[Resolved]  Jrn Rajasthan Vidyapeeth University — Fake University with Corrupt employees

Address: Udaipur, Rajasthan

JRN rajasthan vidyapeeeth deemed university udaipur is a FAKE university. Even if you call any of their official numbers as of now, on their own address and phone numbers, and ask them are they ALLOWED BY UGC to run ANY COURSES AS OF NOW, and they would say they have been BANNED by UGC for running any of the courses. If a university is established, which does not run any courses, then what does it mean ???
Please call these numbers personally and find out.

Resource Center
JRN Rajasthan Vidyapeeth University
93 Parshwanath Colony, Ajmer Road, Jaipur
Ph.[protected], 2810455, 2811530

It means, there are lot of FRAUD going on there, and all enrollment numbers are fake, In fact SAME ENROLLMENT Numbers are issued to 5-10 students studying in different COURSES, and when they go for VERIFICATION, to that SADAK CHAAP university, they say that they cannot APPROVE it or dis approve it since they are not ALLOWED OR ENTITLED to run any courses as of now, Distance Education COUNCIL has BARRED them from running any courses, and that university is about to be SHUT down, for FRAUDULENT PRACTISES.

And not to forget the fact that there are JRN Rajasthan university employees who have control over all their STATIONARY for marksheets, degree etc, and there are many number of institutes running in Bangalore, Hyderabad, etc, who claim to be authorised study centers of this university, and when they take the marksheets given by this JRN rajasthan University, to the university 2 room office, they come to know that The University people inform them that this marksheets were sent to them by college itself, however in the list o[censored]GC their name is not there, so Employees of JRN Rajasthan University, sending marksheets to students is not equivalent to jrn university sending them marksheets, and they say, study center must not have paid the university enough money, so that study centers students were not bonafide university students etc, and WHEN YOU DIG further, YOu come to know that this university is BANNED by UGC, and Distance Education Council, and employees inside this university are asked to look for other job outside, since University is going to shut down.

The main fraud in Bangalore appointed by this JRN Rajasthan vidyapeeth university is Mr. Naresh P Reganti

All decent people, please keep away from this FAKE university.

Victim students of this FAKE JRN Rajasthan univ
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Aug 13, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


All I like to say that don't go by nonsense talks.
1)Get it clear yourself-go to UGC website, check it up.It is a deemed university, no doubt about it,
2)It is Dec approved.No doubt about it.
3)Joint committee o[censored]GC-DEC-AICTE is formed for 3 years only.For three academic year- 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10.
JRN had applied to the committee with the name of the courses which includes Engineering.Now Joint committee has no existence with the expiry of the academic years.I have the copy of the same.
4)In a RTI application AICTE mentioned that there is no need for its approval if the course is approved by UGC & DEC(for Distance mode education).I have the copy of the same.If AICTE is saying so then there is no need to make so much of noise about the University and courses.Be free to explain to everyone who feels the same way like you.
5)Recently I wrote a RTI application to Aicte through MHRD explaining the whole story in clear & plain words and issue the letters to every Central & State government about their stand that Engg degree done through distance mode approved by DEC & UGC do not need seperate approval from AICTE .If received I Provide everyone the copy of the same.So be in contact
Contact for any Explanation & copy of all documents i am having with
sparklite's reply, Jun 29, 2021
Sir can you please send me copies of all documents on my email sparkliteindustries@hotmail.com
Meikandasivam Sivam's reply, Oct 5, 2021
Kindly reach to my mail ID - i am also having the issue against this university.
Please mail me

Sap3099's reply, Oct 18, 2021
Sir, please share all documents to below email, even I having issue with this University,

Hamsalathak's reply, Feb 6, 2022
Please forward me the documents..I have applied for higher studies but verification is on hold..may be this helpsme
Hamsalathak's reply, Feb 6, 2022
Please forward me the documents..I have applied for higher studies but verification is on hold..may be this helps me

Ayub99710's reply, Feb 24, 2022
Hi Please can you share the copies on my email address - ayubkhan.a5@gmail.com
Amit Kulkarni9898's reply, Jul 24, 2022
Sir, I am glad that you did such a deep study, i had passed by btech course @2007-2008 and need these clarifications for a job, will appreciate the help if you kindly forward me these documents.

I will be highly oblidged for the same.
my mail id is khopoliamit@gmail.com
kuldeep singh's reply, Aug 10, 2022
Dear Sir
Thanks for clear all doubts regarding approval of this university.
Can you please share these documents with me. It will be very helpful for further job and study as i have done Graduate from this university (distance learning)
my Mail ID is kstholia81@gmail.com
Please share details.
Suraj krishna's reply, Nov 15, 2022
Hi Sir,

Thanks to provide the details on my email I'd @surajkri81@gmail.com . Hence I need to produce the same to my company for BGV verification.

Really it will be great help.

Suraj krishna
Sandeep Sindhu's reply, Sep 27, 2024
Sir can you please send me copies of all documents on my email sansindhu7794@gmail.com

Rajasthan University — Unethical Examination conduct- Coimbatore center

In Coimbatore - Tamil Nadu - Rajestan university B-Tech examination conducting method is unethical manner. Question paper issued one day earlier basis and students are allowed to answer with refer the booklets.

This type of prctices cheating the hard working students.

This is a one of bad prcticies and education quality also become come down in tamilnadu.

Kindly take necessary action on this.

DEEMED UNIVERSITY — Not even cosidering the govt.

Wen CM of tamil nadu announces for protest against something( for ex: Wen Andras CM assassinated ) in the form of strike....this university is least bothered for tat..it as usual continues its classes.Not even considering TamilNadu govt. policies...do u think its right?????????

This is situated at sadivayil,siruvani


I appeared in M.A. (Eng.) exam in July'2009 from Rajasthan Vidyapeeth University Udaipur (Raj) from study centre Dhar (M.P.) when the result declared on the internet, I was shown absent in two subjects while I was present in all the papers.
then I informed to University and study centre for my problem. and I have written a letter and fax to the university also., but till date my problem has not been solved.

Sir, due to my incomlete result I can neither appear any compt. Exam nor continue my study. So please help me and send to my corrected marksheet so that I can continue my study.

Yours faithfully

SHARWAN KUMAR ( mob.[protected])
ROLL NO. 4103089
ENROL. NO. DE-I/07/55456

Rajasthan University — careless about students

univerty decler the resulty of PMET on 25 april but today 29 jun universty not decler the cutoff list.so we are confus what r we do wait for cut off or chous other opation for our future. today i am call to universty but they cannot give me information and say "they not know abut this "sir my english is week but plz under stand our problm" plz help

deemed univ — dont give me my original documents which i have given at time of admission

i m student of mca
n i failed in 1 sem
i have given exam 3-4 times but i cnt pass
now i want to doscontinue my course
bt uni ask for next 2 years fee otherwise they will nt give my orignl documents which i have given at a admission time
they told it is d rule o[censored]ni that without full payment of all years we cant give you a original documentz
now my age is 27 years n i m nt able to continue this course
i have 2 do some job
pzz help me
This is university (JRN) is approved by by UGC as a Deemed university
and declared as Deemed to be Universities (As on 23rd June, 2008) under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956 by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, along with their MHRD/UGC approved Off-Campus(s)/ Institution(s) under Ambit/Off-Shore Campus(s)

you will also see-

I also join in 2003, in ANKAM insitute Hyderabad study center, Ankam also a very big praude, I had paid all the fees to JRN Univeristy Rajastan, I got markslist up to final year. Continuousely Iam calling Univeristy persons and counilling center inharge Ankam, both the persons are not responding properly and Ankam is frequently changing his mobile numbers, unable to contact him also.
I have all the proofs, fees paid to Univerusty and hall ticket issued by University, Marks sheet issued by University,

Last 2 years Iam trying to call Mr.ANKAM, unable to get him.

Rocky1999's reply, Sep 17, 2018
Some centres are providing fake marksheets. Better u verify ur marksherts through RTI first.
jrn rajastan vidyapeeth university is not a fake university
its a approved deemed university in india
i am a diploma holder in jrn
all students dont worried about the unauthorized arguments
I am fully agree with you my friend even i also faced the same problem. Some authorities of JRN University issued FAKED Certificates. I am also one of the victim
One of the FAKE racket owner is Badri Nath Patnaik of Bhubaneswar who is continiously issuing FAKE certificates to various students his contact number is [protected]. Go and catch him. He is also issuing some various University certificates to those students who at all not studied in those Universities. He is still running a Institution in Bhubaneswar now. Go and Catch him
jrn rajasthan vidyapeeth university is a genuine university
It is approved by UGC Act.Government of India.
If you are facing any problems through distance mode, then you are not joined in authorized study center.


I am Md.abu saad 4th sem comlete diploma in civil rajasthan vidyapeeth university, gurukul Patna is authorized study center or not ?

Md . Abu saad
Email:- [protected]@yahoo.com
some fake B. tech degree holders like rajasthan vidhyapith, bits etc.are selected through UPPSC allahabad and doing his job in uppwd and several fake degree holders are trying to promotion from JE to AE and they are also not obeying the honrable courts ordes.so we like me are prying to the govt to check the fake degree and mention the which degrees are eligible for govt. dept.like UPPWD, UPIRRIGATION, RED, MID and etc.I AM AN AMIE HOLDER AND PRYING TO THE GOVT. TO CHECK MY DEGREE THROUGH AICTE AND OTHER DEGREE HOLDERS DEGREE MUST BE CHECKED THROUGH AICTE.THANKS IF YOU ARE TAKING ACTION AGINST THEM.
They use something that is called CONCOCTED nomenclature, this is a word used by the UGC team set up to recognize or de recognize these universities .You cannot conduct BTech Engineering courses in distance mode so they concoct a course for Eg BTech Computer Science, BTech Mechanical and note that nowhere on the mark lists do they use the word engineering.They Just print certificates and distribute them to agents for very little money and don't register them. So most students in fact get fake certificates, Now with a lot of students claiming their degree certificates (certificates that were issued by their former director Pankag Garg (Who later started his own University ) without bothering to enlist them) the University has shut down its phone lines and dont give any answers. How can people be so cruel to students whose life is completely spoilt by such people
The University is one of the 44 deemed universities that has been de recognized by the Tandon Committee.Some universities have been given some time, Jrn is one that has definitely lost its University status. The UGC_AICTE_DEC Joint committee is something that approves distance education courses which has some technical side to it .The BTech in distance mode was first "invented" or "concocted" in the terms of the tandon committee to cheat students who have no idea of this and also lower the required qualifying mark in the 12th exam required to join "BTech" .Engineering cannot be conducted in distance education mode .There BTech is a funny 4 year distance mode degree intended mainly to fool students.They are a group of people who give no value to other peoples lives
CONCOCTED nomenclature??? kindly refrain from using such meaningless similes.have you checked the track-record of employments avenues rvd has opened for so many students?univ is not wrong it is people who are running the show the rong way...
kindly dont make such comments ...so many needy students have been helped by us. call me for details [protected]
www.jrnuviversity.com ..jaipur regional centre... yes its true dat due to some misunderstanding the jaipur centre has been dissolved by the university .now lot of backlogs have been sorted out. pl visit our website www.rvduniversity.com for details.
contact no for patna centre is [protected] dr akhilesh. any student, centre in need of rvd related information pl call me at [protected]. kirti
No charm of getting degree from this univ. because of corrupt system.

disstt RoopNagar

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    Rajasthan Vidyapeeth University Phone
    +91 29 4249 0040
    +91 29 4242 9441
    +91 29 4249 1104
    Rajasthan Vidyapeeth University Address
    Pratap Nagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India - 313003
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