Nice to know about IFI realty residential Plot scheme. Thanks for this valuable info. I am going to invest with these guys.
Thanks a ton!!!. You save my hard money.
Thanks and Bye...
Thanks a ton!!!. You save my hard money.
Thanks and Bye...
These unauthorised colonies will have to survive without roads, sewerage system.
A K H I L E S H S I N G H, Authority⇄
“We have prepared a list of villages, which include Shahberi, Jalpura, Kundi Khera, Devla, Haibtapur, Kulesra and Dhummanikpur, where developers are selling plots, “ said Akhilesh Singh, deputy chief executive officer (DECO) of the authority.
“In such deals, buyers will suffer in the end. We will take strict action against the offenders.
These unauthorised colonies will have to survive without roads, electricity, sewerage system and storm water management because maps are not approved by the authority, “ said Singh. He said those who have entered into a deal of any plot in notified areas should lodge an FIR against the coloniser before it’s too late.
A K H I L E S H S I N G H, Authority⇄
“We have prepared a list of villages, which include Shahberi, Jalpura, Kundi Khera, Devla, Haibtapur, Kulesra and Dhummanikpur, where developers are selling plots, “ said Akhilesh Singh, deputy chief executive officer (DECO) of the authority.
“In such deals, buyers will suffer in the end. We will take strict action against the offenders.
These unauthorised colonies will have to survive without roads, electricity, sewerage system and storm water management because maps are not approved by the authority, “ said Singh. He said those who have entered into a deal of any plot in notified areas should lodge an FIR against the coloniser before it’s too late.
IFI has launched new phasae near New Rajni Gandha Greeen named as IFI Green Park -2.
I had bought plots in phase 1, in Dec 2011. At that time they had shown me ragistry of 117 people(who all ready bought plots). I asked them, when they are going to hand over the actual postion to coustomer...they said once Noida extn issueget again i have asked about the said infrastructure development ..they again said by Dec...
There are few basic question, which needed to by answere by IFI, if they thinks this is not a SCAM:-
1> Where is blue print approved pics by Noida authority, which will confirm this land is residencial
IFI has launched new phasae near New Rajni Gandha Greeen named as IFI Green Park -2.
I had bought plots in phase 1, in Dec 2011. At that time they had shown me ragistry of 117 people(who all ready bought plots). I asked them, when they are going to hand over the actual postion to coustomer...they said once Noida extn issueget again i have asked about the said infrastructure development ..they again said by Dec...
There are few basic question, which needed to by answere by IFI, if they thinks this is not a SCAM:-
1> Where is blue print approved pics by Noida authority, which will confirm this land is residencial
Hi All,
I request all the buyer of IFI plot to create a common plateform like facebook or any social site...where all can put up their points.
I am sure if I ask them to return my money, they will never return my money ...because single voice can be sur pressed but not of all..
So lets loud togather and knock IFI ASAP for this fraud.
I request all the buyer of IFI plot to create a common plateform like facebook or any social site...where all can put up their points.
I am sure if I ask them to return my money, they will never return my money ...because single voice can be sur pressed but not of all..
So lets loud togather and knock IFI ASAP for this fraud.
I also buy a plot there. When i purchace plot there, that was a empty big field. But now that coly is gated colony with boundry wall and the process of company is very good. I am fully satisfied with the company. I got a plot of rupees 5lakh by this company in noida on jan2011 and i sold my plot last month at 1125000. So this is a big growth of my investment. . Best part of the company is you can easly approch companies directors and they listen problem very carfully and provide immediate solution. . .
S. Rathi
S. Rathi
अगर आई.एफ.आई. के ये लोग धोखेबाज हैं, तो यूपीटीयू कितनी बड़ी धोखेबाज होगी, जो अपने यहां आई.आई.आई. के दोनों भाईयों में से एक भाई को अपने व्यापार के प्रचार एवं यूपीटीयू के नवयुवकों में उत्साहवर्धन हेतु आमन्त्रण देती है। कृपया यूट्यूब की सहायता से इस वीडियो को देख अपना अन्तिम निर्णय लें, किसी के बहकावे में आकर नहीं।
the link are below :
40 minutes non-stop show
the link are below :
40 minutes non-stop show
ifi realty is a fraud development work at noida extention and dehradun after registry. investors of this company should take legal action against this fraud. sanjay
I have booked a plot in jalpura project of IFI realty pvt ltd through the associate who left this i was unable to make the payment due to misc-ordination of exiting associate & my unit has been cancelled by the company & alloted to another person as the terms & rules of the company.i went in company & after get know all this i lost my tempered & wanted to get back my deposited money.then i met with the directors of the company & i am very glad that my deposited money has transferred to another project name as Buddh enclave with interest & also i will get the assured return of 30% also after 9 months.this is a great company now i m very glad to be a part of company.
I have booked a plot in jalpura project of IFI realty pvt ltd through the associate who left this i was unable to make the payment due to misc-ordination of exiting associate & my unit has been cancelled by the company & alloted to another person as the terms & rules of the company.i went in company & after get know all this i lost my tempered & wanted to get back my deposited money.then i met with the directors of the company & i am very glad that my deposited money has transferred to another project name as Buddh enclave with interest & also i will get the assured return of 30% also after 9 months.this is a great company now i m very glad to be a part of company.
Thanks Guys for all your feedback. They are selling 100 Gaj for 13 lakh and asking for 1 lakh as token money. I was about to put my money and book a plot but now i am not going to buy the plot.
Thanks again you all for saving my money.
Thanks again you all for saving my money.
Hi Investors,
IFI is a company which does not fulfill its any promise. Its new launch is Budhha Enclave in Noida Expressway.
One of my friends invested in Budhha Enclave in Buy back option with certain assured appreciation, but company is not refunding its due amount as well as assured return. My friend is very helpless because he is not able to do anything but running behind these directors false promises.
All the projects launched by IFI seems illegal and based on fraud.
Beware of these type of people.
Please get cross checked by authority of Noida or Greater Noida before finalising any deal.
A Victim, in many ways...
IFI is a company which does not fulfill its any promise. Its new launch is Budhha Enclave in Noida Expressway.
One of my friends invested in Budhha Enclave in Buy back option with certain assured appreciation, but company is not refunding its due amount as well as assured return. My friend is very helpless because he is not able to do anything but running behind these directors false promises.
All the projects launched by IFI seems illegal and based on fraud.
Beware of these type of people.
Please get cross checked by authority of Noida or Greater Noida before finalising any deal.
A Victim, in many ways...
IFI is only dealing with LAL DORA lands...totally unauthorized by Authority...there is 100% risk investing with them...
1500 करोड़ की जमीन से हटाया कब्जा
नवभारत टाइम्स | Mar 4, 2013, 08.00AM IST
एनबीटी न्यूज ॥ नोएडा
आखिरकार डूब एरिया में बने फार्म हाउस सरकारी मशीनरी के निशाने पर आ गए हैं। अथॉरिटी अफसरों ने रविवार को सेक्टर-150 एरिया के पास काटे जा रहे फार्म हाउसों समेत अन्य कंस्ट्रक्शन साइटों को तोड़ा। अथॉरिटी के अधिसूचित एरिया और हिंडन नदी के डूब इलाके में यह अवैध निर्माण चल रहा था। अथॉरिटी के प्रशासनिक अफसर राजेश प्रकाश के अनुसार, करीब 1 लाख 48 हजार वर्ग मीटर एरिया में अवैध रूप से फार्म हाउस आदि काटे जा रहे थे। इनकी बाजार कीमत करीब 1500 करोड़ रुपए आंकी गई है। अथॉरिटी ने आरोपी फर्म मैसर्स बुद्धा फार्म्स/ एन्कलेव के संचालक धीरज शर्मा के खिलाफ कासना थाने में मामला दर्ज कराया गया है। बता दें कि एनबीटी ने रविवार के अंक में डूब एरिया में बड़े पैमाने पर अवैध फार्म हाउस आदि काटे जाने की खबर प्रमुखता से प्रकाशित की थी।
प्रशासनिक अफसर राजेश प्रकाश के नेतृत्व में सेक्टर-150 के पास कोंडली बांगर गांव में बुद्धा फार्म्स/ एन्कलेव की ओर से फार्म हाउसों व अन्य निर्माण तोड़े गए। अथॉरिटी के अधिसूचित एरिया में आने वाली इस जमीन को बगैर अनुमति के बेचा जा रहा था। अथॉरिटी दस्ते ने मौके पर ही अवैध निर्माण ध्वस्त किए। साथ ही फर्म संचालक व अन्य के खिलाफ भूमि घोटाला करने के चलते जालसाजी समेत डेढ़ दर्जन धाराओं में मामला दर्ज कराया गया है। इसके बाद टीम ने मोमनाथल, गढ़ी समसपुर, बादौली बांगर का भी दौरा किया। वहां पर फ्लड जोन में अवैध रूप से फार्म हाउसों का निर्माण होते पाया।
डीएम को भेजे गए थे लेटर
इस मामले पर अथॉरिटी के डीसीईओ विजय यादव ने 7 दिसंबर 2012 को डीएम को लेटर भेजा था। इसमें शहर के कुल 34 गांवों की 4500 हेक्टेयर जमीन पर अवैध निर्माण रोकने के लिए कहा गया था। इसके अलावा, 19 सितंबर को प्रमुख सचिव की तरफ से डीएम को भेजे लेटर में बताया गया था कि जिले में यमुना नदी के डूब क्षेत्र में 124.4 हेक्टेयर जमीन पर फार्म हाउस बनाए जा रहे हैं। इसमें डीएम से दोषी अफसरों के खिलाफ कार्यवाही करने को कहा गया था।
बनेगी जॉइंट एक्शन टीम
अथॉरिटी की तरफ से डूब क्षेत्र में बने फार्म हाउसों के खिलाफ एक्शन की प्लानिंग की जा रही है। इसमें डीएम, एसएसपी और इरिगेशन डिपार्टमेंट के अफसरों को शामिल कर जाइंट एक्शन टीम तैयार की जाएगी। अवैध निर्माण ध्वस्त करने के अलावा फर्जी तरीके से जमीन बेचने वालों के खिलाफ एफआईआर दर्ज कराई जाएगी।
नवभारत टाइम्स | Mar 4, 2013, 08.00AM IST
एनबीटी न्यूज ॥ नोएडा
आखिरकार डूब एरिया में बने फार्म हाउस सरकारी मशीनरी के निशाने पर आ गए हैं। अथॉरिटी अफसरों ने रविवार को सेक्टर-150 एरिया के पास काटे जा रहे फार्म हाउसों समेत अन्य कंस्ट्रक्शन साइटों को तोड़ा। अथॉरिटी के अधिसूचित एरिया और हिंडन नदी के डूब इलाके में यह अवैध निर्माण चल रहा था। अथॉरिटी के प्रशासनिक अफसर राजेश प्रकाश के अनुसार, करीब 1 लाख 48 हजार वर्ग मीटर एरिया में अवैध रूप से फार्म हाउस आदि काटे जा रहे थे। इनकी बाजार कीमत करीब 1500 करोड़ रुपए आंकी गई है। अथॉरिटी ने आरोपी फर्म मैसर्स बुद्धा फार्म्स/ एन्कलेव के संचालक धीरज शर्मा के खिलाफ कासना थाने में मामला दर्ज कराया गया है। बता दें कि एनबीटी ने रविवार के अंक में डूब एरिया में बड़े पैमाने पर अवैध फार्म हाउस आदि काटे जाने की खबर प्रमुखता से प्रकाशित की थी।
प्रशासनिक अफसर राजेश प्रकाश के नेतृत्व में सेक्टर-150 के पास कोंडली बांगर गांव में बुद्धा फार्म्स/ एन्कलेव की ओर से फार्म हाउसों व अन्य निर्माण तोड़े गए। अथॉरिटी के अधिसूचित एरिया में आने वाली इस जमीन को बगैर अनुमति के बेचा जा रहा था। अथॉरिटी दस्ते ने मौके पर ही अवैध निर्माण ध्वस्त किए। साथ ही फर्म संचालक व अन्य के खिलाफ भूमि घोटाला करने के चलते जालसाजी समेत डेढ़ दर्जन धाराओं में मामला दर्ज कराया गया है। इसके बाद टीम ने मोमनाथल, गढ़ी समसपुर, बादौली बांगर का भी दौरा किया। वहां पर फ्लड जोन में अवैध रूप से फार्म हाउसों का निर्माण होते पाया।
डीएम को भेजे गए थे लेटर
इस मामले पर अथॉरिटी के डीसीईओ विजय यादव ने 7 दिसंबर 2012 को डीएम को लेटर भेजा था। इसमें शहर के कुल 34 गांवों की 4500 हेक्टेयर जमीन पर अवैध निर्माण रोकने के लिए कहा गया था। इसके अलावा, 19 सितंबर को प्रमुख सचिव की तरफ से डीएम को भेजे लेटर में बताया गया था कि जिले में यमुना नदी के डूब क्षेत्र में 124.4 हेक्टेयर जमीन पर फार्म हाउस बनाए जा रहे हैं। इसमें डीएम से दोषी अफसरों के खिलाफ कार्यवाही करने को कहा गया था।
बनेगी जॉइंट एक्शन टीम
अथॉरिटी की तरफ से डूब क्षेत्र में बने फार्म हाउसों के खिलाफ एक्शन की प्लानिंग की जा रही है। इसमें डीएम, एसएसपी और इरिगेशन डिपार्टमेंट के अफसरों को शामिल कर जाइंट एक्शन टीम तैयार की जाएगी। अवैध निर्माण ध्वस्त करने के अलावा फर्जी तरीके से जमीन बेचने वालों के खिलाफ एफआईआर दर्ज कराई जाएगी।
Please read a lady's comment on above news
aarti anand, noida, का कहना है:
धीरज शर्मा व नीरज शर्मा, दोनो भाई मिलकर नोएडा / गाज़ियाबाद मे भूमि घोटालों के सरगना बने हुए हैं, प्रा. लिं. कंपनी (आइ.एफ.आई)की आड मे लोगों की मेहनत की कमाई नाज़ायज़ तरीके से लूटते हैं और पुलिस / अथॉरिटी कुछ करती हुई नही दिखती. मॅडेल टावन् गाज़ियाबाद (एनएच- 24) इसका उदाहरण है जो अभी भी जारी है. पहली बार नभाटा की पहल पर कुछ कार्यवाही होती दिख रही है. भरोसा होने लगा है की अब पुलिस अपने फ़र्ज़ पर अमल करेगी. नभाटा को ऐसे कदम छोटे-छोटे अंतराल पर उठाते रहना चाहिये.
4 Mar 2013, 2302 hrs IST
Now Please read a person's comment about the same company too
amrit anand, noida, का कहना है:
मुझ जैसे आम आदमी के लिए यह बहुत अच्छी खबर है. काश, डी एम कुमार रविकांत सिंह अपने उद्देशो में पूरी तरह कामयाब हों. ये जानकर बहुत अच्छा लगा की अब अवैध खनन एवं अवैध कॉलोनियों का निर्माण करने वालो पर सख्त कार्यवाई की जाएगी. मैं डी एम साहब का ध्यान नोएडा में सक्रीय एक भू माफिया की ओर आकर्षित कराना चाहता हु जो अवैध रूप से भूमि की बिक्री करते हैं एवं खरीदारों के मेहनत की कमाई को हड़पने को आतुर रहते हैं, उदाहरणार्थ आई. एफ. आई रियल्टी नामक एक कंपनी जो धीरज शर्मा एवं नीरज शर्मा नामक दो भाई चलाते है, पूरी तरह से इन कार्यो मे लिप्त है, उन्हे ना प्रशाशन का ना अथॉरिटी का कोई डर है. खुदा जाने क्या इंतजाम कर रखा है कि वर्षो से अपना गोरख धंदा चला रहें हैं एवं कोई इनका बाल भी बांका नही कर पाता. आम आदमी का विस्वास पुलिस प्रसाशन से ऐसे ही कारणो से उठता जाता है. डी एम साहब की बातों ने फिर से विस्वास जगाने का काम किया है. उम्मीद है अब ऐसे भू माफ़यायों की ज़िंदगी आफत मे पड जाएगी एवं आम आदमी कुछ सुकून पा सकेगा.
17 Mar 2013, 1702 hrs IST
aarti anand, noida, का कहना है:
धीरज शर्मा व नीरज शर्मा, दोनो भाई मिलकर नोएडा / गाज़ियाबाद मे भूमि घोटालों के सरगना बने हुए हैं, प्रा. लिं. कंपनी (आइ.एफ.आई)की आड मे लोगों की मेहनत की कमाई नाज़ायज़ तरीके से लूटते हैं और पुलिस / अथॉरिटी कुछ करती हुई नही दिखती. मॅडेल टावन् गाज़ियाबाद (एनएच- 24) इसका उदाहरण है जो अभी भी जारी है. पहली बार नभाटा की पहल पर कुछ कार्यवाही होती दिख रही है. भरोसा होने लगा है की अब पुलिस अपने फ़र्ज़ पर अमल करेगी. नभाटा को ऐसे कदम छोटे-छोटे अंतराल पर उठाते रहना चाहिये.
4 Mar 2013, 2302 hrs IST
Now Please read a person's comment about the same company too
amrit anand, noida, का कहना है:
मुझ जैसे आम आदमी के लिए यह बहुत अच्छी खबर है. काश, डी एम कुमार रविकांत सिंह अपने उद्देशो में पूरी तरह कामयाब हों. ये जानकर बहुत अच्छा लगा की अब अवैध खनन एवं अवैध कॉलोनियों का निर्माण करने वालो पर सख्त कार्यवाई की जाएगी. मैं डी एम साहब का ध्यान नोएडा में सक्रीय एक भू माफिया की ओर आकर्षित कराना चाहता हु जो अवैध रूप से भूमि की बिक्री करते हैं एवं खरीदारों के मेहनत की कमाई को हड़पने को आतुर रहते हैं, उदाहरणार्थ आई. एफ. आई रियल्टी नामक एक कंपनी जो धीरज शर्मा एवं नीरज शर्मा नामक दो भाई चलाते है, पूरी तरह से इन कार्यो मे लिप्त है, उन्हे ना प्रशाशन का ना अथॉरिटी का कोई डर है. खुदा जाने क्या इंतजाम कर रखा है कि वर्षो से अपना गोरख धंदा चला रहें हैं एवं कोई इनका बाल भी बांका नही कर पाता. आम आदमी का विस्वास पुलिस प्रसाशन से ऐसे ही कारणो से उठता जाता है. डी एम साहब की बातों ने फिर से विस्वास जगाने का काम किया है. उम्मीद है अब ऐसे भू माफ़यायों की ज़िंदगी आफत मे पड जाएगी एवं आम आदमी कुछ सुकून पा सकेगा.
17 Mar 2013, 1702 hrs IST
Buyers beware: Land mafia on prowl in Noida Extention
Posted on January 23, 2012 by Deepti
Greater Noida: Illegal sale of plots to unsuspecting buyers is on the rise in Noida Extension. About 20 builders/developers, mostly from Delhi, are buying land, already notified for acquisition by the government, from farmers and selling plots to those looking for cheap land for housing.
The Greater Noida authority has formed teams to probe the matter, lodge FIRs and raze all illegal structures coming up on such plots.
Sources said some builders are even getting roads constructed and electricity poles installed in order to lure homebuyers.
Anil Nagar, an office-bearer of Gautam Buddha Nagar Bar Association, warned, “These developers are fooling buyers by selling plots in notified areas.
It is illegal.“ However, the developers claimed to have paid developmental charges to the authority. They said they are buying only abadi land, which is never notified for acquisition, and selling plots there. Recently, the Noida authority had demolished structures in Shahberi and Jalpura villages.
“We have sold 25 bighas of land in Jalpura. And now have launched another project spread in 15 bighas. We are selling a 100 yard plot for R8 lakh only, “ said a senior executive of LR Techno build Pvt Ltd. The firm claimed its project has been approved by the authority. Another firm, Sharma Associates in Shahberi, also claimed their project is legitimate. Officials have, however, warned buyers to be alert.
“We have prepared a list of villages, which include Shahberi, Jalpura, Kundi Khera, Devla, Haibtapur, Kulesra and Dhummanikpur, where developers are selling plots, “ said Akhilesh Singh, deputy chief executive officer (DECO) of the authority.
“In such deals, buyers will suffer in the end. We will take strict action against the offenders.
These unauthorised colonies will have to survive without roads, electricity, sewerage system and storm water management because maps are not approved by the authority, “ said Singh. He said those who have entered into a deal of any plot in notified areas should lodge an FIR against the coloniser before it’s too late.
Please checkout this link, if you want to read more about fraud developer like IFI Realty, run by Neeraj Sharma and Dheeraj Sharma⇄
Posted on January 23, 2012 by Deepti
Greater Noida: Illegal sale of plots to unsuspecting buyers is on the rise in Noida Extension. About 20 builders/developers, mostly from Delhi, are buying land, already notified for acquisition by the government, from farmers and selling plots to those looking for cheap land for housing.
The Greater Noida authority has formed teams to probe the matter, lodge FIRs and raze all illegal structures coming up on such plots.
Sources said some builders are even getting roads constructed and electricity poles installed in order to lure homebuyers.
Anil Nagar, an office-bearer of Gautam Buddha Nagar Bar Association, warned, “These developers are fooling buyers by selling plots in notified areas.
It is illegal.“ However, the developers claimed to have paid developmental charges to the authority. They said they are buying only abadi land, which is never notified for acquisition, and selling plots there. Recently, the Noida authority had demolished structures in Shahberi and Jalpura villages.
“We have sold 25 bighas of land in Jalpura. And now have launched another project spread in 15 bighas. We are selling a 100 yard plot for R8 lakh only, “ said a senior executive of LR Techno build Pvt Ltd. The firm claimed its project has been approved by the authority. Another firm, Sharma Associates in Shahberi, also claimed their project is legitimate. Officials have, however, warned buyers to be alert.
“We have prepared a list of villages, which include Shahberi, Jalpura, Kundi Khera, Devla, Haibtapur, Kulesra and Dhummanikpur, where developers are selling plots, “ said Akhilesh Singh, deputy chief executive officer (DECO) of the authority.
“In such deals, buyers will suffer in the end. We will take strict action against the offenders.
These unauthorised colonies will have to survive without roads, electricity, sewerage system and storm water management because maps are not approved by the authority, “ said Singh. He said those who have entered into a deal of any plot in notified areas should lodge an FIR against the coloniser before it’s too late.
Please checkout this link, if you want to read more about fraud developer like IFI Realty, run by Neeraj Sharma and Dheeraj Sharma⇄
IFI Realty is selling plots these days in Dehradun. Please don't buy these plots from IFI Realty because they are totally fraud people and cheating people of their hard earned money. So I request you to kindly stay away from them.
I have created this page for aggrieved investors of IFI realty. My complain has been pending with multiple institutions and media. I just need few more volunteers. Because of my complain, the directors of the company were called twice to the police station but to no avail. So I request a joint effort. Also note that the director told the police officer (in front of me) that they have no money. We need to teach them a lesson. Because my complain has been pending at at least 5 govt. agencies, I have nothing to fear.
Thank you
I have created this page for aggrieved investors of IFI realty. My complain has been pending with multiple institutions and media. I just need few more volunteers. Because of my complain, the directors of the company were called twice to the police station but to no avail. So I request a joint effort. Also note that the director told the police officer (in front of me) that they have no money. We need to teach them a lesson. Because my complain has been pending at at least 5 govt. agencies, I have nothing to fear.
Thank you
Incomplete knowledge convert into Fraud for ...
Actually, for investment I visited many Builders Office's many time . But, When I visited IFI reality guys they people educate me about land laws, land acquisition law, difference between Free hold plots & authority plots, about registry system, importance of mutation, Now I'm confident nobody can cheat me on this subject ever, I invested with IFI and suggest my friends to always invest with IFI they expert guys will help you to take best decisions & always ALERT with views, Always believe on yourself .You are enough capable to take right DECISIONS and my advice to all of you always trust must be based on legal documents related your project you must go through them.
Actually, for investment I visited many Builders Office's many time . But, When I visited IFI reality guys they people educate me about land laws, land acquisition law, difference between Free hold plots & authority plots, about registry system, importance of mutation, Now I'm confident nobody can cheat me on this subject ever, I invested with IFI and suggest my friends to always invest with IFI they expert guys will help you to take best decisions & always ALERT with views, Always believe on yourself .You are enough capable to take right DECISIONS and my advice to all of you always trust must be based on legal documents related your project you must go through them.
Guys, I request all o[censored]s meet sometime this weekend and take joint course of action against these people.
Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score.
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