Wagon R — overcharged and services not proper
I am not happy the way i am being treated at M/S Akansha Automobiles in Moradabad when i went there for getting the part replaced under warranty .The problem with the car is that when i m increasing the speed of the car, i get to hear a noise which is like some sort of air is being leaked and afetr so many arguments they were ready to do the needful but than also i was overcharged, as such the estimate given to me was for Rs. 855 and actuall charged was Rs.1462 and on top of that there is no customer feedback form available...less space for vehicles .
my vehicle regn nos is DL3C AW 3866, wagon R where i m continuously facing the same problem again and again i.e. sometimes gears gets hard and sometime its give noises like of airleaking which is due to some technical fault with the clutch and i was told at Akansha automobiles that when u have got ur vehicles clutch replaced under warranty from M/S Marketting times, delhi they have put cluth of yr 2006 and pressure plate of yr 2007 cozf this i have to face too many problems.
Pasco Automobile Gurgaon — Car Servicing
Hi,I purchased my Maruti VXI Swift car 9-10 months back and got it serviced from Pasco Automomobile,Gurgoan which was due to happen at 20000km. I went to the delear and they have made an estimate of 9000/- INR and asked me to come over next day. I asked service engineer "out of these line items which you have mentioned in budget what is avoidable at 20000km which is not mandatory". The service engineer said only Wheel balancing and alignment, rest all is mandatory. Then I went to the delear next day to take my car and asked him to show us the proof that all these are mandatory. He was only able to explain 50% items which he has mentioned. Rest he was saying it is not there after showing the same in service book. He was giving a stupid excuse that "I explained to you earlier about the features and functionality of every line item". I did not take his point and told him that just telling about feature of the service item does not mean that it is mandatory. What ever is not being mentioned in service book I will not pay.
I would rather never like to go back to same service station again for service who are befooling customer on daily basis and making money out of it.
Amit Sharma
Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score.
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maruri Wagon-R, vxi — Problem in car after first servicing and negligence
I am, Dr. Tarakranjan GUPTA a resident of east Bangalore put forward this not. I have brought a new Maruti Wagon-R ( vxi) from Indiranagar Vimal on 29th March (KA03 MJ4314) . I came with vehicle for servicing on th last week of April to Vimal Maruti, Whitefield. After servicing, the car bacame noisy as I switch on AC. I mentioned the same office over telephone and booked a complaint. But unfortunately one of the service personal told me to withdraw the complaint as he thinks it is all OK. Could you provide me any help?