Address: Bangalore, Karnataka |
I had received a number of SMS from Indian Fantasy League ( of a number of prizes won by me under the IFL Mobile competition and till today I have not yet received the prizes (6-7 months since the IPL-3 has passed by). I had already sent a complaint to your department about 3 months back but someone (I don't know who) had deleted my complaint from your site.
Please do the needful.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Manu Nair (Journalist). Was this information helpful? |
Hello IFL Winner,
We are sorry to inform you that your Prize for IFL has been forfeited due to following reasons:
Shipping charges not paid
Cheque got bounced for shipping charges
Did not get in touch us
Did not provide valid documents
We had given a time period for you to get back to us fulfilling the above conditions but the period has now expired.
We are sorry on the missed opportunity this time, but would look forward to your support in future. Keep playing and winning on IFL!!!
Thanks & Regards,
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