I am a Petty Officer (Retired) from Indian on 07 Sep 2002. My pension account is with SBT, puthoor branch(Kollam District) PB No.1,Udaya building Sasthankotta, kottarakara Road Pin 691507, kerala India[protected] vide account number 13267 .
Recently, in May 2009, CDA (Pensions) Allahabad have issued instructions to all banks to give revised pension to sailors. I send mail to my bank, to navypension but nobody has replied to my query.
I am sorry to inform you, Sir, that I, retired as other normal sailors after 15 Yrs of service have been awaiting this award and sooner or later, I send my wife to the Head Office of SBT in my district but they said ur husband has send a mail and we replied to it but I am sorry to inform that a bank with big fame has not replied till today and I am corresponding since october 16 2010, because my batchmates who retired with me when I contacted them I understood I am getting less than 2000 or more comparing to my batchmates.
Would you, kindly Sir, take action for award of revised pension as per pay new paycomission, I am really suffering due to financial problem in my familly. Please Please Please do something immediately
My service details
No. 168474Y POR(TAC)
PPO.NO.09/97/B/S02219/2002dt 28/08/02
Service Pension Rs.1696/- pm w.e.f 01/10/02
Residual Pension Rs.933/-pm
My Bank details
State Bank Of Travancore
Puthoor Branch (Kollam)
PB No.1, Udaya Building Sasthamkotta,
Kottakara Road
Kollam Dist,691507
Phone No.[protected]
The email id of my bank is [protected]@sbt.co.in
Titus Abraham
Ex Sailor
Retired Petty Officer Radio(TAC)
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