or my behaviour attitude to the customer care at any point of time till this episode happens.
This letter is delayed, because my mental and physical status was not in a condition to give a dictation to my secretary, if your goodself you need any medical proof I am ready to furnish the certificate also.
I have not get any justice from the bank or recovery people, so myself and my trustee has stopped all the payments. So request your goodself immediately to make an arrangement for the compensation of financial, metal, physical and social injury happen to me, because of your employees.
#HIG 1/23
KHB Colony
Sub: Default payment of my Credit Card payment and the untolerable, illiterate and very much cruel, like the Stone Age culture [Shilayuga]
Ref: 1. C Holder name: K.Balagopal, CCNO: [protected]
2. C Holder name: K.K. Sharada, CCNO: [protected]
I was a good customer of the HDFC Credit Card and I was attacked by the urology system in a severe way. After taking Allopathic treatment in Basappa Memorial Hospital in Mysore three times. The generation of stones in kidney and the enlargement of prostate gland couldn’t be rectified by the alopathy treatment. I was under the severe pain and mental stress after the 3rd time removal of stone. I was not in a position, even to walk or laying in bed peaceful way.
Under these circumstances, I was referred to a Ayurvedic Hospital situated at Trichur Tq and Dist in Kerala State. South India named “Ayurveda India”, Oragam, Cherepu Dr.Sugudhan and Chief Physician of the Hospital Ayurveda India, was admitted me in a special room where I was not permitted even for coming out from the room, and the food system was only leaves and roots of the medicinal plants, and only phorange without the salt and sweet, so from the next date of Credit Card payment, it was delayed because I was not able to even to do a signature for the Cheque. So even though I was explained all these reasons to your recovery people, once they were continuously threatening through telephone to one of the our Trustee K.K.Sharada she is also a card holder and my secretary Manvitha and my Distributor Shashi kumar. K.K he is a Odd on card holder.
All your recovery staffs and officers was using a good language one day the so called Thripati, I doubt whether he is a bank official or a terrorist from the country, he has use all the below belt vulgar languages to my trustee secretary and K.K.Shashi kumar of trustee. He was calling my lady secretary and the lady Trustee, even the very hard hour of the night using the vulgar language which is using in the red street.
Being HDFC is called to be a reputed, leading institution in the banking industry. I feel that no one of the officers can control him, even police case was registered even your recovery officers have no mercy either to control him or as an apology to my Trustee and Staff. We have registered a criminal case in Saraswathi Puram police station limit, in Mysore.
In this democratic country a so called reputed bank management haven’t taken any serious step to control these type of illiterate and barbarian character person.
You can see till this date whether my Credit Card track record or my behaviour attitude to the customer care at any point of time till this episode happens.
This letter is delayed, because my mental and physical status was not in a condition to give a dictation to my secretary, if your goodself you need any medical proof I am ready to furnish the certificate also.
I have not get any justice from the bank or recovery people, so myself and my trustee has stopped all the payments. So request your goodself immediately to make an arrangement for the compensation of financial, metal, physical and social injury happen to me, because of your employees.
I MR MANOHAR M. VALECHA HOLDING A CREDIT GOLD CARD OF H.D.F.C. BANK FROM PUNE WOULD LIKE TO CONTACT SOME SENIOR PERSON OF THE BANK IN MUMBAI AS PUNE PEOPLE STAFF OF THE CREDIT CARD DIVISION ARE VERY ROUGH AND DO NOT TRY TO UNDERSTAND ANY THING AS THEY DO NOT WANT TO SOLVE THE ISUUE BUT WANT TO MAKE IT MORE COMPLICABLE brother i am very sad to hear ur complaint but not surprised as i heard that deepak parekh isnt getting salary so he is stealing money from customer account. like in my case even after 14 days amount doesnt show up in the account
i was using a HDFC credit card but then stopped using it. i was making regular payments but then due to my hospitalization i had financial problem i could not continue doing so. and my outsatnading amt became a huge amt of $54, 000.00. i have started getting abusive calls from the collection reps.not only me they have started calling my parents and threatened them to make payment. my parents have no idea of all this. i told them to stop this because by then i have started making min payments again.but last month without any notice they have put my HDFC savings account on hold.and the 19000.00 rs got transfered to the credit card. how they could do it without the authorization? is not it fraud. when i have requested for instalments they said ok.., but this month again they have put my account on hold. and i could not take out a single rupee from my account.
i live alone and how would i survive without any money? when they have agreed to accept installments why they did not release the hold from my account? and where is the guarantee that after paying the full amt they would not continue doing so?
can please help me in some ways. how can i get rid of this?
i was using a HDFC credit card but then stopped using it. i was making regular payments but then due to my hospitalization i had financial problem i could not continue doing so. and my outsatnading amt became a huge amt of $54, 000.00. i have started getting abusive calls from the collection reps.not only me they have started calling my parents and threatened them to make payment. my parents have no idea of all this. i told them to stop this because by then i have started making min payments again.but last month without any notice they have put my HDFC savings account on hold.and the 19000.00 rs got transfered to the credit card. how they could do it without the authorization? is not it fraud. when i have requested for instalments they said ok.., but this month again they have put my account on hold. and i could not take out a single rupee from my account.
i live alone and how would i survive without any money? when they have agreed to accept installments why they did not release the hold from my account? and where is the guarantee that after paying the full amt they would not continue doing so?
can please help me in some ways. how can i get rid of this?
HDFC Bank — Harassment by Collection Department
Hi,I hold HDFC Bank Credit Card and it has quite a huge due, however I try my best to keep paying the min. amount dues on time.
Since last couple of months, my financial condition has detoriated and sometimes the payments get missed on time.
However I have informed the bank that I have no intention of making a default and I will continue paying the best possible that I can arrange at this point of time.
However the Collection Department is harassing a lot. Calling me was ok, but somehow they have got the mobile number of my landlord and they keep calling him and speak very very abusive language.
I request you advise as how should this situation be dealt. Are there any laws that they can have right to harass family/ friends ?
hanumantha rao — cancellation of credit card
cancelation of my credit card, as i have not even requested for credit card no: [protected]
HDFC Bank — Harasment by the bank due to acc not working
Hello,I had openied my Salary Account with HDFC bank through an agent of HDFC on 17th June 2010, after which my salary wwas deposited into the account on 30th June 2010, but i am not able to withdraw the money. After this i even logged in a complaint with HDFC (Complaint No. PUN053095) to which the executive told that i'll get a call from the concerned Complaint Department Person with 7 days which i haven't received till date. Whenevr i call the call center i get the reply that it'll be activated by evening that day or the next day morning, but nothing has happened, hence i'm lodging his complaint againt HDFC bank for harassment and misleading me for the past 8 days.
Also to those who are going to open any kind of account with HDFC bank please think twice before doing the same.
HDFC Bank — Unable to get my amount after 60 Days from HDFC Bank
I am an unfortuate of HDFC bank customer.I would have expected a better outcome than this one.I went to Big Bazar for shoping on 31st May 2010.At the time of purchasing I use my debit card,They swipe it and told might be HDFC server is down,So plese give it in cash.I did that. I checked that HDFC bank deduct RS 1016 for shoping big Bazar on 31st may 2010.
I have already filled up the Cardholder Dispute Form (CDF) with the CDN (79395) created and submitted to the HDFC Bank, Sector V Branch along with a photocopy of my account statement on 1st June' 2010. I have been told that, I had to wait for 48 days.
So, I waited for 48 days, which is on 19 th July. But, the said amount (i.e. Rs. 1016.00) had not been credited to my account (A/c No: [protected]).
So, I contacted to your Customer Service Desk, they could not help myself on that. After calling repeatedly for 5 times, they have created a query (KOL043153) for that. At the same time, I have mailed to your Support Desk.
Per mail below, I have been asked to re-fillup the same form that I had already been to you, that is really disappointing for myself.
Unfortunately, you do not have any such procedure to give a receipt of the filled up CDF, if there is so, then I could have produced to you now.
Because, fillng up CDF and re-submit it will take another 48 days, which is really frustrating for me. I have learnt about so much good words about HDFC, but, my experience is not so.
I hope you can understand my concerns and request you please take neccessary action against this one, so that I can get back the money, without waiting for another 48 days.
With Regards,
Ujjwal Das
HDFC Bank — Harrasment for Recovery of Non Existing Dues
I would like to bring to your notice that I was informed by my relative that some advocates notice has been send in my name by HDFC bank for an outstanding amount of some 2 Lac odd figure with an 7 days period to respond. The letter has been send to a Kolkata address wherein I am staying out of the city for the last 7 years & neither I am using ANY HDFC bank credit card for the said period nor am I having any loans from the bank.Never ever in the last 6-7 years has there been any communication from HDFC Bank, either verbal or written on any such dues/payables on any of the account & hence this comes as an absolute surprise.
I was awestruck with the contents of the notice which was told to me verbally & request you to kindly look into it & resolve the matter at the earliest as I have nothing much to say in this regard.
I am unable to provide any details to you for the following reasons :-
1- I do not have any details of the dues whatsoever as there is no relationship with HDFC .
2- The notice send was received by the caretaker of the house (who informed the same to my relative-who stays in a different address).
Before I initiate any legal action against the bank for this unwanted thing request you to kindly resolve this issue once & forever. Looking forward towards a fast closure of this issue & a response through email.
I am not holding any of loan from HDFC Bank.It was on the name of My sister's husband's name.Mr Tushar Jambhekar but both of them are separated now.already Divorced.
My sister Anushka is pregnanat.
Even i am not aware of any kind of loan dues regarding the same.
Month back i received calls from HDFC Bank.I informed my jiju regarding this.
He is at Singapore now.He said i will settle everything once i will back within 2 month.
(Expected at August end)
I told same thing with HDFC Bank people.
Today afternoon i received call from HDFC Bank person telling that non-bailable warrant has been issued on Mr Tushar Jambhekar's name..
I said i will inform him .fine i did that.
Just now i received call from Mr Rakesh Agarwal Mobile No.[protected]. calling from mumbai
first thing how HDFC keeping such .he wants to speak with my sister sorry we don't want to involve in all this matter.
he started using abusive language against me
I said i have not taken any loan from you guy why ur doing such things.
He said dhanda kar aur hamare paise lauta.
nahi to hamare paas aaja tujhe raatbhar nichodate hai.
teri gaand marate hai ..paise vasool lenge ..
what the hell with this..
what kind of language is this.n from HDFC Bank i am shocked
First thing i am working with Times Of India as a Chief Editor.
Such kind of language is really disgusting .
If any action not taken by HDFC BAnk i will take this matter to press for sure.
Even Mr Tushar Jambhekar is ready to pay all his dues once he is back.
then what kind of dadagiri done by ur people.
Don't understood .
Hope i will get positive response..otherwise i will make arrest that Rakesh Agarwal soon
Its my challenge.
One advice not to keep such coz they spoils ur bank name only
i dont want any single call from HDFC recovery department too
coz i have not taken any kindof loan from you ..keep this in record
My sister Anushka is pregnanat.
Even i am not aware of any kind of loan dues regarding the same.
Month back i received calls from HDFC Bank.I informed my jiju regarding this.
He is at Singapore now.He said i will settle everything once i will back within 2 month.
(Expected at August end)
I told same thing with HDFC Bank people.
Today afternoon i received call from HDFC Bank person telling that non-bailable warrant has been issued on Mr Tushar Jambhekar's name..
I said i will inform him .fine i did that.
Just now i received call from Mr Rakesh Agarwal Mobile No.[protected]. calling from mumbai
first thing how HDFC keeping such .he wants to speak with my sister sorry we don't want to involve in all this matter.
he started using abusive language against me
I said i have not taken any loan from you guy why ur doing such things.
He said dhanda kar aur hamare paise lauta.
nahi to hamare paas aaja tujhe raatbhar nichodate hai.
teri gaand marate hai ..paise vasool lenge ..
what the hell with this..
what kind of language is this.n from HDFC Bank i am shocked
First thing i am working with Times Of India as a Chief Editor.
Such kind of language is really disgusting .
If any action not taken by HDFC BAnk i will take this matter to press for sure.
Even Mr Tushar Jambhekar is ready to pay all his dues once he is back.
then what kind of dadagiri done by ur people.
Don't understood .
Hope i will get positive response..otherwise i will make arrest that Rakesh Agarwal soon
Its my challenge.
One advice not to keep such coz they spoils ur bank name only
i dont want any single call from HDFC recovery department too
coz i have not taken any kindof loan from you ..keep this in record
HDFC totally worst bank ..bakwas .now new they started harassing women too by using this kind of language sheet
today these guys are only saying..tomorrow they will start to rape god this is too much
how HDFC Bank can recruit such
serious action must be taken
today these guys are only saying..tomorrow they will start to rape god this is too much
how HDFC Bank can recruit such
serious action must be taken
HDFC Bani no 1 third class bank creating lots of issues for their customers.i had FD with HDFC Bank.When i was trying to break my FD .BAnk people are doing time pass by saying come down today n tomorrow, HDFC is spoiling their name in d market .If i have not received any
positive feedback i will take legal action too.
Avinash Mane
positive feedback i will take legal action too.
Avinash Mane
If you have any complaint regarding harassment against HDFC go to nearby police station. lodge a complaint .n give this matter to media .i think HDFC will come to know results after that only why they have appointed people who just doing all nuisances only they abused people.they are real terrorist in this country.
Hdfc Bank — loan status of bike
Sir PS inform me with details of balance payment of two wheeler loan on bike no mh 01 bn 9589 in name usna yusuf kazi having a/c in Oriental bank of commerce Mumbai central branch a/c no [protected]failed transaction amt. debited
I had recharged reliance phone for rs. 120 but transaction failed, still amt'.has been debited to my account, please let me know further procedure. [protected]@yahoo.comliers
giving false commitments by the branch head at rishikesh branch .going out of the way to lieWrong Payment done at Credit Card
Dear Sir, I have payment done dated 19/6/2014 of Wrong Credit Card no [protected] amount rs 9210/-- by my HDFC Bank debit card. And i have many time TPT form submitted but not reveres my amount. BR Vijay Sharma [protected]Folio Number
I have running SIP in HDFC mid cap opportunity fund. I have lost my Folio No. How can i know that? MY email ID and mobile no. is not registered with HDFC.Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score.
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Branch 542, Trade World, A Wing, Ground Floor, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India - 400013
They can block our money for anyone.