[Resolved]  Hiox India — Fraudulence of softlayer

Address: Tamil Nadu

We are a leading web hosting provider in India maintaining about 1500 domains. As the domain volume went high, we thought of getting a dedicated server and moving some domains there. So we got dedicated server from softlayer, created VPS and moved some of the domains to that VPS few days before. From the next day itself we were encountering problem in starting the VPS.So,we raised a ticket as follows but the softlayer team gives as a very basic changes to do.

User: SL25340 – 2010-Nov-03 00:33 (GMT-0600) [Update 1]


The Container inside our dedicated server ( container id 101 ) is not starting up : the folllwing is the error i am facing up :

[[protected]@server1 ~]# vzctl restart 101
Restart Container
Stopping Container …
Container was stopped
Container is unmounted
Starting Container …
Container is mounted
Setup slm memory limit
Setup slm subgroup (default)
Setting devperms 20002 dev 0x7d00
Setup ioprio: 4
Adding port redirection to Container(1): 4643 8443
Adding IP address(es) to pool:
Adding IP address(es):
arpsend: is detected on another computer : 00:1b:0d:e6:58:40
arpsend: is detected on another computer : 00:1b:0d:e6:58:40
vz-net_add WARNING: arpsend -c 1 -w 1 -D -e -e -e eth0 FAILED
arpsend: is detected on another computer : 00:1b:0d:e6:57:c0
vz-net_add WARNING: arpsend -c 1 -w 1 -D -e -e -e eth1 FAILED
Hostname for Container set: host.dnsbreeze.com
File resolv.conf was modified

Plz chk it out its very very urgent since i have transfered lot of site to this server

Employee Response – 2010-Nov-03 00:42 (GMT-0600) [Update 2]


I am able to recreate the issue.

I am not able to login to the container.
[[protected]@server1 ~]# vzctl enter 101
enter failed
enter into Container 101 failed
[[protected]@server1 ~]#

Please hold on while I check the issue. I shall update you in 1 hour.

Thank you,
Thomas A.
SoftLayer Support
Employee Response – 2010-Nov-03 00:48 (GMT-0600) [Update 3]


The issue has been fixed using the following URL:



I have applied the following command in order to fix this issue:
vzctl exec 101 /sbin/MAKEDEV tty
vzctl exec 101 /sbin/MAKEDEV pty

I am not able to login to the container 101:
[[protected]@server1 ~]# vzctl enter 101
entered into Container 101

-bash-3.2# w
00:47:37 up 8 min, 0 users, load average: 0.01, 0.00, 0.00

Please check this from your end.

Thank you,
Thomas A.
SoftLayer Support

User: SL25340 – 2010-Nov-03 00:54 (GMT-0600) [Update 4]


You are not getting my issue the container ( 101 ) is not starting coz of IP issue :

plz see the issue i posted once again or execute the commaned ‘vzctl restart 101′ then you will get the issue

plz solve this quickly it urgent urgent

User: SL25340 – 2010-Nov-03 01:07 (GMT-0600) [Update 5]


In think this is a IP routing problem plz chk in your router – our sites a completly down – plz make it fast

Employee Response – 2010-Nov-03 01:10 (GMT-0600) [Update 6]


Thank you for the update.

We are currently looking into this issue.

Please hold on for further updates.

Thank you,
Thomas A.
SoftLayer Support
Employee Response – 2010-Nov-03 04:01 (GMT-0600) [Update 14]


Thank you for the update.

I am proceeding with the quota issue.

Please hold on for further updates.

Thank you,
Thomas A.
SoftLayer Support

User: SL25340 – 2010-Nov-03 04:08 (GMT-0600) [Update 15]


We are completely unsatisfied with the technical support provided. Your trechnical guys seem to search for basics every now and then.

Inititaly there was network issue, after installing cpanel there was quota issue and now you people have assaigned our ips to some others and there is ip conflict issue and again now the same quota issue. Is there really some mangerical level member whom you can escalate this issue.

Soft layer seem to be an expert company before we started migrating our servers. Now we feel you are one amoung others. We are losing customers because we have started migrating the servers assuming you have done everything right. Please some managerical level exectuive look in to this issue. Else we will have to stop moving to softlayer servers and request for a refund.
Employee Response – 2010-Nov-03 04:18 (GMT-0600) [Update 16]


I am escalating this ticket to our senior technicians.

Please hold on for further updates.

Thank you,
Thomas A.
SoftLayer Support

Employee Response – 2010-Nov-03 04:40 (GMT-0600) [Update 17]


I have reviewed this ticket, and have had this escalated to assist you with these issues. During this investigation we will look into the issues with the IP Conflict, as well as with quotas. We’ll let you know if we have any additional questions.

You should receive an update from a technician shortly with more information. Please stand by.

Thank you,
Matthew H
Datacenter Manager
SoftLayer Support
Employee Response – 2010-Nov-03 04:54 (GMT-0600) [Update 18]


First of all, the IP subnet in question is a static routed IP address. This means that it is able to be routed to only one server. It is not at all possible that someone else is using your IPs. This conflict must be occurring internally within your server. Regarding this specific issue you experienced, I believe this is a known issue with the Virtuozzo software. Please read this forum thread:


This should be resolved at this point, but we can certainly escalate this issue to Parallels support if this issue persists.

Regarding your quota issue with CPanel, I will be taking a look into this and updating you on the progress. Hopefully we can pinpoint the exact issue so that this will not reoccur.

Mark R
SoftLayer CSA

User: SL25340 – 2010-Nov-03 05:07 (GMT-0600) [Update 19]Employee Response – 2010-Nov-03 05:31 (GMT-0600) [Update 20]Hello,

The virtualized environment will create randomized MAC addresses as a necessity to ensure that IPs work properly across the network.

Feel free to restart the VE. If the issue reoccurs, you might need to run ifdown and ifup on the adapter.

Regarding the CPanel issue, we are more than happy to investigate this for you, but we will need some time in order to properly research this for you.

Mark R
SoftLayer CSA

User: SL25340 – 2010-Nov-03 06:09 (GMT-0600) [Update 22]


I restarted the VE but i have faced the same issue.

Make some techincal expert answer the queries. We regret for having choosen you to migrate our servers. If you can not provide a proper solution just let us know so that we stop it before moving completely.

Also, exim and cpanel in VE is overloading

We can not do ifup and ifdowns every time we restart vps. Virtuozzo configuration has to done properly by you guys and not us. Ask some technical head (if you have any one in your organization) to look in to it asap.
Employee Response – 2010-Nov-03 07:35 (GMT-0600) [Update 25]


I have determined the following information regarding the MAC addresses in your error:

00:1b:0d:e6:58:40 is address of the private switch
00:1b:0d:e6:57:c0 is address of the public switch

It is possible that this is being detected twice or possibly that it has been configured in duplicate. We are still troubleshooting this and we will update you once we have further information.

Mark R
SoftLayer CSA

User: SL25340 – 2010-Nov-03 08:10 (GMT-0600) [Update 26]


We cannot down our clients website and loss our customer coz your worng configuration in your switch – we are facing lot of network issues from the date we have purchased the server – so we thought to move from you plz provide the refund – there no issue from our end all issue are at your network end – we can pay for simply knowing network issues so its better you provide the refund
Employee Response – 2010-Nov-03 08:36 (GMT-0600) [Update 27]


We are sorry for the inconveniences you have been experiencing. If you require a refund, we ask that you submit a separate ticket as this issue cannot be handled by support. Additionally, the issues do not appear to lie in our switch and is handled by design from the host machine to communicate with private VM’s, which the server administrator configures and calibrates.

We are looking further into this issue and should have another update for you shortly. Thank you for your continued patience.

Andrew B.
SoftLayer CSA

User: SL25340 – 2010-Nov-03 09:14 (GMT-0600) [Update 28]


In your pervoius reply Mark R have told that

>>>> I have determined the following information regarding the MAC addresses in your error:

00:1b:0d:e6:58:40 is address of the private switch
00:1b:0d:e6:57:c0 is address of the public switch

It is possible that this is being detected twice or possibly that it has been configured in duplicateg
The whats the meaning for that

And also While setupping you must properly confiured the virtuzzo to handle the network right – if you cant solve the issue your better forward this to your billing for refund

Employee Response – 2010-Nov-03 09:49 (GMT-0600) [Update 29]


To troubleshoot this issue further we will need to restart the machine again. Please let us know if you grant us permission to do so.

Andrew B.
SoftLayer CSA
Employee Response – 2010-Nov-03 11:36 (GMT-0600) [Update 32]


We are still investigating this issue. Reading back into a few other tickets related to this issue, it is apparent that there has been some questions regarding setting up containers from the beginning. We are currently trying to find the issue that is causing these errors and using these tickets as reference as well.

We will continue to keep you updated and thank you for your continued patience.

Andrew B.
SoftLayer CSA

Employee Response – 2010-Nov-03 16:17 (GMT-0600) [Update 34]


We are performing tests on the test server and on your server.

We will continue to keep you updated during this process.

Andrew B.
SoftLayer CSA
Employee Response – 2010-Nov-03 19:06 (GMT-0600) [Update 35]


We are still investigating this issue.

Thank you.
Farzin B.
SoftLayer CSA.

Employee Response – 2010-Nov-04 00:47 (GMT-0600) [Update 37]


We created a test server with the similar specs and I was able to create containers with both interfaces without any issue.

In your server when I try to create a test container from scratch, the PIM completely freezes and I am not able to finish the creation of a new container.

We would like to reload the OS on this server and try this on a clean install.

Please let us know if we have your permission to reload this server.

Thank you.
Farzin B.
SoftLayer CSA.

User: SL25340 – 2010-Nov-04 01:03 (GMT-0600) [Update 38]


I didn’t used the server full fledged for even a single hour – so will you change our billing date to the date when you complete the issue ( that is i am asking free of cost from the date when i have purchased the server to the date when you solve the issue )- If it so you can reload the OS – Else refund the full amount

Employee Response – 2010-Nov-04 01:09 (GMT-0600) [Update 39]


If you would like to request a refund or billing date change, you will need to open a new ticket with our sales team to make those changes. Please be advised that this ticket should be used solely for tracking the issue with the VMs, and all new issues or requests should be issued in a new ticket, to ensure that each issue is tracked separately.

In regards to the OS Reload, we’re attempting to rule out any possibilities of any misconfiguration in the Operating System, and an OS Reload will better assist us with this troubleshooting. Please verify if we may proceed. If you have any existing data, we can also perform a Data Retention Service for no charge. Please advise.

Thank you,
SoftLayer CSA

User: SL25340 – 2010-Nov-04 05:03 (GMT-0600) [Update 40]


I have rised ticket to sales depertment – you carry out on reloading OS – there is no need to take backup – i have purchased and installed cpanel for vps from you make sure that cpanel license not get affected

Employee Response – 2010-Nov-04 05:32 (GMT-0600) [Update 41]


Thank you for the update. We’ll start the reload momentarily. Once the reload completes, we’ll attempt to create a container to ensure the process goes smoothly. Once we confirm, we’ll let you know. Please stand by, we’ll update you again with the status of the OS Reload in one hour. No licenses will be reclaimed or terminated during this reload.

Thank you,
Matthew H
SoftLayer CSA

Employee Response – 2010-Nov-04 07:37 (GMT-0600) [Update 42]


Please hold on. We shall update you shortly.

Thank you,
Joe F
SoftLayer Support
Employee Response – 2010-Nov-04 08:52 (GMT-0600) [Update 43]


We are now escalating this ticket to our senior engineers. You will get an update soon.

Thank you,
Joe F
SoftLayer Support

Employee Response – 2010-Nov-04 11:30 (GMT-0600) [Update 44]

I apologize for the delay in our response. I’ve been reviewing our past updates for you.

Can you let us know more about the nature of the containers that are being employed in this ticket? Were they initially created on previous servers that you have migrated or are they all completely new containers that you have made?

We’re just trying to obtain as much information as possible.

Thank you,
Hoang V.
SoftLayer CSA

Many of our customers were very much disappointed as our websites were down for 2 days. We were really fed up with the technical support by them and asked for the refund. Now they are asking us to wait for 14 business days. Is this the way how a leading hosting and data center provider responds to their customers. Really shame on them. Actually i don’t have any necessary to escalate this issue and posting it in all review sites. But i don’t want this to happen again for any of the new customers who are thinking to opt for softlayer.
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Aug 13, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


I have been a customer of Hiox India. I have been using their service for about 2 years. I am absolutely happy with their service and support.
Its worst my client shouts now and then regarding the issue faced really a worst scenairo.
My exprience with hioxindia is even worst. I have made the payment and received the invoice for hosting service. But I have not received any other credentials (such as cpanel, webemail, etc.) I have to upload the file and get my site live but facing issue. They are even not supporting. Nobody replies on phone/email.
worst hosting service provider.

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