[Resolved]  Mayom Hospital, Gurgaon — Gynecologist mishandling during delivery

Address: Gurgaon, Haryana

My name is K.Mastan Rao (mobile: [protected]), residing in Gurgaon since 5 years in Kendriya Vihar.

I am not sure whether I am approaching correct person/department or not. However I want to complaint about the incident happened due to wrong medical treatment I received during my wife delivery.
On March, 20th, 2011, my wife got pains (after 9 months of pregnancy) and we joined MAYOM Hospital in South city-1, Gurgaon. We joined at 1:00 AM and doctors waited (or might be they are interested in sleeping at that time) till 10:00 AM for delivery to happen. It’s Holy day. End result is I got blessed with baby girl with one complication. During delivery doctors (Gynecologist as well as pediatrician) pulled the baby so forcibly that baby right hand nerves are cut from spinal cord which resulted in baby not moving her right hand. Doctors at that time said this is temporary problem and will be recovered in 6 weeks time and advised for physiotherapy. We had done MRI to know the exact problem, MRI for 4 day baby showed nerve injury. However we waited for 6 weeks, 8 weeks and 10 weeks (as we can't go for any further treatment for 4 day baby), there is no recovery observed in baby hand movement. We are tensed and went to Bombay Hospital in Mumbai and showed to specialist (Dr. Mukund Thatte). He directly referred for Brachial plexus surgery for the baby recovery. Next day we did EMG test to make sure surgery required or not. EMG test shows surgery is must for baby to recover. Then we consulted 3 more specialist doctors in India (Coimbatore, pune, Gurgaon), all of the doctors refereed for surgery. Surgery was done on 13July11 and result is all the five nerves for hand movement got cut which is painful and doctor told that recovery will take place after 1 year. The reason we can extract from this surgery is Forcible pulling of baby.

My complaints are:
1) Doctors who did delivery (in Mayom Hospital) were mishandled the baby which caused this incident.
2) Both the Doctors (Gynecologist as well as pediatrician) told that they haven’t used any instruments during delivery. But without using instruments, it is very difficult to even predict the cut of nerves. Both these doctors held responsible for this incident.
3) Licence for Mayom Hospital to be withdrawn so that this sort of incidents will not occur.
4) Whole family life is disturbed and we are deep shock watching baby daily.
5) Baby life is at risk. Even after 1 year, no doctor is guaranteeing that baby can move right hand as left hand.

Hope I have briefed the complaint, for any further elaboration I can come and explain. Please take action and advise me how to proceed.
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Aug 13, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


Please check innumerable feedback reviews of Mayom Hospital on you tube and facebook. Just go to you tube. Type Mayom Hospital and Dr Arti Gupta and watch feedback from real patients.
dear mr rao,
my sympathies for your baby, but a natural event like childbirth some times can be unpredictable and it may not be right to blame doctor. sometimes it is bad luck ! doctors do possibly everything with good intention to help us, but all procedures and events howsoever common they may be, have small chance of going wrong like Murphy law!
I have some queries regarding this complaint-

1. What was the weight of the baby at the time of delivery.
2. If the weight of the baby was more than 3.5 kgs, such complications can occur.
3. If some rare complication has to happen in your case, it is just your bad luck.
4. Just surf the internet and find about some rare complications like - amniotic fluid embolism, Pulmonary embolism, Post partum hemorrhage. In such cases there might be death of mother during / after delivery process. In some cases the uterus / womb may have to be removed in emergency cases. What will you do / react if such complication happens to you.
5. NO DOCTOR EVER will facilitate a complication. All doctors ( irrespective of their qualification / competence) will do best for their patients.
6. What if tommorow u are flying to chennai and their is a plane crash. Can you ask the airline licence to be cancelled. Can u blame that the pilot has mishandled the plane. Some things are believed to be quite safe but they are not 100 % of the time.
7. What if you wife / child had an anaesthesia complication during surgery. Just go through the medical literature. The surgery about brachial plexus u are talking about, rarely there can be a complication when there can be even death of the patient during anesthesia. If such complication happens whom will you blame- surgeon / anesthetist / pharmaceutical company who has manufactured the drug / hospital -------
8. If some unfortunate thing has to happen to you, its your destiny. Medical science / treatments are not always / 100 % guaranteed.

You can complain only if there is medical negligence ( which is not in your case).

its sheer medical negligency and very strict action need to be taken against hospital, gynae and so called child specilist. Please do publish the names of gynae and child specialist immidiately. They should be given very very harsh punishment, which is mandatory.
Gyane name - Aarti Gupta
Child specialist name - Deepa Aagarwal
Dear All,
The mayom hospital Management is blood sucker Please open under mentioned link and that prove my statement
You know who is Dr. OP Gupta, Chairman of Mayom Hospital, Father of Dr. Manish Prakash and Dr. Saurabh Prakash
and father in law of Dr. Arti Gupta and Dr. Deepa Aggarwal who is culprit of my daughter condition. I request all of you who read this link. Please forward this massage to every one you know in gurgaon and delhi. ( Becasue every one is careful to go in this hospital before treatment.)
The above complaint has been filed by an ex-employee of the hospital who has done financial fraud with the organization. His name is Mr Kamal Tyagi. He spent some days in police lock up as well for the financial fraud and embezzlement of money from Mayom Hospital. Please ignore the above complaint. I also request all hospitals in Delhi & NCR to be beware of Mr Kamal Tyagi.
We are very happy and satisfied with treatment at Mayom Hospital. Staff and doctors are very professional and very well take care of patient.
Having seen many complicated pregnancies and deliveries (one for my wife as well before meeting Dr. Arti), the only thing I can say is, "Dr. Arti, is the finest gynecologist I have come across and may be one of the finest in our country". Having had a bad experience first time, I myself had done lot of research on Internet about pregnancy and delivery and I was able to judge things much better myself. Few matchless traits of Dr. Arti, I still remember are:

1. My wife was never given any wasteuseless medicines such as for baby weight increase etc throughout the pregnancy.
2. My wife was never asked to go for any unnecessary tests.
3. My wife was never called for unnecessary visits even though we asked for it. (cause we were scared)
4. Free phone advice of any kind was always available from Dr. Arti herself (and she never called us to hospital if we want it on phone and we were never asked to pay for it)
5. Dr. Arti is very cheerful and keeps the morale of patients very high. My wife really needed it the most and any pregnant lady needs it.

I have recommended many of my friends after having such a great experience and they all are as happy with Dr. Arti as I am.

~Rati Saurabh Saxena
I was searching internet to post my compliant against one of mobile company and noticed this page. I must appreciate Dr. Arti, she is very reliable and straight forward doctor.

We are blessed with 2 kids and thanks to her treatment and care from inception till delivery, wow what an experience and excitement during those days, thanks to Dr. Arti. I strongly recommend Mayom hospital for a very caring staff and administration, keep up good job.
I was searching internet to post my compliant against one of mobile company and noticed this page. I must appreciate Dr. Arti, she is very reliable and straight forward doctor.

We are blessed with 2 kids and thanks to her treatment and care from inception till delivery, wow what an experience and excitement during those days, thanks to Dr. Arti. I strongly recommend Mayom hospital for a very caring staff and administration, keep up good job.

Vaibhav Gupta
Manager - Planning & Engineering India,
Email: vaibhav.[protected]@fedex.com
My sympathy and very good wishes for your baby.
Lots of complications can happen during delivery of baby to both mother and baby and both in normal delivery and LSCS. And brachial plexus injury is one of them. Its human nature to blame someone else if something wrong happen to us.Normal delivery is not a big thing that a gyaenecologist need some extra skill to do it. Even today in our country more than 50percent delivery in villages are done bye local dai who has not any medical degree.
I was searching on internet about Mayom hospital's review and got onto this page. My comment is especially for Dr. Satish Kumar. The way you have written -
(Even today in our country more than 50percent delivery in villages are done bye local dai who has not any medical degree.) It shows your insensitivity towards your patients. Dai's are definitely doing their jobs from very long period but their mishandling and unhygienic way of doing things has caused so much pain for the mother and sometimes life of new-born. People moved towards hospital for better results for sure and they are paying hefty amounts to the doctors like you. So, you need to be extra careful because you are getting your living out of the bills paid by the patients like us. Yes, their can be some accidental mishappening but a doctor like you must not utter nonsense on public platform.
Dear Dr manish sir,

As per your confirmation Mr jugender appointment to day 9:30, we will reach on time in hospital but I am wait for till 11:30 is my time any cost, you are not available in hospital

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